Later on that night, Josh was looking frustrated and upset as he walked out of Sinema, only to find Theo waiting for him outside. Theo was leaning on the front end of his truck, whose hood was popped open, "How much did you take, Josh?" Theo asked him curiously.

 "A lot," Josh replied, sounding annoyed, "And I don't feel a thing." "You won't. Your body heals too fast." Theo informed him, not sounding too interested in his complaints.

 Josh, who was only becoming more frustrated by Theo's nonchalant attitude, glared at him, "Yeah? Then maybe you should have left me dead." He retorted with attitude.

"Or maybe you just need to feel something else?" Theo suggested as turned to grab a pair of jumper cables and handed them to Josh, who reluctantly took them with a sigh, "Something better."

 Theo turned back to his car with a smirk and attached the other end of the cables to his truck's battery, causing a powerful surge of electricity to pass through them and into Josh's hands. Josh was so surprised by the power rush that his fangs and claws came out, and he roared in ecstasy as he absorbed the electricity into himself. 

  Theo, pleased by how much Josh was now enjoying himself, laughed loudly, "How does that feel?" Theo asked him once more.

  Josh grinned before once again roaring happily as Veronica, who was coming to the Sinema to meet her friend, Brett, stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Josh and Theo. Though she only watched for a moment from behind Theo before walking away, Theo glanced back at her once the female Alpha had turned her back to them and chuckled, showing that he knew Veronica was there the entire time.


The following morning, Scott drove his motorbike to Malia's house and was standing on the porch when Malia, looking tired and distant, opened the door to talk to him. She deliberately walked onto the porch rather than letting him inside, clearly not wanting him to see something, "You didn't have to come all the way out here." Malia spoke up to him, glancing inside the house, knowing that Veronica was standing to the door's left, listening to the conversation between them.

 "You weren't answering your phone." Scott replied as he quickly walked up the steps and stood in front of Malia.

 The two supernatural teenagers stood in awkward silence for a moment before Malia spoke up, sounding guilty, "I can't help you. Not right now." She told him.

Scott looked almost devastated by this reaction and gave Malia a pleading look, "What if I told you that you and Veronica are the only ones that I have left?" he asked her, pleading. 

   Malia sighed as she became even more guilty about what she was saying and doing to Scott, "You're not going to want my help." She replied in a calm tone.

  Scott frowned in confusion, clearly not understanding what caused Malia to leave him in the dirt like that,  "Anything that happened between us..." Scott trailed off and Malia quickly cut him off, sounding impatient.

 "I'm talking about something that's going to happen," Malia argued with him, "Something I'm going to do...And you're not going to like me much after I do it. And I'm trying my hardest not to involve Veronica in this, but she's just as much a part of it as I am and I'm sorry for that." 

 Scott frowned at the female, but it was clear that he was more worried about Malia than he was mad or upset about her rejection, "Is that why I hear three other heartbeats in there? And why yours is beating so fast?" Scott asked her concerned.

   Malia sighed once again and turned to go back inside, "Go home, Scott. I can't help." Malia argued with him.

  Malia went back inside, leaving a devastated and lonely Scott on the porch. She closed the door behind her and sighed, clearly guilty about what she did to Scott. Malia remained silent until she heard Scott get on his bike and drive away, and once she was sure he was out of hearing distance, she turned back to the living room, "Did you get anything out of him?" She asked Braeden and Veronica curiously.

  Malia looked over at Veronica, who was wrestling on the floor with a slightly older Kassian. he had a knife in his left hand, and Veronica was using her own left hand to keep the knife away from her while pinning his other arm behind his head with her right, "Not yet!" Veronica replied, looking a bit annoyed, "I would have broken his hand by now, but you two insisted that I didn't."

 Both Braeden and Malia jumped in to help. Malia, growing annoyed, kicked the man in the hand to force him to drop his knife before pulling him up by the front of his shirt and pinning him to the mantle, pressing her right forearm against his neck to hold him down and choke him at the same time. Braeden helped to ensure he stayed put by pressing her own arm against his chest, but despite both women roughing him up, Kassian did not seem fazed. Veronica rolled her eyes at this, standing in between both women.

 "You think you can make me talk? I am Spetsnaz, Soviet Special Forces. In battle, we kill our own wounded." He stated and Veronica rolled her eyes once more, annoyed.

  Braeden and Malia moved out of the way and let go of her. Veronica growled, grabbing the man by the neck and held him up so his feet weren't touching the ground, "Speak. Now." She demanded.

  Kassian groaned due to lack of oxygen but continued to try to speak through his choke-hold, "You could tear out my fingernails, cut my lips with razors...I'll still say nothing." He explained to the three females.

 Braeden smirked at him as she replied to his comments, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but your section is out of work and broke, right?" Braeden asked him as Veronica tightened her grip.

 Kassian, not knowing where she was going with this, continued to struggle against her, "You won't get a word out of me." he replied.

"What if we paid you ten thousand dollars?" Veronica asked him curiously.

  Kassian seemed caught off-guard by this offer and stayed quiet.

 Only a few moments later, Veronica released Kassian from her grip. He smiled in satisfaction as he examined the stack of $100 bills in his hands after receiving it from Veronica. Having been swayed by his reward, Kassian began to speak up without hesitation, "The Desert Wolf was last seen close to the Canadian border. She won't travel by plane. She will stay away from surveillance cameras when she can."

 Veronica and Malia shared a glance, seeming satisfied by this information and took it as good news, "Then we still have some time." Malia commented. 

 "There's another reason she won't fly," he commented, "She's not traveling alone."

 The new clearly caught Braeden's attention and she frowned in concern, "What do you mean?" She asked him.

  "She has a hostage. An animal doctor." He informed the three females.

Veronica, Malia, and Braeden shared a worried look as they realized what he was saying, "Deaton." Veronica mumbled.


Scott was in his bathroom,  removing the dressing over the claw wounds on his chest, which barely healed since his battle with The. 

   The wounds were starting to bleed black blood, and he winced as he tried to clean the wound up as best as he could before replacing the dressing with a clean one. Stiles and Veronica appeared in the doorway right before Scott was able to put the new gauze bandage over his chest. Stiles looked horrified and concerned by the sight of Scott's wounds while Veronica was just concerned that it still hadn't healed. Scott himself was shocked and concerned by Stiles' arrival alongside Veronica and quickly covered up the wound before they could get a better look at it.

 "Hey," Stiles greeted his best friend as he stood next Veronica in the doorway. Stiles paused for a brief moment before finally speaking up, "Still not healing?" he asked Scott.

Scott, not wanting to worry Stiles and Veronica, shrugged it off, "Sometimes it just takes longer." He assured Stiles and Veronica frowned in concern.

"Not this long and definetely not for an Alpha," Veronica muttered under her breath, clearly making it so Scott was the only one who could hear her. 

  Scott quickly put on a shirt and walked toward Stiles and Veronica with a curious expression, "What are you doing here, Stiles?" Scott asked curiously.

   "Uh..." Stiles trailed off awkwardly, "I already told Veronica, but you heard about the guy who got killed out at the communication towers, right?" He asked and Scott nodded, "I think I may have figured something out."  Scott frowned in confusion, "You want my help?" he asked in disbelief as he quickly glanced at Veronica. "Yeah, well...You said you and Veronica could find the clues that I can't. Here, take a look." Stiles pulled out his phone and showed Veronica and Scott a longer version of the video that Parrish showed them earlier, "This is when the technician first arrived. You see him going in? Then, Deputy Clark goes in. Then, two really big and really fast things come charging out, and now comes Clark. Eventually, the technician's body is carried out by paramedics." Stiles explained to him. Scott gave Stiles a confused look, "Okay... What am I missing?" Scott asked him. Veronica sighed, shutting her eyes for a brief moment before opening them back up and speaking up, "Two people go in, Scott. Four people come out." She explained to him.    

"I checked all the footage--not a single person enters that building before the technician the entire day. So, where does that something-really-big-and-really-fast come from?" Stiles added to Veronica's comment.

 Scott's eyes widened in realization, "There's another way in."
