this one is dedicated so don't read if you don't want it to already have a name
dedicated to Raynthesaltyone and our world

Stiles ran a hand through his messy brown hair and licked his upper lip. Anyone who knew the boy could tell he was nervous as he paced his bedroom, fighting his internal battle over what to do. A sharp knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts, as he scrambled to remove any evidence of marker from his whiteboard.
"Hey," Hope peered her head round the wooden frame of the door, her brown locks falling in her face as she smiled. When she noticed Stiles' dishevelled hair and slight frown, her own grin faltered.
"Stiles?" The boy's hazel eyes flitted towards the girl, and he plastered a smile to his face.
"Hey, Hope." He sighed, taking a seat on his bed and patting the space beside him. Hope
took it, her blue eyes shining with worry.
"Stiles, what's wrong?" She asked, taking his cold hand in her own. The brown haired boy winced at the contact.
"When were you going to tell us? To tell me?"
"What?" Hope coughed, her blue eyes cloudy as she pushed her brown locks behind her ear. The normally hyperactive boy was sullen as he continued.
"When were you going to tell us that you were with them? That you and Theo were helping them? They've killed people, Hope. You've killed people!"
Slowly, the girl retracted her hands from where the lay within Stiles', and pursed her lips.
"Stiles," she started, her features falling into a frown.
"Let me explain..."
"What is there to explain?" Stiles almost shouted, standing up.
"You and your brother are working with the dread doctors! You're messing the supernatural, you're messing with my pack, and you're messing with me!"
"Stiles Stilinski, listen to me right now." Hope commanded, causing the boy's brown eyes to fall onto her small frame.
"I am not with them. The dread doctors took me and Theo in after the death of our sisterβ€”"
"Murderβ€” not death." Stiles cut in. Sighing, Hope ignored the remark.
"I know they've done shitty things, and Theo's done shitty things and I've done shitty things. And yes, Theo's helping them, but you don't understand. He doesn't want to, they're making him. They threatened my life, Stiles."
Tears pricked in the girl's eyes as she spoke, and Stiles' face began to soften.
"But, me, Stiles. I'm not working with them. I swear I'm not. And I swear I'm not messing with you, Stiles Stilinski." The brunette took one step closer towards the boy, and clasped his hands within hers.
"I love you, Stiles, and I promise, I'm not with them. I'm with you."
Stiles paused, before realising Hope's hands, and her heart clenched painfully.
He didn't believe her.
Then, Stiles reached across the room, and picked up a red board rubber. With one smooth action, he wiped the board clean, so there was no remainder of the stain the marker left, reading: Hope Raeken.
A small smile came to the girl's face as Stiles stepped closer towards her.
"I love you, Hope Raeken, and I believe you."
Hope smiled as the pairs' lips met warmly. When they pulled back, Stiles rested her forehead against Hope's.
"Your brother's still an asshole, though."
