After leaving her sister, Hayden, in the car, Deputy Clark entered the Beacon Hills communication with her gun ready and flashlight in front of her. She walked down a set of steps when she suddenly heard someone speak up, "Here." They croaked out, causing Deputy Clark to look down and see a man bleeding severely on the ground. She knelt down next to him, "Still here." He whispered to her.

 The suddenly stopped gasping out, meaning that he was dead. Deputy Clark got up from the ground and suddenly saw a large set of claws wrapped around one of the large pipes. The claws stabbed right through the pipes before Clark turned around when she heard a growl coming from behind her.

 Clark turned to her head to see a large wolf standing on two feet standing about twenty feet away from her. It had glowing green eyes and its fur was grey. She turned her head to see another bipedal beast standing before her. This one had electrical blue eyes and its body was black. Its face was more feline like unlike the other one and it looked its body was made of black smoke. 

The two beasts before the grey one ran for the exit. The Beast's eyes locked on Liam and Hayden, who stood near Deputy Clark's car. The grey-furred beast growled at them as it broke the fence locking it in as if it were nothing. it ended up throwing it through the air, which landed right in front of where Liam and Hayden stood. Once seeing this, both teenagers looked completely shocked, "What the hell is that?" Hayden asked Liam, fear written all over her face.

"Run!" Liam shouted, grabbing Hayden's hands before they began to run, the beast following soon after.

 The beast roared out before it began to chase after them, "Hayden! Hayden, run!" Clark yelled out as the second beast followed the first one as it chased after both Hayden and Liam. 

"What is that thing?" Hayden asked Liam, not looking behind her.

Liam's eyes widened as he glanced in back of him to see not just one beast, but two, "Liam, what is it?" Hayden asked once more.

"I don't know, but there's not just one of them now. There's two," Liam shouted out, "Just run!" Both Beasts leaped on all fours as they chased after Liam and Hayden.

 Later on that night, Veronica was at her home, taking a shower. It was as if she were in a trance as she washed the blood off her body. There was a sudden knock on the door, knocking her out of the trance-like state, "Yeah?" She spoke up as she peaked her head out of the shower, not even noticing all the red water washing off her body and going down the drain.

"I got the towel you asked for," Scott replied and Veronica turned off the shower, not even noticing that she didn't remember asking for one.


The following morning, Scott and Veronica stood with Parrish in front of the building that was now treated as a crime scene since someone was murdered there. Parrish pulled up the camera footage on his phone before handing the phone to Scott. Scott moved the phone to Veronica so she was able to see it also, "This is from the relay station's security camera." Parrish informed the two Alphas.

 Veronica and Scott watched two large animals ran out of the relay station, "Those looked big," Scott commented.

"And too fast for anyone to get a good look at them," Parrish added in, "But you already know what they are, don't you?"

 Veronica turned to look at Scott, "The last Chimeras," She spoke up before the three supernatural individuals made their way inside the location.

 Scott and Veronica looked around to see a large stain of blood on the ground. The couple knelt near it before Scott looked up at Parrish, "You still got a black light?" Scott asked him and Parrish nodded as he handed it to Scott. Scott turned it on before shining the light down next to the blood, "Mercury means Chimera."

"And there's a lot of it." She added in as she took the blacklight from his hands and dragged it along the floor. She and Scott got up off the ground and Veronica handed Parrish back his blacklight.

"What what were they doing here?" Parrish asked the two teenagers, "Why come here and kill some random communications tech?"

 "Maybe they just like to kill." Scott replied, "Maybe that's what it does."

 Parrish seemed nervous once hearing his words, "That's terrifying." He commented.

"Parrish, how many bodies do you actually see when you dream of the Nemeton?" Veronica asked him curiously.

Parrish didn't answer at first and glanced down at the claws marks on the metal desk in front of him. He then looked back over at Veronica, "Everyone." He admitted quietly.

Veronica's eyes widened in shock as she turned to Scott, looking both shock and worried.


 In his room, Scott applied numerous pictures and sticky notes to his bulletin board, just as Stiles and Veronica did on an actual whiteboard on wheels. Lose pieces of red string connected all of the pictures together, clearly not the way Veronica and Stiles did it. The last note he added said, 'Last Chimera'. 

Scott looked down at his arm to see a piece of red string connected to it. He roughly tugged on it, only to have it all fall off the board. He groaned at this, shutting his eyes.

Scott suddenly heard laughs coming from someone behind him. He turned his head to see Veronica standing there, her back pressed the doorframe as she watched his epic fail, "You're such an amateur." She commented jokingly, "Come with me."

 Scott was confused by her demands but still followed her to her room. Scott entered Veronica's room to see that Veronica's board that was formerly filled with clues on the Desert Wolf was now filled with evidence on the Chimera. 

 Veronica grabbed Scott's hand and led him over to her board, "I got all the information that we have at the moment about the Beast on this side," Veronica pointed to the top left corner of her board before pointing to other parts of the board as she spoke, "Theo's pack, Dread Doctors, Chimeras, and anything else we need."

 Scott looked at Veronica, completely shocked, "How did you get this done already?" He asked her shocked, "We just got home like an hour ago."

Veronica smiled as she shook her head, "I worked on it last night when I went for my run." She informed him and Scott nodded his head in understanding.
