Malia and Veronica stood in the Coyote den in the woods while Malia held her deceased sister's doll in her hand. Veronica sniffed the air, only to smell Theo's scent. The two females turned around to see a black wolf enter the Coyote den. Malia seemed shocked by this while Veronica was unamused.

Suddenly, the wolf turned back into a human and it turned out to Theo, just as Veronica presumed. Of course, he was naked when he turned back, causing Veronica to look away, "How did you do that?" Malia asked shocked, "Only Veronica knows how to do that."

"Do you want to learn?" Theo questioned curiously as he walked closer to the two girls, "I can show you."

"You're showing us plenty right now, Theodore." Veronica retorted with an attitude.

"I got nothing to hide," Theo told her as he walked out of the shadows, revealing himself even more.

"And we are?" Malia asked him, a curiously look on her face.

"Did you guys tell Scott you're planning to kill your mother together," Theo questioned and Veronica rolled her eyes, "Sorry, I mean step-mother in V's case," he corrected himself, "Don't worry. I'm not judging you guys. I want to help."

"Why?" Malia replied in a calm tone.

"Because I know Scott won't," Theo told them, "I'm trying to help all of you. If Scott can't do it, then someone else needs to take the lead. Usually, that person is you, Veronica, but you seemed to be doing nothing," he explained, "You know they're moving Hayden to the hospital, right?" He asked and both females shook their heads, "But Hayden's still a Chimera, and there's three more we haven't found yet, and they're still dangerous. They need help. They need the two of you."


On the under-construction fourth floor of the hospital, bags of Donor Marrow laid in a bloody mess on the floor. There were slurping sounds coming from afar as Malia and Veronica walked in. The lock from the room where the two females heard the growls were twisted and broken on the floor near the bags.

A figure stood behind the tarp. It was a Chimera. The chimera had a large bony spike sticking out of the back of his hand and another, shorter spike coming from his wrist. He slurped on a bag of marrow as he stares at Malia and Veronica with deep-set eyes.

Suddenly, she got up and the bag slipped from his lips, landing on the floor. He growled and runs for both girls, who got ready to fight him.

Veronica roared out, glowing her red eyes with her fangs and claws bared. As the two females began to fight him, the chimera tried to take a punch at Malia. Veronica growled, grabbing his arm and twisting it as he pinned him to the wall.

He suddenly grabbed her by the neck and pushed to the ground before Malia began to fight him. Malia punched him as hard as she could, causing him to flip over. The Chimera soon got up off the floor and began to fight him. Veronica held him back by the arms as Malia swung punches at him.

The Chimera soon got out of Veronica grip after slashing her and got ready to punch Malia, only to have an electricity bullet suddenly pierce itself into his body.

Veronica looked up shocked when she saw that it was Braden who had come to their aid. The Chimera soon ran for his life, not wanting to be killed, "What the hell was that?" Braeden asked her shocked.


Braeden, Veronica, and Malia exited the hospital as they began to talk with each other, "I don't know what's going on around here, but I'm guessing things are bad again."

"Most Definetely." "Very." Veronica and Malia answered at the same time.

"Well then, this is going to sound worse," Braden informed them, "Cause your plan..." She trailed off and Veronica's eyes widened in shock.

"She knows." Veronica realized.

"Yeah," Braeden told her, "And she's coming. The Desert Wolf knows you're alive, Malia. And she's coming back to Beacon Hills. For both of you."


Once getting the call from Melissa, Veronica entered the Library with her in search of Scott, "Scott? Scott!" Melissa called out as she turned to Veronica, "What is it?"

"I smell blood. Lots of it." Veronica ran into the library alongside Melissa to find Mason lying beside Scott's dead body, "No, no, no. This can't happen. What happened?"

Veronica and Malia dropped to Scott's side. Melissa glanced up at Veronica, who had tears welled in her eyes, "Theo--" Mason began to explain to her and Veronica's eyes filled with fury as they glowed red.

"I'm going to kill that bastard," Veronica growled as she got up, "Slowly and painfully."

As she went to walk away, she suddenly heard Melissa counting, "One, two, three, four, five..." Melissa whispered as she began to give Scott CPR.

"What are you doing?" Mason and Veronica asked her in unison.

Melissa ignored them and continued to count, "Melissa, what are you doing?" Veronica asked concerned.

"Bringing him back," Melissa replied, continuing to give her son CPR.

"But his...His heart. He..." Mason stammered, "He hasn't had a pulse in over fifteen minutes. You can't bring someone back that's..."

"He's not someone. He's my son," Melissa argued, "And he's an Alpha. And he's too strong to die like this! Come on!"

"Open your eyes and look at me, okay?" Melissa told her son as Veronica began to speak up.

"Melissa, let me try. I think I may have an idea." Veronica told her and Melissa frowned but quickly listened as she slowly backed up, "Veronica began to do CPR on him, but much quicker than Melissa did. She bent her head down, blocking Scott's nose as she blew air into his mouth.

"Veronica, listen, it's--" Mason began to try and stop her.

"Mason, just shut up! I got this!" Veronica growled out as her eyes glowed red, "Scott's too strong and too good of a person to die like this. Come on, Scott. You can do this. You're a true Alpha. A powerful one. You're an Alpha, Scott."

Veronica shut her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Suddenly, she opened them, her eyes glowing red. Veronica roared out, as she balled her hand into a fight and slammed it down on his chest where his heart was.

As her first hit his chest and he heard her roar, Scott's eyes opened and his eyes glowed red. He lifted his head up, letting out a large roar. A smile appeared on Veronica's lips as she slightly laughed out, "It worked." Melissa gasped as she looked over at Veronica, "You did it, Veronica."

Scott sat up and hugged Veronica. Veronica immediately wrapped her arms around him, "I'm sorry, Scott. I've had this feeling about Theo this whole time, but I thought I was wrong so I didn't say anything. Part of my memory was that Theo was there and working with the Dread Doctors, but I never said anything." She rambled to him.

Scott nodded, "I know," He replied, "Theo told me before he killed me that he's been tricking you more than anyone else in the pack this whole entire time. He purposely turned me against you and tried to make you an enemy."


Later on that night, Scott sat on his bed while Veronica tended to his wounds, "I lost, V." Scott admitted quietly.

Veronica sighed, slowly nodding her head in understanding, "Every leader suffer loss. It's nothing new. Sometimes it's more than you think you can take." She explained to him.

"But this time, I lost everyone," Scott informed her, looking down in disappointment.

"You still have me," She assured him and Scott instantly looked up.

"You're not mad that I believed Theo over you and Stiles?" Scott asked her shocked.

Veronica slightly smiled as she shook her head, "No, I understand that Theo was purposely trying to turn us all against each other. And I mean, who wouldn't believe that I helped somebody kill another individual."

"From now on, me," Scott promised her as he grabbed Veronica's hand and held it in his own, "You've stuck by me through it all. If you make sure to always tell me the truth, I'll always believe you."

"We'll get the pack back, you know that, right?" Veronica reminded him, "We have to."

"Why would they come back?" Scott asked her, "I understand them going back to you, but why me?"

"Because you're their leader," Veronica replied and Scott looked up.

"You are, too, though," Scott retorted, "The better one, too."

Veronica shook her head before she began to continue on, "Scott, some words of advice: Even when a leader thinks that there is nothing left to give, there's still one thing. Hope." She explained to him, "When everyone else believed there was no way in saving Stiles when he was possessed by the Nogitsune, you still believed you could save him. And guess what? We did."

"I love you more than anything, you know that, right?" Scott reminded her, a small, yet fragile smile appearing on his lips, "I would never have been able to get through the past two years without you."

"I love you, too." Veronica told him back as she moved bit closer to him and kissed him.

Scott slid over to the right, giving Veronica to lay next to him. He turned to his side as Veronica laid down next to him. Scott wrapped his back around Veronica body and pulled her closer, letting them both spoon, "You know what?" Scott spoke up.

"What?" Veronica asked him curiously.

"We have never been on a date," Scott informed her and Veronica couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, Scott," Veronica replied dramatically, "I have a feeling we're not going to be able to do that for a while."

"Should I plan a reservation for the last day of senior year then?" Scott asked her jokingly, causing them both to laugh.

AN: Last part of Season 5A, now off to 5B. I had 5A all planned out, but 5B is a different story.
