v sorry but another dedicated one
this time for murphy
the person you deserve

For, quite possibly, the first time ever, the whole pack was gathered around the McCall kitchen table. Scott stood at the head, and around him stood Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Derek, Scott's younger sister, Hattie-Anna, even Theo and his sibling, Hope. Peter was with them, to the distaste of some, along with Jackson, Ethan and Kira, who had just returned to help fight the hunters.
Murphy, the half sister of Lydia Martin, stood between her two best friends, Hattie-Anna and Hope. The palms of her hands leant against the chair as she swung her ponytail back and forth behind her head.
Scott McCall cleared his throat, grimacing around at his newly enlarged pack.
"Today, we have a battle to fight," he started.
"Today, we have to be ready to win. We have gathered allies from all over," a small smile formed on the alpha's face, which stirred confusion only within Murphy, considering the consequences. Hattie-Anna even threw her brother a small wink, to which Lydia coughed unsubtley. Scott continued.
"From London,"β€”he gestured to Jackson and Ethan, "from Brazil,"β€”to Derek, "from anger management,"β€”Liam punched Scott's shoulder gently, "and from the depths of hell,"β€”Theo gave a small salute.
"And, now," Murphy trier to ignore everyone's excitable glances and the growing confusion in her stomach.
"From Paris."

Murphy's heart skipped about a hundred beats as her breath caught in her throat. There was only one person she knew who could come under that category. The boy she had fallen for, just over a year ago. The boy she had kissed, the day before he packed his bags, wracked with guilt, and left to France. The boy with curly, sandy brown hair, and startling blue eyes.
The boy, who was stood right behind her.

"You didn't." Murphy shook her head in disbelief at her pack, only receiving warm smiles from her best friends. With that, she swung herself round to face Isaac, who looked down at her with a lopsided grin.
"Hey, Murph."
Instantly, Murphy's arms were around the boy, and her green eyed shone with happiness.
Finally, she released him, gawping, before pulling him into a warm kiss, which her returned happily.
"You're back," Murphy gasped, a smile spreading across her pale face.
Isaac smiled his signature cocky smile.
"I missed you."
