The sun was about to rise as the hunting party, which included  Marie-Jeanne as their leader, along with Cassandra, Sebastien, Marcel, and Henri, prepared their weapons.

   When Marie-Jeanne, who was standing while sharpening her arrows and loading them into her quivers. Marie-Jeanne noticed the concerned look on Sebastien's face, she smiled patronizingly at him as she shook her head, "You believe it?" She asked in disbelief, "I never knew you were so superstitious."

  Sebastien walked toward her and looked at her with a serious expression, "I don't need to believe in something I saw with my own eyes. Cassandra was with me, ask her."

Marie-Jeanne turned to see Cassandra walking over to them, clearly hearing her name mentioned, "Sebastien's right. We saw it." She confirmed her brother's story.

Marie-Jeanne gave both of them a skeptical look, "And I've been through every inch of these woods, and hunted just about every creature under the sun." She told them.

   Marcel, who had been quiet the whole time while listening, finally interjected in their conversation, "But not the moon." he argued.

  Marie-Jeanne narrowed her eyes as she looked back and forth between Marcel, Cassandra, and Sebastien, "Are you trying to frighten me?" She asked them, not quite believing them.

"We're trying to warn you," Sebastien replied in a calm tone.

   When Marie-Jeanne looked at him expectantly, Cassandra walked over to him and picked up one of her arrows that laid on the table in front of him. She held it up, running her thumb over the metallic arrowhead, "You're going to need more than ordinary steel to stop the Beast, Sister." She commented, taking a quick glance at her younger sister before back at the arrow in her hand.

   As the sun rose, the hunting party began to file out of the tavern and into the snowy woods to hunt for the Beast. She heard a clicking sound and turned her head to find Marcel using the keys Bernard gave him to lock the padlock on the door to the storm cellar. He looked nervous when he realized Marie-Jeanne was staring at him, but quickly covered it up with a smile and waved at her, which Marie-Jeanne gladly returned. Marie-Jeanne was one of the last to leave. She hung back just so she could finish tying her cloak strings around her neck and adjust the quiver strapped across her back.


   Moments after midnight in Gévaudan, where, one by one, the hunting party was suddenly knocked off their feet and dragged away by the Beasts, who then viciously tore each of them apart. Marie-Jeanne looked terrified as she turned in the direction of the noise the Beasts were making. She shot off arrow after arrow in each new direction she faced. When she saw the bloodied body of one of her companions lying in the snow, she became even more scared.

  Breathing quickly, she finally got a quick glance at one of the Beasts and shot another bolt at it, which barely grazed it's shoulder before it turned and ran away.

  When she went to chase after it, the Beast swerved and ended up right behind her alongside the Beast. One of them had glowing blue eyes while the other had green. The green-eyed Beast growled before swiping Marie-Jeanne in the leg with his claws. The pain from the gash caused her to drop her crossbow onto the ground and scream out. She quickly pulled out a knife from her waist to make up for it as she tried to stop the blood flow by pressing her hand against the wound.

   As she backed away, the Beasts slowly began to stalk toward her, growling under their breath as they did so. Just as she got ready for her untimely end, Henri came out of the woods and lunged toward, "Get down!" He shouted out.

  Henry leaped, wrapping his right around her shoulder as he threw flung a bag full of black powder in a circle around them.

  Both Beasts leaped forward to tackle them, but was stopped by a bluish-purple mystical barrier as Henri and Marie-Jeanne fell to the ground inside the ring of mountain ash. Realizing that they weren't getting through, the Beasts became frustrated and ran in the opposite direction, leaving a horrified Marie-Jeanne with Henri to process what just happened.

  Marie-Jeanne looked at her rescuer with disbelieving eyes, "That...That was no wolf!" She told him, panting for breath.

Henri gave Marie-Jeanne an exasperated look, "Of course not, you fool! " He replied as he grabbed Marie Jeanne's hand and helped her up, "It was a werewolf."


At the Beacon Hills High School, people screamed as they ran for their lives, trying to outrun the two monstrous Beasts running around the school in search of prey.

A girl sat on the ground, slowing backing away from the doors she heard the Beasts coming toward. She quickly got up off the ground and Scott grabbed her by the arms before pushing her into the empty class, "Come on," He told her as she fell onto the ground. He entered the room with the blonde haired girl and closed the door behind him.

The girl slightly gasped when she saw how badly Scott was hurt. He had a nasty wound on his left temple and a slash to his shoulder. It was quiet between them as Scott peaked out the window on the door. Suddenly the Beast slammed against the door, trying to get in, "Go! Go out the window!" Scott shouted at her, pressing his body against the door to stop the Beasts from getting in.

The girl wasted no time scrambling to her feet and heading toward the window just as the Beast pounded the door so hard that the small window in it shattered, causing the glass to pour all over Scott. The girl looked back at Scott, clearly feeling guilty about leaving him behind, but Scott began to yell at her once again, "Go!" He yelled at her in a pleading tone.

  The Beast continued to bang on the door as the girl reluctantly threw herself out the window. Just then, one of the Beast's fist punched through the door, grabbing Scott by the throat, and pulling him out forcefully with a roar.
