The Beasts had just shifted back into Sebastien and Cassandra, both of which had left an injured and unconscious Parrish behind as they walked toward the deputy's car. Once entering the car, the two siblings were completely astonished by the technology inside of it, but after a moment, Cassandra, who was in the driver's side seat, closed her eyes and allowed herself to see visions of Veronica's memories.

After watching Veronica turn the key to start a black car's ignition and adjust the rear-view mirror, Cassandra glanced at her twin brother before doing the same, smiling in satisfaction. As she began to access Veronica's memories once more to learn how to drive, she winced when her mind was clouded with flashes of memories of Veronica and Scott together.

"What is it?" Sebastien asked his sister, confused about why they hadn't started to drive yet.

Cassandra sighed out, turning to look at her brother as she shook her head slightly, "This woman I am possessing," She spoke up in an annoyed tone, "She's trying to fight for control and memories of her and her lover keep clouding my mind." She explained before finally beginning to drive, "If I find that boy, I will kill him and maybe then she will stop."


At the Animal Clinic, the Surgeon was laying on the exam table while Stiles, Deaton, Scott, and Liam surrounded him, looking concerned, "Can you keep him alive?" He asked Deaton worriedly.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive," Deaton replied nervously.

Liam scoffed loudly, "Screw keeping him alive! How do we get him to talk?"

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough..." Stiles trailed off, "Too bad Veronica's not here to side with me."

"Don't!" Scott nearly shouted as he glared at Stiles, "Don't mention her."

Stiles lifted his hands up in surrender as the whole group gave him a look, "Come..." A male voice suddenly called out, causing Liam to frown as he heard it and turned to look at the rest of the group.

"Did you hear that?" Liam asked the group concerned.

Scott frowned also and focused his hearing as another voice called out this time, now a female, "Come to us..." She called out, "To me..."

Suddenly, The Surgeon bolted upright and caused an ear-piercing loud noise to ring loudly throughout the room, which forced Deaton, Scott, Liam, and Stiles to cover their ears with their hands. While they were distracted, The Surgeon stood up and got ready to leave. Liam growled and lunged toward him before Scott could stop him, "Liam, wait!" He shouted out in warning.

The Surgeon turned and caused an electromagnetic blast from his hand that shoved Liam backward into the wall behind him before he crashed to the floor. The Surgeon walked out the door and raised his hand before he walked into the parking lot, which caused all of the metal furniture to fly toward the door to the exam room. Liam got to his feet, rubbing his sore neck, but when he and Scott started to chase after The Surgeon, Deaton stopped them, "Stop. It's electrified." He warned them and Scott's eyes widened in shock as he gently held out his hand to feel the static electricity coming off of the furniture.

Meanwhile, The Surgeon had just made it outside, and after using his powers to knock out all of the lights, he dropped to his knees. Sebastien and Cassandra approached him and gave him a hard look before Sebastien took The Surgeon's mask off, revealing a withered old man underneath with a bit of white hair on his frail head and blood pouring out of his mouth.

Cassandra and Sebastien's eyes widened when they recognized him to be Marcel, their old friend from centuries ago. The same one that covered for them when they killed all those people, "Marcel...if this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled." Sebastien told his former friend.

"For you...All for you..." Marcel croaked out.

"What did you do with it, Marcel? Where's the pike?" Cassandra questioned in a stern, strict tone. Unlike Sebastien, she didn't want to make small talk with her old friend. She wanted to find the pike and that was all.

"The Argents..." Marcel informed the twin siblings, who shared a glance with each other.


After leaving the Animal clinic, Sebastien and Cassandra had just walked up to the front desk at the station, where Valerie Clarke was working, "Who did you say you were looking for?" She asked the two.

"The man's name is Argent," Sebastien told her, his French accent thick.

After hearing the familiar last name, Sheriff Stillinski appeared in the doorway, "Did you say 'Argent'?" Sheriff asked them.

Soon after, inside Sheriff's office, Sebastien and Cassandra were sitting in chairs in front of the desk. Sheriff's phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen to read his texts, "Sorry, my son likes to leave--" he began to tell them, only to have his phone buzz again. The sheriff looked momentarily concerned at whatever the message from Stiles says, which didn't go unnoticed to the two Beasts. However, Sheriff quickly put on his poker face to hide his emotions, "--Incredibly long and incredibly confusing messages.

Sebastien looked at him curiously, and Sheriff gulped nervously before sitting behind his desk, "Maybe I should just turn the damn thing..." he trailed off as he shut off his phone and set it down on the desk before finally addressing him.

"So...the two of you looking for one of the Argents?" Sheriff Stillinski questioned.

Cassandra listened in on the sound of Sheriff's heartbeat, which was quick enough that she could tell Sheriff was anxious about their presence. She smirked in satisfaction, glancing at her brother, who seemed to have noticed it too. Cassandra turned to look at Sheriff Stillinski, "You seem to know who we are. That means you know what we're capable of."

"I've got some experience." He replied in a calm tone.

Sebastien looked at Sheriff Stillinski amused, "Your weapons may be more sophisticated than the arrows and the bullets of our time, but they still won't kill us." He commented.

Sheriff Stillinski scoffed loudly as he took his sidearm out of the holster on his hip and set it down on the desk with a glare, "I'm pretty sure a 9mm Beretta will do more damage than an 18th century musket." he threatened the two siblings.

"Are you certain?" Cassandra challenged, "We can walk out of this place with our hands clean... or, we can walk out with them drenched in blood. The choice is yours."

Sheriff sighed and looked torn for a long moment.

Meanwhile later, in the main office of the station, Clarke watched as Sheriff Stillinski lead Cassandra and Sebastien out. When she saw the gun in Sheriff's hands, she immediately stood up and placed her hand on her gun, "Sir?" Clarke called out concerned.

"Clarke, don't!" Sheriff Stillinski warned her.

"Stop where you are. Both of you." She demanded sternly, clearly not knowing what she was getting herself into.

"Let them go." Sheriff Stillinski warned her once more as both Sebastien and Cassandra's eyes began to glow its significant colors.

Cassandra fangs and claws came out, and her eyes began to glow bright green as she turned to lunge toward Clarke while Sheriff aimed his gun at Sebastien and shouted at both beasts, "No!"

Clarke and Sheriff both started shooting at Sebastien and Cassandra as they rushed toward Clarke. Though the bullets did slow them down somewhat, they didn't stop them as Cassandra did the honors of knocking them both out.

A moment later, Hayden walked into the station to see her sister and was horrified by the sight of an injured Sheriff crawling toward where he dropped his gun several feet away. Lydia had just come into the bullpen and was staring wide-eyed at Cassandra as she stalked toward her, Sebastien following close behind her.

Cassandra wrapped her clawed hand around Lydia's throat and reared back her other arm to claw out her chest when Lydia suddenly Banshee screamed in her face, thrusting her hands forward and using the force of her voice to throw both her and Sebastien backward toward the Sheriff's office.

Hayden looked shocked as she witnessed Lydia's powers in action and became concerned as Lydia wrapped her hands around her severely bleeding throat and fell to her knees.

Cassandra and Sebastien slowly got to their feet and looked over at Hayden, who was beginning to panic. When Sebastien closes his eyes, he saw Mason's memories of Hayden and recognized her identity, "Hayden. Your name is Hayden."

Hayden's eyes widened in fear as Cassandra lunged toward her.
