It was nighttime when Theo and Tracy were in the bus area at Beacon Hills High School. They  both jumped down onto the pavement from the top of one of the buses. Theo focused his senses on everything around him and frowned as Tracy caught up with him, "Did you see them?" Tracy asked him concerned.

  Theo shook his head no, "It was too fast." He replied, seeming a bit disappointed.

"But they're here?" She questioned once more.

   "Yeah," Theo replied as he nodded his head slightly, "So keep your distance." Tracy was still trying to catch her breath as she and Theo walked toward the school, "Look, we're not trying to catch it. Not yet."

The two Chimeras heard a menacing growling noise in the distance, and once Theo figured out the location, the two of them started to run into the school in an attempt to find the Beasts.

  Inside the school, Theo and Tracy walked through the entrance hall and turned the corner down one of the hallways, only to have Theo stop when he saw something on the lockers. His eyes flashed gold for a moment, allowing him to see what the Dread Doctors have left for the Beasts as a message that only shapeshifters with supernaturally-enhanced vision could see that it said. 'Damnation Memoriae'

   Tracy didn't shift her eyes like Theo did, she could already figure out what he looking at, "It's the same message, isn't it? What are they trying to tell them?" Tracy asked him concerned.

   Theo's eyes returned to their normal brown color, but the look on her face looked grim as he answered her question, "They're trying to get then to remember who they were." Theo informed her.

Tracy frowned in confusion, not knowing what he was getting at, "But aren't they just teenagers like us?" Tracy asked him curiously, "Aren't they just kids underneath?"

Theo turned to Tracy, "Yeah, they don't care about that," He replied in an uninterested tone of voice, "The Doctors, they needed two bodies because they couldn't resurrect the Beasts out of thin air. Those two kids underneath, whoever they are, they're just side-effects. All the Doctors care about are the Beasts."

  Theo paced around the hallway as he searched for any additional clues, but Tracy just looked impatient by it all, "So, what happens if they don't remember?"

  "I'm not sure..." Theo answered as he turned to Tracy once more, "Those things probably don't even know that they turn back to human during the day."

  Tracy was quiet for a moment before speaking up, "The Beasts, they're always seen together side by side. Shouldn't they be trying to kill each other or something?"

Theo sighed as he shook his head, "From what I've heard, the people they used to be underneath are twin siblings. Even in beast form, they still know that and won't attack each other, they stick by each other." Theo explained to Tracy.

  Tracy considered this for a moment before speaking up once again, "I read that the Beasts of Gévaudan killed one hundred thirteen people together. Is that true?" She asked him curiously.

  Theo smirked smugly in response to the question she had asked, "No. The Doctors told me it was closer to five hundred." He replied.

    Just then, a door at the end of the hallway opened and closed, and they heard a combination of the Dread Doctors' skittering noise as well as two low growls.

    Tracy immediately flicked out her claws without hesitation and got into fight-mode as she and Theo slowly walked down the hallway toward the source of the noise, Eventually, the two Chimeras had found the Dread Doctors standing there, waiting for them.

  Tracy wasted no time trying to slash The Pathologist across the face, but he was completely unfazed by the attack. Tracy looked alarmed by this for a moment before The Pathologist backhanded her across the face so hard that she flew into the nearby row of lockers and then fell onto the ground. While Tracy recovered from the attack, Theo looked at the Dread Doctors in both fear and annoyance as they turned to address him, "Leave." The Surgeon demanded as he stood in front of Theo.

Theo was clearly frightened by them, but he stood his ground, "Where is it?" Theo asked him, showing no fear.

"You already have your pack." The Surgeon argued.

"It wasn't enough," Theo argued back angrily, "Look at my eyes." Theo flashed his golden Chimera eyes once again, "Do they look red to you?"

When the Dread Doctors didn't say anything, Theo became even more aggravated, "I'm not an Alpha. I'm not even a real werewolf!" He complained to them.

Theo suddenly felt the ground shake beneath his feet as he heard two sets of heavy footsteps ahead.

He looked up to see the two Beasts, walking side by side. The grey
Beast was clutching the severed head of a man in its hand by the hair, and it dropped the head onto the floor, where it rolled toward Theo's feet.

Tracy gaspsed at the sight of both the head and the Beast standing in front of them. After a moment, the Beasts roared together so loudly at them that Tracy and Theo both fell to their knees, covering their ears with their hands and squeezing their eyes closed as a result of how loud it was to their ears.

By the time the roar stopped and the two Chimeras opened their eyes, the Doctors and the Beasts had vanished, leaving both Chimeras horrified by what they have just witnessed.


The following morning, Veronica was left with Mason and Liam at school while the rest of her friends weren't attending; Scott and Stiles were getting Kira in Shiprock, Lydia was in Eichen, and Malia was still trying track the Desert Wolf. Malia wanted Veronica to stay out of school with her to help, but Veronica insisted that she needed to keep an eye on the Chimeras. More specifically, Theo.

Veronica, Liam, and Mason were walking down the hallway just as an announcement was heard over the PA system, "Attention all students: Mr. O'Quinn's classes are canceled for today. If anyone knows his whereabouts, please let the office know immediately." He announced.

"That doesn't sound too ominous." Mason scoffed.

Flashes of one of the Beasts holding Mr.O'Quinn's head in it hand went through her head as she closed her eyes.

Veronica opened her eyes to see Liam looking Hayden down the hall. She was standing by her locker and Theo stood close to her. He was whispering something into her ear, which clearly angered Liam.

Liam stopped in his tracks and scowled when saw sees Hayden laugh at whatever that Theo had said. Mason stopped next to where Liam and Veronica stood and joined them in watching Theo, who clearly knew they're watching him.

Veronica knew for a fact that Theo was taking great pleasure in making Liam angry, seeing as he had a large smirk on his face. When Mason saw Liam clenching his jaw in an attempt to control his anger, he got anxious about what Liam might do, even though Veronica was there, ready to stop him.

"You said Scott told you not to do anything." Mason told Liam.

Liam continued grinding his teeth and glared at Theo and Hayden, not taking his eyes off of them as he responded to Mason, "I know." He grumbled.

"Liam, you said you weren't gonna get involved." Mason reminded his best friend.

"I know." Liam growled once more.

Liam, Veronica and Mason watch as Theo and Hayden walked away, and it was obvious that Mason thought Liam is going to start something with Theo.

"Liam, don't get involved." Mason stated, only to turn and see that Liam seemed to calm down.

"Scott never said I couldn't," Veronica spoke up, causing both Liam and Mason to look over at her.

Her eyes glowed a faint red as she growled under her breath, ready to attack Theo. Suddenly, as she went to go walk forward, Liam roughly grabbed her arm, stopping her. Veronica turned to face Liam, an angry look on her face.

"What?" She asked him, annoyance laced in her tone.

"If I can't go after Theo, you can't either." Liam whispered to Veronica, trying to calm her down.
