Veronica in the passengers seat in Theo truck while Liam sat with Hayden in the back. The drive to Scott's house was mostly quiet, Liam and Hayden whispering to each other in the backseat.

  Veronica looked at her wound to see that it was healing a bit, the blood still a dark color instead of red, "It still hurts?" Veronica heard Liam ask Hayden in concern.

"Everywhere," Hayden replied, "I'm not healing. Not like I did before. That means I'm a failure, doesn't it?"

Liam was quiet for a long moment, trying to figure out the right words to say to her. Not knowing what to say to her, Liam leaned forward and kissed Hayden, veins appearing on Liam's cheek as he took her pain. After they pulled away from each other, Hayden laugh nervously, "It's gone. The pain's gone." Hayden informed him, sounding a bit shocked, "How did you do that?"

Liam shook his head slightly, "I don't know." He answered with all honesty.

 Hayden smiled at him before both teenagers leaned forward once more and kissed each other.

 As he drove, Theo quickly turned to glance at Veronica, who was smiling softly as she stared out the window, "First love. You remember what that's like?" He asked her quietly.

 Veronica shrugged slightly, her right hand still pressed against her wound, "Vividly," She replied, "It's happening right now. Scott's the true one. All the others were just mere lovers." 

"What about us?" Theo questioned and Veronica immediately turned to him, a shocked look on her face.

"You didn't actually love me so it didn't count." She replied quietly, leaning her head back against the seat as she closed her eyes. 

"But did you love me?" Theo retorted and Veronica sighed, not growing the courage to open her eyes and look him directly in the eyes.

"It was a long time ago, I can't even remember it all clearly." She lied to him before becoming silent.


Scott entered his house to see Liam and Hayden asleep on the couch with Lydia smiling as she sat beside them. Seeing Scott walk in with Malia, Theo walked over to the group. Theo hugged Scott, who immediately hugged him back, thankful that he had found Liam, Hayden, and Veronica, "She's in her room if you're wondering." Theo informed him quietly, referring to Veronica.

 The two male pulled away from the hug and everyone began to give each other a hug while Lydia placed a blanket over Liam and Hayden, "Scott?" Veronica called out as she entered the living room after taking a shower.

 Scott immediately turned around to face his girlfriend, his eyes wide. He sighed in relief to see that she was okay and ran over to her. Scott cupped her neck with his hands as he pulled her in for a passionate kiss. They kissed for a long moment before pulling away. Veronica grabbed her arms around Scott as they began to hug. "Thank God you're okay." Scott told her, "I was so worried, you have no idea."


Later on that night, Veronica sat on her bed in a baggy shirt and underwear. She sat crisscrossed, thinking about the day she had, "Hey, you okay?" Scott asked as he knocked on the frame of the door.

 The door had been wide open so Scott was able to see the look on her face, "Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine." Veronica nodded before she realized that that would be the greatest time to tell her about being a potential Chimera, "Scott, there's something I need to tell you."

 Scott gave her a nervous look as he walked over to her bed and took a seat beside her, "What is it?" Scott asked her concerned.

 Veronica sighed, grabbing Scott's hand as she held it in her own, "I lied about what memory resurfaced when I read the Dread Doctor book." She informed him and Scott's eyes widened in shock.

"What?" He frowned, "What was the real memory?"

"The memory was of a few years ago when I was in the ninth grade," She began to explain, but for some odd reason, she decided to leave out the part about Theo, "The Dread Doctors, they must have worked on me before back then. I was strapped to this examination table and they worked on me. I still have no clue what they did to me."

"But you're already supernatural, why would they try to make you a Chimera?" Scott asked her confused.

Veronica shrugged her shoulders, "I have no clue, but I have a feeling we're going to find out soon enough."

 Scott sighed as he scootched a bit closer to Veronica and hugged her, "Why didn't you tell me this before? Why did you have to lie about your real memory?"

"I'm scared, Scott. I have no clue what they did to me. Everyone other Chimera we've found has died and I don't want to end up like that, too. Lying to the people I love has always seemed to make things better for me. And even though I can tell you anything, I'm afraid I'm going to end up doing something that's going to make you look at me differently or worse, you'll leave me."

  Scott noticed Veronica was near tears and quickly used his hands to have her look at him directly in the eyes, "Hey, hey, hey. Don't ever say that. I would never look at you differently and I would never leave you. I promise." He told her and Veronica slowly nodded her head.


   Deaton sat tied to a chair in front of the Desert Wolf after finding her, a worried look on his face, "I heard that my daughters are still alive," Corrine told him as she placed her machine gun on her shoulder, "My biological daughter and stepdaughter. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"Daughters?" Deaton asked, acting as if he didn't know what she was talking about, "I don't know anything about daughters."

 Corrine lifted her gun and pointed it at Deaton, "Well, I hope you're telling the truth. Because if my daughter is still alive and standing alongside Veronica, I'm just going to have to kill her again and then kill Veronica, too. Just like I've been planning ever since she killed my husband and left me for dead."
