tonight was a pack meeting, and they were all headed to the mccall household.
liam, stiles, lydia, malia, kira and theo all arrived around ten pm, where scott greeted them.
"hey, theoβ€”"
liam started, but scott shushed him.
liam complained quietly, dragging out the 'a'.
"my little sister is asleep."
a confused look befell everybody's face, except stiles, who rolled his eyes.
"she's fifteen, scott, not a baby. when are you going to let her come to a meeting?"
scott commanded, indignantly, yet quietly.
"i won't put her in harm."
stiles would've persisted, if liam hadn't interrupted.
"you have a sister?"
malia stood beside him."
"yeah, you have a sister?"
scott nodded, scowling at the pair, who had spoken rather loudly.
"yes, i do, and she's asleep."
"umm, scott."
lydia tapped scott's shoulder gently, before pointing to the stairs.
"no, she's not."
by the staircase, stood a girl.
he had short light brown hair, with a few blonde streaks, cut so that it barely reached her shoulders, and brown eyes that seemed to spiral out to an ocean blue.
freckles were splashed across her nose, cheeks and forehead, and down her arms, which were visible due to the short sleeved t-shirt which covered her body.
she was short, wearing blue and white hogwarts pyjamas, and her hair was ruffled, as though she had been in bed.
"she looks nothing like you."
malia deadpanned, sitting down bedside theo, who didn't seem to care in the slightest.
kira smiled at the girl, placing one hand on scott's shoulder.
"hmm, she's cute."
"and i'm not?"
scott defended.
the girl rolled her eyes as kira chucked.
for a moment, everyone just sat there.
the girl confidently, much to everyone's surprise, came and flopped herself down on the sofa.
she asked.
"are we gonna start the meeting?"
"no, hattie."
scott was quick to react.
"we're going to start the meeting. you're going to bed."
hattie rolled her eyes.
stiles said.
"maybe you should let her stay."
the pair of boys turned to hattie.
"thankyou, brother that i should have."
stiles smirked, gloating at the girls words, whilst scott scowled.
"come on, scott."
stiles reasoned.
"you can't keep her in the dark forever."
"i don't want her in danger."
scott said firmly.
the rest of the teens took a seat, liam being the last, so he had to take the seat next to hattie, which he took nervously.
she looked dangerous, and she scared liam, though he wouldn't let on.
stiles continued his argument.
"she's already in danger, scott. you getting bitten put her in danger. her knowing about all of this puts her in danger. enlightening her on our plan just a little can't hurt too bad."
scott sighed, and finally gave way.
liam noticed that hattie exhaled heavily, meaning her breath must have been hitched.
she seemed more relaxed.
and it was then that liam realised how pretty she was.
the meeting began, and hattie soon discovered that the meetings weren't as exciting as she'd have thought.
malia, lydia, and kira kept looking at hattie and then at scott, as if comparing the two.
this set hattie on edge.
she already knew stiles, and scott, obviously, and theo didn't seem to care about her being there.
liam, unlike the girls, was trying not to look at hattie.
she naturally stood out from the crowd, a born leader, much like scott, and every time he stole a glance at her, he noticed more similarities between the pair that went further than appearance.
like the way hattie sat up straight and alert so she didn't miss anything, much like scott did.
or the way she fiddled with her hands whenever the attention was turned to herβ€” again, like her older brother.
hattie didn't look fifteen, she looked maybe thirteen.
she just looked naturally young, unlike scott, who looked like he'd aged a decade in a day from stress and worry.
eventually, around eleven o'clock, hattie began to yawn.
she brought her bare feet up onto the cushions, and lay down, resting her head on the arm rest.
after a long battle, sleep overcame the young girl, and her eyes closed.
every so often, she would try to open them when someone said something important.
despite being half asleep, hattie caught more of the conversation than liam did.
he was too busy focusing on hattie.
malia noticed this, and pointed it out.
"liam. liam!"
she had practically yelled, waving her hand infront of his face.
"uhβ€” yeah, what? s-sorry."
liam has stammered, turning crimson red.
"quit staring at hattie."
malia said, sitting back.
liam's blush deepened, but he didn't try to deny it.
he knew that would make it worse.
kira cooed.
"that's cute."
scott simply scowled.
eventually, as hattie began to drift of, she shifted.
she moaned slightly as she moved her head, first to the back of the sofa, and then, as she shifted her body, onto liam's knee.
liam instantly turned a deep shade of red.
lydia laughed a little, and kira cooed again.
theo smiled.
"i think she likes you."
finally, liam began to laugh.
he stroked hattie's hair lightly as she slept.
"so, do you like her?"
malia asked seriously, and out of nowhere.
liam felt the blush creeping up his cheeks, but he played it cool.
"she's cute."
he admitted as hattie moved so that she was further under liam's arm.
liam didn't say anything else, as he could already hear scott's growling from the other side of the room.
