You weren't going to lie. You were exhausted.
After a full week of fighting and trying to avoid the hunters and not getting caught, all you wanted to do was relax. So when Scott said that you and Liam could have the weekend off, you were more than eager to accept.
As soon as you woke up around ten in the morning, you instantly took a long shower. After dressing in jeans and a baggy jumper, you switched on the TV and rang your boyfriend.

Hey, y/n.

Hey, Li.

What's up?

Can you come over? We can watch some TV and just chill.

Sure, I'll be over in ten.

Bye, Li. See you soon.

See you later, y/n.

I love you.

I love you too.

Setting down your phone, you began to flick through the channels on the screen in front of you. Even five minutes later when Liam swung open the front door to your house, you still hadn't decided on what you wanted to watch.
Liam came and took a seat beside you on the sofa and kissed your cheek gently.
"Hey, y/n."
"Hey, Li Li."
You smiled, finally taking your eyes off the TV which was currently playing 'The Simpsons'.
"What do you want to watch?"
You asked him, shifting to grab the blue fluffy blanket that sat to your left. With a flick of your wrists, you spread the blanket over the legs of you and the boy sat beside you.
Liam raised one of his eyebrows.
"Hmm, I don't know, you choose."
A laugh escaped your lips at the cuteness of the brown haired boy.
You whined, emphasising the 'o'.
"You choose. I have no idea."
With one hand, Liam took the remote, and with the other, he intertwined his fingers with yours.
Gently, you rested your head against your boyfriend's shoulder as he pressed buttons and the Netflix logo appeared on the black screen. Liam signed into to his account, which he added to your Netflix a while back. Then, he scrolled along to your recently watched and selected 'The Flash'.
A smile crept up on your lips at Liam's decision, as you knew it was just right.
Slowly, you tilted your head upwards so that your h/c hair brushed up against Liam's cheek.
"I love you."
You whispered into his ear, and you noticed as his blue eyes sparkled at the words you spoke.
"I love you too."
He murmured, the smile still evident on his face. And with that, you and Liam sat in one another's arms, with the TV blaring in front of you and a blanket askew across your legs.
Five episodes later, Liam's phone began to buzz. A sigh escaped his lips as he removed it from his pocket and swiped answer. You glanced at the caller ID over his shoulder.


Your heart raced, curious as to what the call could be about. The conversation you heard was one-sided, and full of Liam's sighs and frustrated groans. Finally, your boyfriend hung up. Turning to you, a slight scowl rested on Liam's adorable face.
"Come on."
Liam shifted and planted his bare feet on the floor, standing up. He grabbed your hand and hauled you to your feet, too.
"Scott needs us."
You closed your eyes for a second, taking in the disappointing information. Then, the corners of your lips curled into a small smile.
"The alpha can't even go a day without us."

short, sweet and overdue. oops.
