The following morning, Veronica sat beside Scott in AP Biology as she always did. Once Mrs. Finch was done writing on the board, she turned to the class, "If ninety-nine point nine percent of our DNA sequence is the same as other humans, what could account for the missing point one percent difference. Theo?" She called out, pointing to Theo, who was now sitting behind Scott instead of at the back of the class.

"Um, nucleotides." He answered in a calm tone.

"That's right," Mrs. Finch replied as she nodded her head.

Veronica glanced down at what Scott was writing and she immediately noticed that it wasn't about class, it was about all of the things Deaton had told them before he left. Veronica turned her head to see Kira raising her hand, "Yes, Kira?" Mrs. Finch spoke up.

"Can there be more than one species in the same DNA?" Kira asked curiously, causing both Scott and Veronica to turn to her.

"No," Mrs. Finch replied, "But there can be multiple sets of DNA in the same individual. We call that a chimera. Anyone know where that term comes from?" She questioned as she began to walk around the classroom.

 Veronica immediately raised her hand, knowing the answer, "Veronica?" Mrs. Finch pointed to the female Alpha.

"Greek Mythology," She answered with a confident smile, "It's a lion with a goat coming out its back and a tail that ends in the head of a snake."

"That's right, Veronica," Mrs. Finch told her, "How did you know all of that?"

"I did a project on it during eighth grade at my old school," She informed her as she turned to Theo, who instantly looked up, remembering himself doing that project with her.

"That gets us into the next topic of mutation." Mrs. Finch spoke up to the whole class, "As you know from the reading, DNA is a fragile molecule. Isn't it, Scott?" Scott immediately looked up once hearing his name, "Or did you miss last night's assigned reading?"

"Kind of," Scott replied quietly.

"Kind of or yes?" She questioned him.

Scott looked down at his paper, ashamed, "Mostly yes."

"Well, then thank you for another helpful transition in topic." She spoke up as she walked over to stand beside her desk, "Drop forms. All those now acutely aware that they do not belong in this class, you should fill one out."

 As Mrs. Finch walked around the classroom, she placed drop forms on the desks of the people she thought needed them. She then walked over to her desk and placed them on top of it, "The rest will be on my desk."

 The class was then dismissed and Veronica got up from her seat, making her way into the hallway. She stopped and frowned when she saw Scott standing in front of the pile of drop forms. He glanced over at Mrs. Finch, who didn't seem too happy. Scott sighed before picking one up and following Veronica out of the classroom. Veronica wanted to ask him about it, but she didn't want Scott to get offended or anything.


 That night, Veronica put on her red dress with heels before heading for her bedroom door. She placed on her jacket as she passed by Scott's bedroom door to see him sitting on his bed, studying, "Hey, what are you doing?" She asked curiously.

 Scott immediately looked up at her and smiled when she saw how beautiful she looked in her dress, "Studying for Econ," He replied calmly, "Where are you going?"

"Mason and Liam are forcing me to go to a club called The Sinema with them," She informed him with a smile.

"Well, go have fun. You deserve it with the way you juggle tracking the Desert Wolf, AP classes, and pack business." Scott smiled at her as Veronica walked over to him.

 She sat on the side of his bed and kissed him quickly on the lips, "You should come." She invited him, only to have Scott give her a confused look.

"Isn't where you're going a gay club?" Scott asked curiously and Izzy nodded, "I think I'll pass. Last time I went to a gay club I was trying to save Danny from his best friend Jackson when he was in Kanima form."


Music could be heard inside the Sinema as Mason, Liam, and Veronica walked up to the club. Mason sighed when he saw Liam was too busy on his phone, "Can you put your phone away for five minutes?" Mason asked Liam, clearly annoyed, "Scott can howl if he needs you guys."

 Liam took one last look at his phone before putting it back in his pocket, "I just feel like we should be doing something." Liam sighed out as he glanced over at his friends.

"We are." Veronica added in with a smile, "We're being human tonight. Not werewolves for once."

"Veronica's right. You're my wingman tonight, Liam." Mason smiled at Liam, he then looked over at Veronica, "And you're my wing girl. And considering the state of my dating life, I need wingmen, copilots, and a sexy flight attendant."

 "I'm definitely not your sexy flight attendant." Liam laughed at Mason.

 Veronica turned to Liam and smirked, placing her right hand on his shoulder, "Oh Dunbar, but I am." She told the young beta jokingly.

"See, that's the spirit!" Mason praised her, patting her on the back as the three teenagers walked up to the side entrance of the Sinema.

 Veronica walked forward and knocked on the door. With Liam's luck, Hayden, the girl who hated his guts, opened it. Hayden was smiling at Veronica and Mason until she saw Liam standing beside them.

  Hayden sighed annoyed as she turned to Mason and Veronica, "I said I would let you guys," She told them as she looked over at Liam with a cold stare, "Not him."

"You said we could have a plus one," Mason replied, confused about it.

"I didn't say plus Liam." She snapped back at him with an attitude.

"I'm his other flight attendant." Liam spoke up after being so quiet, which clearly confused Hayden.

"What?" She asked him, staring at him with a puzzled look.

"Wingman," he replied, rolling his eyes, "Forget it. I don't have to go in."

   Liam was about to walk away until Veronica stopped him by grabbing ahold of his forearm, "No, you're coming okay?" She insisted.

  Veronica dug her free hand into the pocket of her leather jacket and pick out a hundred dollar bill, "How 'bout the three of us and Benjamin Franklin?" She smiled as she held the bill out in front of Hayden in between her two fingers

Hayden quickly took the bill and gave the three teens a fake smile, "Welcome to the Sinema." Hayden replied sarcastically, holding the door open.

  Veronica smirked in satisfaction as she led the two younger teenagers into the club. Veronica looked around in amazement as she came across to see an old-fashioned countdown for a movie projecting on the wall. Veronica pushed the beaded curtain out of the way to reveal the Sinema filled with numerous people that seemed to be in their twenties. The people were dancing, drinking,  and having the best of times.

  "See? This is my kind of place!" Veronica commented with a bright smile on her face.

 The trio made their way through the crowds of people, over to the bar. Liam looked around nervously to see everyone seemed to be way older than him,"Veronica may pass for twenty-one, but the both of don't look old enough to be here at all" Liam told Mason over the loud music.

 Veronica's eyes scanned the room until her eyes locked on Brett, who was in the middle of dancing with some girl. She smiled, pointing her finger at him, "Technically, neither does he." She spoke up and both boys turned their heads to see what she was looking at.

"So, is this club mixed?" Liam asked curiously.

 As if on cue, Brett turned his body around and began to dance with a boy. Mason shrugged his shoulders slightly, "Ish." He replied and Veronica chuckled.

AN: Something is honestly not right with her and Scott's relationship idk what it is. I seemed to have written it so much better in books one and two but now that they're together, it seems a bit off.
