Veronica, Scott, and Stiles arrived at the telecommunications towers, where they walked down into the basement where the technician was killed and look around the crime scene. Veronica walked over to a knocked down metal cabinet and ran her hands over four claws marks. Flashes of two larges beasts ran through her mind suddenly but then went away just as quick.

 "You see that?" Stiles asked Scott and Veronica as he shined his flashlight on the blood.

  "I see blood..." Scott trailed off, not knowing what he was getting at.

 Veronica, on the other hand, looked closely at the surrounding objects near the blood, "Wait, Stiles is right," Veronica realized, "Look where it leads to."

  The group shared a glance as they noticed that the blood trail lead to where a large metal cabinet of some kind had fallen onto the ground. Scott walked over and tried to lift it up, but because of his injuries, it made him unable to.

 Veronica watched closely for a moment, figuring that Scott would be able to do it on his own. Because he wasn't able to, Veronica walked over to the side opposite to Scott and lifted the metal cabinet without a problem. Underneath the cabinet was a metal grate which had been forcefully ripped open. It seemed to have lead to an underground area with a ladder, who shocked all three teenagers.


 Later on that day, Veronica, Scott, and Stiles had found themselves in the tunnels underneath the telecommunication towers, which seemed to have connected to the same tunnels under the water treatment plant, and seemed to span the entirety of Beacon Hills. 

   Suddenly, when Stiles passes his flashlight across the floor, they saw a message on the ground that seems to have been written in mercury, which read, 'Damnatio Memoriae'

  "What is that?" Scott asked the two teenagers confused.

  "I'm pretty sure it's Latin," Veronica informed them.

 Scott pulled out his phone and held it up, "Hold up that light," Scott insisted, "I'm gonna get a picture of it."

  Scott frowned when the flashlight dipped low enough so that he was no longer able to see the message, "Stiles, hold the light still--" Scott insisted.  

   Suddenly, Veronica and Scott heard Stiles groan as he fell to the floor, causing them both to turn to see Tracy, partially transformed with her claws and fangs out.  Veronica immediately realized that she had paralyzed him with her Kanima venom. Tracy hissed and snarled as she lunged for Veronica, who quickly dodged her blows, pulling Scott backward with her before he could get hit by her, too.

  Both Veronica and Scott allowed their Alpha eyes, fangs, and claws to come out to aid them in their battle. Stiles, who was lying flat on his back on the floor, saw Josh, whose claws and fangs were out also. Purplish-blue sparks came out from his hands as he headed toward Scott and Veronica as well, though they're too busy fighting Tracy to notice.

 "Scott, Veronica, behind you!" Stiles shouted out to them in warning.

 Veronica quickly turned when she heard Stiles' warning and dodged Josh's attack. Veronica accidentally pushed Scott backward as she deflected both Chimera's blows before grabbing Tracy's wrist and plunged claws into Josh's chest, which caused Josh to instantly be paralyzed by Tracey's venom and Tracy being incapacitated by Josh's electricity.

  Tracy fell to the floor at Veronica and Scott's feet while Josh fell over next to Stiles, who smirked at him as strongly as he was able to, "Sucks, doesn't it?" Stiles commented.

  Veronica and Scott could instantly sense something on the other side of them. Scott growled at it until Corey suddenly appears, revealing that he had been hiding camouflaged against the wall. He looked terrified as Veronica and Scott continued to snarl at him, waiting for the young Chimera to make the first move, until finally, Theo revealed himself and called out to them in a tone that indicated he's feeling quite annoyed, "Okay! Maybe they're not ready to take on an Alpha..." Theo trailed off as he gave Corey an unimpressed look, "Especially one that can smell fear."

 Veronica couldn't help but laugh at this while Corey scoffed and looked at Theo as though he was crazy, "He's got fangs!" Corey complained.

  Scott was obviously shocked by the fact that Tracy, Josh, and Corey, all of whom he believed to be dead, were now alive and well and perfectly in control of their powers while Veronica already knew and accidentally forget to tell him, "What did you do?" Scott asked him in disbelief.

 Theo shrugged, "I found some new friends," He replied, "I don't take rejection well."

  Theo gestured for Tracy and Corey to take Josh away, which they ended up doing,

 Stiles, who had been listening to the fight and conversation from where he continued to lay paralyzed in the ground, decided to greet Theo as he walked past him, "Hey, Theo!" Stiles spoke up sarcastically.

  "Stiles," Theo replied, looking not too interested in Stiles' presence. Theo noticed the blacklight revealing the note in mercury and stopped on it using supernatural strength, causing the ground to crack. Theo turned his attention back toward Scott and Veronica, both of which had turned back to their human form, "You're going to leave here thinking that you need to worry about me...But you're wrong. We're actually back on the same side. Because those things?" Theo gestured around at the damage caused by the Beasts the previous night, "That's what we need to worry about. Your pack, and mine. We're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers, but at night, we're going to be fighting for our lives." He explained to them.

  "What is it?" Stiles asked anxiously.

 "They're not Chimeras," Theo replied in a calm tone.

   "But it's just two kids underneath, someone like us," Scott commented.

  Theo shook his head in disagreement, "Not anymore." He argued.


  "He knew what it meant, and I can't remember the words..." Scott trailed off as him, Veronica, and Stiles sat together on the ground in the tunnels.

   Veronica sighed, making a face as though she was unsure of whether or not she should share what she knew, but after a moment, she finally decided to do so,  "Damnatio memoriae," She spoke up, "It means Condemnation of memory."

  Both Scott and Stiles turned to Veronica, interested in what she had to say, "Don't ask me how I know that, I have no clue." She warned them before continuing on with her information, "And I think it also means that whatever those Dread Doctors created...whatever these last Chimeras really are? They're not something new, but something old--really freakin' old."

   Both Stiles and Scott looked horrified by this revelation, "So, they didn't create two new creatures..." Scott trailed off.

Stiles nodded his head understanding, "They resurrected one." He realized.


 Just a few moments after, Veronica, Scott, and Stiles were still sitting together while Stiles continued to recover from Tracy's Kanima venom. After a moment of thinking about their current situation, Scott traced a circle in the dirt on the ground and gave Stiles and Veronica a serious look, "We need help. If Theo's got his own pack now, then we need ours. We have to get the others back." Scott insisted in a pleading tone.

  Stiles scoffed and looked at Scott as if he were crazy, "The others? You mean Kira, who's currently battling a homicidal Fox spirit inside of her? Lydia, who's stuck in Eichen House? Malia, who isn't even speaking to either of us, only Veronica?  And Liam, who almost killed you?" Stiles asked him.

  Veronica smiled weakly as she shrugged her shoulders, "Also known as our best friends." she commented, Scott sharing the same exact look as her.

   Stiles sighed, knowing that Scott and Veronica right. He thought about it for a moment before finally replying, "Okay. How?" Stiles asked curiously.

 Scott smiled, "One and one."

 Veronica and Scott looked up at Stiles with an expectant expression, waiting for him to draw the circle. After a moment, Stiles realized what they wanted him to do and gave them an annoyed look, "You're not seriously going to make me do it?" Stiles complained.

  "You're part of the pack, aren't you, Stiles?" Veronica reminded him.

   Stiles sighed, knowing that the two Alphas were right once again. Stiles lifted up his arms and used his middle and index finger to draw a larger outer circle around the one Scott traced.

 "Okay. We need to find Kira." Scott decided as he and Veronica rose to their feet, pulling Stiles up with them.

 The two Alphas put an arm of Stiles' around their shoulder so they could help him up, "I still hate that tattoo." Stiles told Scott, causing both Veronica and Scott to laugh.

  "I know."
