You were relatively new to the pack, but you'd heard all about the trouble caused by Theo Raeken.

Scott and Stiles had told you about the lives he had taken, about the madness he had stirred up amongst your very pack.

So when Liam and Hayden wandered in to the McCall household, with that very person in tow, Malia wasn't the only one who wanted to kill him.

The coyote launched herself at Theo the minute she saw him, her fist hitting him square in the jaw.

You smirked at the sound his jaw made as it crunched under the impact.

"(Y/N," Lydia clasped your arm as Scott hauled Malia back from where she was making blood drip from the chimera's nose.

For a minute, you heeded Lydia's words, and instead of approaching the egotistical asshole who was smirking at Malia's struggle against Scott, and you steeped towards Liam.

The beta winced when you stopped, your fists clenched and your face mere centimetres from his.

"Why, the fuck, is Theo Raeken standing five feet away from me?"
You hissed in his ear.

Liam's blue eyes darted round the darkened room, and his throat bobbed nervously.

"(Y/N), w-we need him.."

"We do not need the thing who tried to drive my pack apart."
You seethed, scowering at the misguided wolf.

"We do not need the monster who killed Scott, and tried to kill you!"

Anger burned inside of you at the thought of your friend, and the boy you thought of as your younger brother, dead at the hands of this creature.

You clasped Liam's shoulders aggressively, in hopes to shake some sense into the boy.

"I'd whoop your ass if I didn't love you so much."
You hissed.

Then, you turned to Hayden, whose gaze was on the floor sheepishly.

"How could you let him do such a thing?"

You asked, trying to go gentle despite your strong dislike for the girl.

Finally, after dealing with the beta's, you spun around to face the chimera.

He was splattered with blood, but still had a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

With loud stomps, you approached him, flicking out your claws and and flashing your blue eyes.

Theo simply laughed, looking at Scott.
"I see that you couldn't control all of your beta's."

At his comment, you brought your claws up, holding them at Theo's throat, and bared your fangs.

All the creature did was laugh.

"No offence, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake."

You glared at Theo, scowling deeply, but this wasn't the effect you had in mind.

"You're an asshole."

You growled, finally taking a step back to where Scott was stood.

The alpha placed a hand on your shoulder gently.

"Well, (Y/N),"
Theo spoke up from the other side of the room.

"Once we get passed this whole, 'you're an asshole' 'you tried to kill my pack' malarkey, maybe I could take you on a date. Then we'll see how much of a cupcake you are."

Glancing at Scott, you licked your lips before spinning and forcing your foot against the side of Theo's jaw.

The chimera went down with a bang.

"We'll see about that."
You smirked, accepting Malia's high five.
