Scott managed to briefly escape the Beasts and ran into the library, where he panted as he attempted to catch his breath. His face and clothes were still covered in his own blood from the numerous injuries he had gotten that night. Scott didn't want to admit the truth to himself, but sooner or later, he was going to have to.

Veronica had been missing ever since the ending of the Lacrosse game and the grey Beast with the green eyes seemed attack to anyone in its, but mostly tried to attack him while the other Beast attacked anything, no certain people.

Scott looked around and became horrified when he realized that there were dozens of students hiding in the aisles, including Sydney, who looked deeply frightened. When they heard the sounds of the Beasts roaring in the distance, many of the students whimpered in fear as Scott gave them serious looks, "Go upstairs!" He shouted to them.

The students immediately did as Scott told them to and moved up to the top level, where they positioned themselves in between the shelves where could still see what was happening.

Scott turned to face the door as he heard the footsteps of the Beasts as they ran toward them. When the Beast finally broke through the doors and roared at Scott, Scott noticed it was just the green-eyed one, not the other, "Please, don't let me be right about you." Scott whispered to him before his Scott's eyes glowed bright red. He let his werewolf fangs out and roared right back.



Marie-Jeanne knew she couldn't just take out another hunting party armed with mistletoe and rowan berries. She needed an advantage. She needed to know her enemy.

In French Tavern in Gévaudan, Marie-Jeanne had just brought several large bottles of berry wine to the tables. Marie-Jeanne looked around at the tavern's patrons as she set more berry wine on the table, "To honor the dead. I expect everyone to drink." She told the people in the tavern.

Sebastien and Cassandra quickly picked up their own bottles and began to fill the glasses of the people around them to assist their sister. Once everyone had a glass, Sebastien held his own up in the air, "To the dead." He spoke up.

"To the dead!" The patrons lifted up their glasses also.

Everyone drank their wine, not noticing that Marie-Jeanne stared around the room for anything unusual as she lifted her glass to her lips.

After Marcel took a sip, he noticed the rowan berries at the bottom of his glass, which caused his eyes to widen in horror. He looked over at Cassandra and Sebastien, who had already gulped down their whole glass of wine. Everyone was soon startled by the sound of glass breaking and turned to see that Marcel had smashed his glass in his hands.

Cassandra and Sebastien shared a look before looking over at Marcel with concerned looking faces, "Marcel..." Sebastien spoke up, sounding worried as he approached his friend.

Before anyone else could react, Marie-Jeanne rushed over him and took his injured hand in her own, "I have got him. Come, Marcel. Out to the well." Marie-Jeanne lead Marcel out to the well

Once both twin siblings heard Marcel take the blame for their mess, Sebastien and Cassandra began to feel the effects of the rowan berries in the wine started to take hold, they began to cough and gasp.

Sebastian backed up into the wall and started tugging at his collar as his eyes started to glow bright beta blue color and his fangs started to come out, though the rest of the patrons were too distracted by their own conversation to notice.


Once coming back into the tavern, Marie-Jeanne confronted her two older siblings. She walked over to where Sebastien and Cassandra sat beside each other at a table and took a seat across from them, "You have killed children." Marie told them, causing both to look up.

Cassandra shook her head in disagreement, "No," She argued, "We just kill whatever happens to cross our paths."

Marie-Jeanne looked horrified by Cassandra's response, "Why?" She asked them.

Sebastien shrugged, "It's what we are. What we've become. Now, what happens to one of us, happens to us both. You've heard the old story of what happens when you drink rainwater from a wolf's print," He explained to his younger sister, "You become the Demon-Wolf."

Cassandra noticed that Marie-Jeanne looked absolutely disgusted by what she learned from her brother her sister. Marie began to look around the tavern with a worried expression, though Sebastien was calm as ever while Cassandra was amused, "Go ahead, sister," Cassandra encouraged her as she gestured around at everyone in the tavern, "Tell them that it is us. Watch as I tear each and every one of them apart in a matter of seconds--every single soul in this place.

Marie-Jeanne shook her head in disbelief that her own flesh and blood could be so cruel and heartless. And Cassandra, the family whom she thought was the purest, yet she happened to be even worse than Sebastien.

"You are monsters." Marie Jeanne whispered to them.

Sebastien clicked his tongue in amusement as he shook his head, "Beasts, Marie-Jeanne. The Beasts." he corrected her.

Sebastien stood to his feet alongside Cassandra. They both walked over to Marie-Jeanne before they each kissed their younger sister on the side of the head just to antagonize her even more. Marie-Jeanne froze in both fury and terror, torn between her desire for vengeance and her desire to keep the rest of the people in the tavern safe, You won't catch us," Cassandra lowered her voice to just a whisper, "And you won't kill us."

"We're family, Marie-Jeanne. We're family." Sebastien added in before both himself and Cassandra fled the tavern.

Both siblings would travel around France for three more years, killing hundreds of people, the majority of them being murdered by Cassandra. She was worse than Marcel, being a natural born killer before becoming a werewolf.
