Scott and Veronica ran as fast as they could together through the woods, trying to track Liam and Hayden, who had been taken by the Dread Doctors. They ran over to the lookout point where both teenagers shared a glance before they both roared out. Malia soon found them and ran over, "There's no scent." Scott informed Malia, panting for breath, "No tracks. No way to find them."

"But Liam can howl back, right?" Malia questioned them.

"Only if he heard us." Veronica realized as she looked up at them with wide eyes.


     The following day, Veronica ran through the woods as fast as she could, trying to outrun the Dread Doctors, who were after her. She had found Liam and Hayden and now they were after her. Leaning on a tree, Veronica pulled out her phone and quickly dialed Scott's number.

     It ended up going to voicemail, "Hey, Scott. The Dread Doctors are after me and they're close to finding me. I know where they're hiding Liam and Hayden. It's at the--" Before Veronica could finish her sentence, the line went dead, causing Veronica to groan.

    As she turned to run, the three Dread Doctors were in front of her, "Dammit." She muttered under her breath.


  Once receiving Veronica's voicemail, Scott wasn't thinking straight at all. All he wanted to do was find Veronica, Liam, and Hayden. Scott entered his house to find Malia, Theo, and Stiles standing in the living room. They quickly turned to face him once hearing him enter the house, "Hey, is Kira okay?" Stiles asked concerned as Scott began to walk past the group, ignoring them.

 "Scott?" Theo frowned in confusion.

Scott walked upstairs and made his way into his room to find Mason and Lydia standing beside Corey as he sat on his bed, talking about how he was supposed to read the Dread Doctors book, "He's right. We don't have time for that anyway." Scott told the group quickly as he rushed over to Corey.

"No, Scott, don't!" Lydia warned him, but it was too late, Scott had already dug his claws into the back of Corey's neck. Corey let out a gasp and Scott's eyes glowed red as he began to obtain the memory. 


Liam and Hayden were lying on the ground of the Dread Doctor's lair when they suddenly saw with them enter with Veronica, "Isn't that Veronica?" Hayden whispered to Liam softly.

 Liam turned his head and gasped when he saw that Hayden was right. It was Veronica, "Veronica? Veronica!" Liam shouted out worriedly as he tried to get free to save the Alpha female.

The Dread Doctors laid her down on the examination table, just as they did to Hayden just a few moments before. Liam and Hayden watched in shock as one of them placed a needle into her neck and injected her with something, "What are they doing to her? She's not a Chimera." Hayden asked Liam concerned.

"I have no clue."


After hearing the news about Veronica being taken by the Dread Doctors, Melissa had decided to do some digging on Veronica's medical history. She found herself in the file closet where she stopped on the row that had last names starting with M, "Come on, where's Morgan?" Melissa whispered to herself as she scanned through the last names, "Ah-ha!" She commented as she found Veronica's file.

 Melissa opened up the folder to find the last history being her admittance for the arrow in the shoulder, which she escaped from before surgery. Melissa began to go back a few years in medical history. 

  She stopped at the near nineteen ninety-five, which was Veronica's birthday. She gasped when she read the report on Veronica getting a lung transplant as a two-month-old baby. Melissa thought about how that meant Veronica could have been a Chimera.  At the age of two months, Veronica wouldn't have had the supernatural healing factor yet, even though it was known she got it at a young age. That meant she could have gotten sick and needed that transplant, "Oh, my God," Melisssa muttered, "Veronica could be the next Chimera."


 Veronica awakened with a gasped to find herself lying beside Liam and Hayden. She squinted her eyes a bit, placing a hand to her head. Her head was pounding at that moment and she didn't know why.

Liam soon woke up and turned to Veronica, "Are you okay?" He asked her quietly and Veronica nodded before gesturing to Hayden, who was still unconscious, "Hayden?" Liam called out in concern as he shook her a bit, "Hayden, wake up!"

Hayden winced in pain as she lifted up the bottom of her shirt to reveal black liquid coming out of her wound, "Where are we?" Hayden asked both Liam and Veronica concerned.

"No clue," Veronica replied as she took a whiff of the air, "Smells like a basement though." 

 Veronica suddenly felt a rush of pain to her side. She groaned in pain as she lifted up her top to reveal herself to have the same wound as Hayden, "What the hell?" She muttered under her breath.

 Hayden looked over at her, "What is it?" Hayden questioned, a concerned look on her face.

 Veronica quickly looked up at her, shaking her head as she hid the wound with her shirt once more, "Nothing. It's nothing." She replied before turning to see Liam on his feet.

 Liam walked over to the fence that caged the three of them in. He touched the metal fence, only to be jolted back as he got electrocuted. Liam ended up falling into Veronica lap, causing her to wince in pain as she gave the boy a glare, "Get off me. Now." Veronica demanded, glowing her red eyes.

"Sorry," Liam told her quietly as he quickly got out of her lap.

  Out of nowhere, the three teenagers heard a boy giggle, causing them to see a boy about their age sitting in the shadows, "Sorry, I probably should've warned you."

"Who the hell are you?" Veronica asked with an attitude.

"My name's Zach." He introduced himself, "And I think the better question is...What am I?"

 Both Liam and Veronica gave the boy a nervous look, feeling as if he weren't trustworthy at all, "It's okay. I'm just like you. One of the experiments. Hey, maybe you could help me with something. The guys, in the masks..." he trailed off as he used his arms to drag himself over to the three, "They took something off my back. I don't know what it was, but I can feel a part of it still there."

"You want us to look?" Liam questioned confused.

"Is that okay?" He retorted and both Liam and Hayden turned to Veronica for guidance.

The female Alpha soon nodded her head as she turned her head to look at the Chimera named Zach, "Yeah, it's okay. Show us."

 Zach slid a bit closer to them with his back facing Liam, Hayden, and Veronica. He pulled up the back of his shirt to reveal what looked like two wings that had been partly cut off sticking out of his back. Veronica's eyes widened in shock as the cut off wings began to flutter a bit, "Holy mother of hell." Veronica muttered under her breath, causing both Hayden and Liam to give her an annoyed glance, "What, guys? I'm not gonna lie to the dude. He really needs to get that crap checked out."

AN: Finally! A chapter. I wanted to write yesterday but I got so busy.
