The summertime was slowly ticking away. The last days full of sunlight were trickling away to one full of rain and clouds. Today was one of those days, and y/n and Liam were curled up on your sofa. A blanket covered the couples legs as the pair leaned against each other.
"What are we watching?" Liam mumbled, leaning his head against his girlfriend's shoulder. His lips brushed against y/n's ear as he spoke, causing her to laugh a little.
"Riverdale." Y/n smiled, leaning her back against Liam's chest, as the boy pulled her closer. At y/n's actions, Liam huffed contentedly.
"It's surprisingly good." Y/n's eyebrows shot up at the beta's words.
"You know the best thing about it?" She asked, humming happily and turning to face Liam.
"What? The blonde boy asked as y/n ran a hand through his hair.
"Archie Andrews." Y/n clicked your tongue as she turned back around, sending Liam's frustration.
"I don't think he's that hot." Liam argued, holding y/n tighter against him.
"I never said he was hot." The h/c girl's smile brightened. Though you weren't facing him, you could practically see Liam's frown.
"Well, I think the dark haired girl is hot." Liam tried, and y/n could almost hear the triumph in his voice; she almost hated to shut it down.
"No you don't, Liam. You don't even know her name." Y/n felt Liam physically tense behind her; she had got him.
"Well, I'm hotter." Liam argued, and y/n had to hold back a laugh.
"If you say so," she joked, knowing Liam was right.
"But you know who is hotter than you?"
"No one." Liam smirked.
"Tom Holland." Y/n answered happily, glancing at her scowling boyfriend behind her.
