liam's pov
"Quick, quick!"
I yelled, pushing past everyone and swinging open the door.
"Scott!" I cried.
He looked up from where he stood, watching over Malia, and his eyes fell on the body laying in my arms.
His voice cracked.
He ran towards me, taking y/n from my grasp and laying her out on the table.
"She-she was hit, with the whip, b-but they didn't take her." I was gasping each word, and tears brimmed in Scott's eyes.
It was his sister.
"We have to do something!" I cried.
Suddenly, Lydia was beside me, shaking her head, and Stiles leaned over Scott.
"She won't heal. She's not supernatural."
Derek's voice came from beside Lydia.
(imagine derek's here bc i love him)
"Stupid, stupid ghost riders!" I yelled, storming about the room.
Scott's eyes remained transfixed on his sisters body.
A green gas oozed from the gash across y/n's stomach, and Scott rolled up her tee-shirt ever so slightly.
I gagged at the sight of the wound: a fleshy cut, not normally lethal, if it hadn't been from the ghost riders whip.
The tears began to spill from Scott's eyes, leaving streaks in the mud and grime that peppered his cheeks.
Tears brimmed in everyone else's eyes too; my own, and even Derek's.
The older wolf stepped forwards.
"There's nothing you can do."
"There-there has to be.."
Scott's voice was shaky, and dripped pure sadness.
"There has to be!"
His eyes suddenly filled a fiery red, his canines elongating into fangs.
He hit the table, causing the wood to splinter, but not smash, and causing me to flinch.
Y/N's head smashed against the table, and before anyone could react, her e/c eyes fluttered open.
"I-it's okay."
And with that, y/n inhaled sharply, and lay still.
I slammed my fist into the wall, and then buried my head in Mason's shoulder, who had just appeared beside me.
Lydia held Stiles as he cried; y/n was like a sister to him, too.
Even Derek's eyes spilled over, and I saw him cry for the first time ever.
As for Scott, he just sat beside y/n's lifeless body, clasping her hand.
We all turned away out of respect, letting Scott spend one last moment with his sister.
"No-no." He rasped, clasping his eyes shut tight, as if he could make the truth go away.
"I can't lose her. I can't lose y/n. I can't lose my sister!"
Scott hit the table once again, and I winced.
Finally, his voice quietened to a whisper.
"That's what Allison said."
Before any of us could do anything, before Derek could finish his yell, it happened.
"Scott! No-"
But it was too late.
Scott sunk his fangs into his little sisters arms, letting out a cry of agony.
In a moment of pure suspense, we waited.
Suddenly, y/n's back arched, and a piercing cry reverberated around the room.
Her eyes fluttered open, to a piercing yellow, like mine.
Suddenly, y/n's breathing settled, and she lay back down.
We all looked at Scott, and then his new beta, his sister.
"I-I couldn't lose her, too."
this one is slightly longer, sorry it's not a relationship thingy one. but i've been thinking about this scenario for a while.
requests are open btw! :)
