you had only known theo raeken for a few weeks, and being stiles stilinski's little sister meant you weren't normally allowed anywhere near him.
it wasn't till that one pack meeting at the mccall household.
scott said.
"we find the dread doctors tonight."
"woah, woah, woah."
your brother interrupted, putting his hands up in the air.
he pointed to you.
"who's watching y/n then?"
stiles was completely paranoid that the dread doctors were coming for you, with you being a genetic chimera.
"we'll need everyone we have."
scott said, trying to reason with stiles.
"no. noh. nuh."
you pestered.
"i'll be fine, let me stay alone. and if not, let me come."
"no. they're not options. neither of them are options!"
stiles raised his voice, and you rolled your eyes.
suddenly, a voice came from the back of the room.
"i'll watch her."
it was theo.
"no. no way."
stiles began pacing.
"maybe you can go to hayden's?"
"hayden's out at her grandads."
liam butted in.
"mason? corey?"
"on a date."
lydia sighed.
"come on."
theo said.
"give me a chance."
stiles deadpanned.
"i want to earn your trust. i'm on your side.
why can't you see that?"
scott sighed.
"he's right, stiles."
"maybe you should give him a chance."
lydia reasoned.
"or we could kill them both."
malia said, earning glares from everyone in the room.
"let liam stay behind."
stiles said.
liam said indignantly, standing up.
"i want to fight, not be stuck on child care."
he tuned to you.
"uhβ€”no offence, y/n."
"coming from you, pup."
you sassed, considering you were both the same ageβ€” fifteen, almost sixteen.
stiles sighed.
"are you sure?"
you asked your brother, feeling your cheeks turn up.
because what he didn't know was you had a massive crush on theo raeken.
your brother admitted.
"but we have no other choice. i'm not leaving you on your own."
you say back down, dreading the next few hours.
"well, its settled."
theo said, flopping down on the sofa beside you, making you blush.
"come on."
scott said.
"we can't afford to waste any more time."
scott, liam, lydia, malia and kira all turned to leave.
"you sure you'll be okay, y/n?"
stiles asked you.
"she'll be fine."
theo said, wrapping his arm around you.
stiles scowled as you pulled away.
"i'm fine, stiles."
you said.
when they were gone, theo turned to you.
"so, what you wanna do?"
you shrugged simply.
"come on, baby, there most be something you want to do."
theo pestered.
"don't call me that."
you said as your cheeks grew warm.
you turned your back to theo so he wouldn't notice.
"why not, y/n?"
theo whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against your face.
"i know you like me."
your cheeks were most definitely burning up and red.
"n-no you don't."
you said, trying to build up your confidence.
"yes, i do."
theo bit your earlobe, setting your cheeks alight once again.
you thought, which was hard to do with theo trailing kisses behind your ear.
scott couldn't tell if girls were into him, nor could liamβ€” at least, that's what you thought.
maybe it was just the dork interfering with the werewolf senses.
or maybe it was a chimera thing.
finally, you gave into theo's teasing and turned around, capturing his lips in a soft kiss.
theo was different than you thought he would be.
you thought he would be rough and aggressive, but he wasn't, his lips were soft and gentle.
when you pulled away, you ran your hands through his hair.
"how did you know?"
you asked him, leaning your head against his forehead.
when he spoke, you could feel his hot breath against your skin.
"because i like you too."
you smirked before kissing him again.
"best not tell stiles."

well this is different. theo's hard to do ngl. hope this was okay, it was kinda weird to write. oh well.
β€”hattie x
