AN: Skipping episodes 16 + 17

After a long night of trying to save Lydia from Eichen House, the teenagers ended up doing so and now were stuck on their main goal: Stop the Beasts

Chris Argent arrived at the front of Beacon Hills school. He was walking up the stone steps leading to the entrance but stopped at the sight of a burning banner for the charity lacrosse game lying on the steps in front of him. His entire body tensed as he slowly made his way up toward the school, keeping himself on high alert.

Just a few moments later, the boys arrived at the school in the Jeep, where they all piled out into the parking lot and walked toward the school as well.

Since Liam was in the back seat, he was the last one out, and accidentally slammed the door closed too hard, startling the others with the loud banging noise it had created. Scott and Stiles turned back to look at Liam. Scott simply looked annoyed, while Stiles is giving Liam a dirty look.

Liam looked embarrassed by this and made a face, "Sorry." He apologized.

The boys walked toward the school under the catwalk, where they found Argent walking toward them, his gun in hand at his side. Argent looked around anxiously as the boys rushed toward him to see what was going on, "Where's Parrish?" Scott asked concerned.

"I lost him. He's moving too fast." Chris replied before looking around, "Where's Veronica?"

Stiles shrugged, looking over at Scott, who sighed, "She'll be here."

"Yeah, you say that a lot lately," Stiles remarked, "Now that the rest of the pack is coming back together, Veronica seems to be drifting away and no one knows why."

Scott glared at Stiles because of his remark, while Liam, who looked uncomfortable, began to glance around. His eyes widened in alarm when he saw something in the distance under the catwalk, "Scott..." Liam spoke up, sounding worried, "That guy's not moving at all..."

All the men turned to see what Liam was looking at and found that a man's body was lying in a puddle of blood several meters away under the catwalk.

Argent, Scott, and Liam all started to walk toward it, but Stiles grabbed Scott by the elbow and makes a face as if to say, 'Are you kidding me?'

Scott jerked his head toward the body as he looked over at his best friend, and Stiles reluctantly followed after them. When they finally made it over to the body, they all looked horrified when they saw that the victim's chest and abdomen had been completely torn to shreds by large claws.

The four men slowly stepped over the large puddle of blood to follow the carnage out from under the catwalk. They ended up finding another body lying several meters away, near the bus bay, that had been just as badly mauled as the first man.

As they moved closer, Liam noticed that the bus next to the body had the back doors of it opened to reveal dozens of mauled people inside, "Look." Liam spoke up, gesturing his head to inside the bus.

Argent, Scott, and Stiles squinted their eyes and looked just as horrified as Liam did when they saw just how many people were brutally ripped to shreds and sprawled across the floor and hanging over the seats.

Much to their surprise, one of the people on the bus, a young blonde boy, was still alive and coughed before reaching out toward them as he pleaded for help.

"Help...me..." He pleaded quietly

Scott began to take a step toward him in an attempt to help, but was suddenly stopped when Parrish appeared, his eyes are glowing with fire and his fangs and claws out The veins of what looks like magma crackled through the soot-covered skin on his chest and back, making it clear to them that the Hellhound was currently in charge.

"It's a trap." The hellhound spoke to them.

Scott and the others looked conflicted as the victim continued to plead with them, "Please..."

The Hellhound looked back at Scott as he once again walked toward the bus to help and stopped him with a stern tone of voice, "You can't help him."

Just then, two terrifying roars were heard just before the body of the victim was ripped in half and thrown onto the ground in front of the bus. His internal organs spilled out onto the pavement, which made the men became filled with both disgust and horror.

A shadowy figure then made its way closer to the open back doors of the bus, revealing that one of the Beasts were in the bus, confirming that he was responsible for mauling all the students.

The second one appeared beside the other, it's green eyes glowing. Scott's eyes widen as he gulped nervously, and Stiles, who hadn't seen the Beast in person before, looked absolutely terrified, "Those are big... No one said they were that big!" Stiles complained.

"I did," Liam whispered to him.

The Beasts roared menacingly at the group, and the Hellhound possessing Parrish flicked out his claws and bursted into flames before roaring back. The Beasts then stomped down the aisle of the bus, and leaped through the windshield, running into the woods at high-speed while the Hellhound chases after them. The three supernatural creatures run so quickly that they quickly vanished into the tree line before the others could even process what was happening.

Scott and the others looked completely overwhelmed, "What the hell is happening?" Scott asked, clearly stunned

Argent sighed, "They're getting smarter."

It was quiet for a moment before Liam suddenly sniffed the air, "Scott, you smell that?" Liam asked the male Alpha, a frown on his face.

"Smell what?" Scott questioned, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Veronica's scent."


Just a few hours prior, Scott and Veronica were sprawled out on Veronica's bed, where they' were making out with each other. Scott was shirtless, wearing only his khaki pants, while Veronica was wearing a simple tank top and cheeky black underwear. Veronica was straddling Scott as he laid on the bed with his hands placed on her waist.

Veronica sighed as she pulled away from the kiss, "I can't believe we're supposed to play a lacrosse game tomorrow." She told him, not sounding too hyped.

Scott chuckled quietly as he kissed Veronica softly, and they made out for a brief moment before pulling away to continue their conversation, "I actually forgot until I saw the banner at school." He replied, causing Veronica to smile.

"How are supposed to play a lacrosse game when there are two monstrous Beasts running around Beacon Hills at night?" She asked him and Scott shrugged.

"We'll get through it," Scott assured her, "Just like we always do."

It was quiet for a moment before spoke up once more, "Us against the world?" He questioned and Veronica let out a small laugh as she nodded her head.

"Us against the world." Veronica smiled as she leaned forward to kiss him for a long moment before removing her shirt, revealing a black bra underneath.

The two began to make out even more passionately and Scott grabbed Veronica by the waist before switching the position so he was now on top.

Veronica giggled happily as she wraps her legs around him and leaned in for a kiss. Scott kissed Veronica once more before pulling away, "I love you." He told her with a smile.

"I love you, too." She replied quietly.


Just a few hours later on that night, Scott was seemingly asleep on Veronica' bed with Veronica lying beside him. She suddenly woke up and quietly stood to her feet.

Veronica put her clothes on without making a single nose before heading toward the bedroom door. Scott woke up from his sleep to wake up to see Veronica walking past the mirror, which revealed her brown eyes to completely turn green as she left the room. Figuring it was just a dream, Scott didn't say anything and soon closed his eyes.

Flashback Over:

Scott turned around to face Liam, "It's probably nothing. Don't worry about it." He assured his beta, who quickly nodded his head in agreement.

AN: If it isn't clear by now, Veronica's the second beast. The Backstory of the original beast will come in a few chapters and I'll use a whole 1-2 just for the flashbacks.

Also, just so you guys know, Scott clearly deep down inside knows Veronica's one of the Beasts from all the clues (Disappearing at night, the time where her eyes glowed green, her appearing out of nowhere, Liam catching her scent where the Beasts are located, Stiles joking about her being the beast and Scott getting offended) He just doesn't want to admit that it's her out loud bc he still hopes that it's not true.
