You were at the lacrosse game, sat on the bleachers with Lydia, Kira and Malia.
"Go Liam!"
You whooped as your twin brother caught the ball and set off sprinting down the pitch.
Unexpectedly, a boy from the opposite teamβ€” Devenford Prepβ€” managed to tackle Liam.
He went down with a thud.
You found yourself cringing at the impact of your brother hitting the floor.
All of Beacon Hills booed seeing their star player down, but Devenford Prep jeered and laughed, cheering on the player who tackled Liam.
You knew he wasβ€” of course you did, being the twin sister of Liam, y/n Dunbar.
He was your brothers bully, and his worst enemy.
Brett Talbot.
When the game was over, Beacon Hills had lost 17-6.
Liam stormed over to you, furious, followed by Scott and Stiles.
Liam flung his helmet down in a rage.
"Curse that, son-of-aβ€”"
You cut your brother off.
"Calm down. It was one game."
You saw as your brothers eyes turned a startling golden.
You said again, seeing him shift.
You touched his arm.
"Liam, your eyes."
Liam got what you were saying and hid his face.
You heard him mutter before he looked back at you, his eyes back to their signature blue.
His eyes locked onto yours, which reflected that very same colour.
You smiled at your brother, but your eyes were somewhere else.
You could vaguely hear Lydia congratulating Stiles, and see Scott and Kira making out in the corner of your eye, but your eyes were rested just behind Liam's shoulder.
Because a player from Devenford Prep was walking towards you and your group of friends.
One, specific player.
Liam snarled as soon as he saw him, but Brett only laughed.
"Calm it, wolf pup."
Brett smiled, standing beside Liam.
"I only came to congratulate you on your play."
Your brother scowled.
"Gee, thanks. Another record broken for most consecutive losses."
You elbowed your brother sharply in the ribs, but Brett merely laughed.
You hissed, indicating at Brett.
He scowled at you, but turned to face the player from the opposing team.
"Uhβ€” good play."
Liam said sourly.
You huffed, but didn't push Liam's temper.
"Why are you here?"
Malia said flatly, already fed up of the conversation.
Brett smiled humorously.
Brett took one step towards you.
"I'm here to ask y/n to be my plus-one to the victory celebrations."
Blush crept up your cheeks.
You asked.
Brett nodded.
Before you had chance to reply, Liam stepped between the two of you.
"No. No chance."
You asked, turning to face you brother.
He hissed.
"It's Brett."
You asked, annoyed at Liam's overprotectiveness.
You were the older twin by three and a half hours, but you still saw Liam as your baby brother, despite this.
You were usually the one protecting him.
As much as you disliked Brett for picking on him, you didn't see this as a reason for you not to go out with him.
"Look, Li, I know you don't like him because he picks on you, and I love you a lot, because you're my baby brother, but, still, I want to go."
Liam sighed.
"Why though? You could do so much better."
You laughed at your brother, giving him a hug.
Despite you being older, he was taller, and he rested his chin on your head as he whispered.
"I'll beat him up if he hurts you."
You scoffed, pulling away.
"And get your ass handed to youβ€”gift wrapped."
Liam scowled.
You walked away, taking Brett's arm as he offered it out.
"Three and a half hours!"
Liam yelled after the pair of you.
"Love you, Li."
You laughed, and Brett smirked.
"Love you too, y/n."
