requested by @ridewiththedarkside , apologies for the extraordinarily long wait
a bit different but the best i could come up with x

"You can't tell them, Y/N." Theo said, inbetween the kisses he placed on her lips.

"But I want them to know." The h/c haired girl demanded, pulling away from Theo for a second.

Her e/c eyes locked on to Theo's greeney blue ones, pleadingly. "I love you, Theo." She said, playing with a strand of his hair that had fallen out of place from behind his ear. "And I want my brother and the others to know."

"But, Y/N," Theo's eyes were sad and pleading, something not typically associated with the chimera.

"Whatβ€” what if they make us break up?" His voice quietened as Theo roped his fingers between hers. "What if they send me back to hell?"

"Theo," Y/N whispered, playing with the wisps of his dark brown hair behind his head. "I won't let them. I won't let them take you away from me. Because I love you, Theo."

The (h/c) haired girl placed a small kiss upon his soft lips. Theo threw her a small smile, and kissed her again.

Suddenly, the bell sounded from where the pair were hidden inside the janitor's closet. Theo's hand in hers, the pair emerged into the bustling hallways.

Before leaving to class, Y/N placed a passionate kiss on the boy's lips, leaving him wide eyed as she started off to history class.

✧ ☽

Typically, Theo Raeken sat alone in the cafeteria. That's how it started today, his eyes watching where the only people he could even remotely associate as friendsβ€” the McCall pack.

He was, however, ripped from his mindset when a small hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Theo," Y/N's voice was soft but not at all subtle considering the close proximity of her brother, who was yet to find out the two even associated, let alone in the way that they did.

Instantly, Theo's guard was up. "Y/N, what are you doing?" he hissed, not turning to look at the girl, or in the inevitable direction of her brother.

"What?" The McCall girl whined, doggedly feigning obliviousness as to what Theo was shying away from. "You know what." The chimera hissed, eyes focusing on his dinner tray, head low in hopes of avoiding recognition.

When Y/N took a seat beside him, and seemingly didn't acknowledge his pleas for her to not be seen with him, Theo decided it was enough. "Y/N. Don't pretend you don't see him." Theo snapped. He gestured with his chin. "Scott and the others, sat right there. They can see us."

With a huff, Y/N pushed her h/c hair from her face with a sigh. "I'm well aware of that, Theodore." she chastised, reaching her hand under the table to intertwine it with Theo's. After flinching away instinctively at first, Theo let her hold.

Their table was still unoccupied other than the couple, but it normally was. Everyone knew of what Theo Raeken had done, and friends weren't exactly of abundance to him. But people were starting to take noticeβ€” pointing out his hand locked in place with that of Y/N McCall, or how close the pair were situated next to each other.

But mainly it was the group three tables back who's eyes were unable to be averted from the coupleβ€” the table belonging to Y/N's brother, Scott, and the rest of his werewolf pack.

"Look," Y/N said, tracing her thumb against Theo's knuckles. "I don't care anymore what my brother or any the pack think. I don't care about what you've done in the past, I care about you, Theo."

"Scott can be mad all he wants, but I love you, Theo Raeken, despite all the mistakes you've made. You're my best mistake, and I refuse to let Scott, or anyone hold that against me. Just like I'm refusing to let Scott hold any of yours against you. Okay?"

The girl sighed, out of breath after her extravagant speech, which brought about the silence of the whole cafeteria. Theo refused to meet Scott's eyes, β€”which were shining red despite his sister's wordsβ€” as he pressed a kiss to Y/N's lips.

