I kicked my feet underneath me as I sat on the bench, the familiar family of bees buzzing around me like they did each day I sat there. A smile crept onto my lips as I watched one of my oldest friends, Stiles Stilinski, walk down the path towards the bus stop where I sat, phone in his hand. He ran a hand through his brown hair, before glancing around, and resting against the bus shelter, his gaze not once landing on me. A small frown settled on my face, but I shook it off, taking the lack of attention as Stiles' unobservant self not spotting me. His eyes were still glued to his phone; I assumed he was texting Lydia.
Stiles had been dating Lydia for about sic months now, and it was greatβ€” most of the time. The pair really loved each other, but sometimes I believed they loved each other too much. Like when Stiles would come into school sporting large bags under his eyes due to late nights when he couldn't go to sleep for talking to Lydia.
Or when he wasn't allowed to talk to Malia or Kira, in case of Lydia becoming jealous. Lydia hadn't tried to stop me and Stiles talking yet, but Stiles had been my friend for years. I thought Lydia understood that we were nothing more than that. Friends.
After throwing Stiles a quick text telling him to look up, I sat back on the bench, removing one headphone from my ear. I glanced over to where the brown haired boy was, now walking over to me slowly. I grinned up at him. "Hey."
"You shouldn't be here." Was his response. I felt my face fall in confusion.
"What? Why?" Stiles sat down beside me, but further away than normal.
"Lydia. She's mad at me. And I don't want to be caught talking to you."
I stared at him, mouth agape, dumbfounded. "What? But we're friends."
The brown haired boy licked his lips. "Please." He tried, his eyes not meeting yours but instead resting in his phone in worry.
"I thought we were friends." I spat back, shouldering my rucksack. As I stalked away, I turned back to look at Stiles.
"Why do you let her treat you like this? Think about that."
The next day at school, I avoided Stiles' gaze. I was funny with Lydia, too, only really talking to Scott, Malia and Kira. I couldn't believe Stiles had let Lydia come between us. After the signal of the bell, I wandered slowly to homeroom alongside Scott. I could sense Lydia and Stiles two steps behind us, so I simply squared my shoulders and walked on. When we arrived by the door, Stiles turned to face me. "Can Iβ€” uhβ€” can I talk to you?"
"Will Lydia approve?" I cocked an eyebrow sassily at him, and his eyebrow raised in return. "I probably deserved that one." I nodded in agreement.
"Uh, Y/N," He started. "I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry. I know we're just friends, and I shouldn't have let Lydia come between us."
"It's cool." I sighed, giving in to him.
"Just don't do it again."
"I swear I won't."
"You better not, Stilinski."
