Your body gently rocked backwards and forwards as you held your knees tight against your chest. Your cheeks were hot and red and sticky from the salty tears that had stained your cheeks constantly these past few days. Crumpled and untidy, your bedsheets curled under your limp frame as you let out a whimper.

A small knock came on your door, which creaked open, and a messy brown mop peered round the wood. Your brother sighed, seeing you in such a state, and he sat down on your bed beside you.

"Y/N..." Liam tried, placing a hand on your shoulder. The beta's heart hurt, seeing his twin sister so broken. Slowly, you lifted your identical blue eyes to match Liam's, both welled with shining tears.

"It hurts, Liam..." As a fresh wave of tears overcame you, causing your body to shake, you crashed into Liam's arms. Your brother held you, running your back gently as memories swarmed your mind.

The supposedly comforting action of your brother's touch only made you ache more as you remembered how your boyfriend would comfort you. The cool feel of his lacrosse jersey only made your heart throb painfully as you thought back to how the number twenty eight would brush against your skin. Liam's soothing words only brought you back to your own, that you had repeated over and over to him, the days he would come home, distraught at the words one boy had spoken.

The one boy you had grown to love.

You clamped your eyes shut, trying to fight back the tears that came once again, thinking back to your love's last moments.

You and Liam and Lori had just found him, beaten and bruised and bleeding black as your arms wrapped around him. He had laughed lightly, wiping some of the blood from under his eyes before he hugged you back.
"I knew you'd find me," His lips had brushed your ear gently as he spoke, and you ignored the tears that had pricked your eyes then.

You remembered the day you had met Brett truly. Not the bully you knew him as, who teased your brother for being a 'short-stack' or a 'ticking time bomb'. But as the wolf who had your brother's best interests at heart, who teased and pried at the frays of his nerves in order to teach him control, to help him as the new beta.

Finally, you remembered the first kiss you had shared with Brett. The rain was pouring as you stood on the lacrosse field; spectators swarmed onto the field for the first Beacon Hills victory in almost a whole year. Your brother was off celebrating with Scott and the rest of the pack, and you had bumped into Brett on your way to join them.
"Hey," you smiled, your h/c hair sticking to your face and dripping with rainwater,
"Hey," Brett had smirked back, his own brown locks plastered to his forehead messily, but that only made him look hotter, in your eyes.
"Good game," the boy had said, mockingly offering you up his hand.
"That's your first victory in.. forever."
You licked your lips at his snark comment, taking a step towards him.
"If it is so," you smiled.
"I think I deserve more than a congratulatory handshake." Just like that, your hands crept upward to his neck as you propped up on the tips of your toes to meet his lips. Brett's hands found their place on your hips as the pair of you moulded together. The kiss lasted until Stiles' jeers and Liam's shock could be heard to be expressed from across the pitch.
"No," Liam insisted.
"No way, my sister is not dating you."
"Not yet," you had smirked happily.

Your insides churned as your mind replayed all the memories you had shared with him, and how perfect things had been, until he was ripped from you. Now, as you cried in the arms of your brother, you knew you would do anything to stop anyone else from being taken from you. You may not have been supernatural, but you would fight until the end if it meant not losing Scott, or Stiles, or Lydia or any of the others. Especially not Liam. Because you had already lost your love. And now you were crushed.

sad sad sad imagine bc brett talbot deserved better and you know it
