Y/N new she didn't have long.
The black spot was just getting bigger.
Sometimes, everything was just a blur.
But y/n was okay, for now.

Liam was beginning to worry.
When y/n would stumble, he would reach out for her arm to steady her.
"I'm okay."
she would say.
And she was, for now.

Scott McCall was riddled with guilt.
This was all his fault.
Scott had bitten y/n in an attempt to save her lifeβ€” the bite had turned her into a seer.
He should've known the power the dread doctors gave had to be taken from somewhere.
He should have protected y/n.
Now, she no longer had her supernatural sight.
Her visions were gone, and now, her normal human sight was deteriorating, too.
Soon, all she would be able to see was black.
But she told Scott that it wasn't her fault; that she was okay.
And she was, for now.

But now, she wasn't.

One morning, the black spot was so much bigger that before.
Instantly, y/n called Liam.
"It's going?"
"It's going."

Liam gasped when he saw her; her normally y/e/c eyes were shrouded by a silvery cloudβ€” mercury.
But it all looked black to y/n.

Liam instantly rushed to her side.
"Are you okay?"
He stumbled over his words.
Y/N laughed softly.
"It doesn't hurt, Li."
Y/N grasped her boyfriends hand.
"I'll be okay, you know, Liam."
"I know."
Liam sighed.
"But it won't be the same."
"It will. For me."
Y/N reassured him.
Liam ran his hand through her y/h/c hair, chucking softly at her bed-head.
Laughing, y/n swatted his hand away.
Y/N said.
"How could I forget those gorgeous blue eyes."
Scott, Stiles, and the rest of the pack rocked up outside y/n's door after receiving the text from Liam.
"It's time."
Y/N looked each of them down, choosing a part of them to see forever.
Scott's chocolate brown eyes.
Stiles' sarcastic smile.
Lydia's strawberry blonde hair.
Malia's piercing blue wolf eyes.
Kira's adorable dimples.
And Liam's beautiful blue eyes.
Y/N could just get lost in them, every time seeing something new about her boyfriend in them.
Finally, Y/N looked into them one last time.
Then, she closed her eyes.
Liam leant in to kiss her as she did so.
Their lips met, and they kissed.
Holding her, Liam knew Y/N wouldn't be the same ever again.
But he was okay with that.
Because she was okay.
For now.
When the two teenagers pulled away, Y/N looked at Liam, and, for the first time, didn't see anything.
It was no longer blurred.
It just wasn't there.
But y/n was okay.
She could remember each individual feature she had picked out from each pack member.
She could remember Liam's gorgeous blue eyes, and the way they looked at her.
She couldn't see anymore.
But y/n could remember.
