it was just his luck that stiles stilinski was a terrible liar.
he has discovered this millions of times, but still, the boy would always find himself in situations where it was necessary.
like why he had been in the sinema at the same time as the kanima attack.
or why he had been out in the woods looking for that dead body.
or, even in the situation were he had to lie about one of his best friend's death.
alas, this situation wasn't as deadly and life threatening as any of those.
but stiles has no clue how to explain to his dad how he didn't even attempt the biology test.
he couldn't simply tell him he'd been distracted by a girl.
a girl with beautiful y/h/c hair, and sparkling y/e/c eyes.
it wasn't his fault that the teacher had sat her right in front of him.
and it wasn't his fault she was just so pretty.

stiles fumbled with his books and papers as the bell sounded, knowing he had to move, but not taking his eyes off of the girl.
the girlβ€” y/nβ€” picked up her stuff and placed it into her bag with ease.
she turned to y/b/f/n and smiled at him, before glancing at the gawping boy behind her.
y/n threw stiles a small smile as he dropped all of his paperwork.
y/n's lips curled into a full smile as she laughed, before leaving side by side with her best friend, who threw stiles a disapproving glare.
scott appeared by stiles' side, a smirk set on his face.
"close your mouth."
he said to his best friend, and stiles' head snapped round to face him.
stiles stammered, and scott's smile widened.
"you like her."
stiles played it off, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"y/n. you like her."
scott repeater himself.
"i so do not."
scott shook his head slowly, laughing silently at his friend.
"stiles. you're a really bad liar."
blush crept up the boys cheeks.
he hissed.
"she'll hear you!"
sure enough, y/n turned around, as though she knew she was the subject of the two boys conversation.
she didn't know, though.
she was just as oblivious as stiles was about the conversation her and her best friend were having.
about stiles.

"come on, y/n. you so like him."
"no i do not!"
she said indignantly, trying to hide the red that was scattered over her cheeks.
y/b/f/n laughed.
"y/n, you're such a bad liar."
the y/h/c girl hair sighed.
after weeks, y/n finally admitted defeat.
"i do like him."
y/b/f/n smiled.
"i know."
slowly, her smile morphed into a smirk as she noticed two boys approaching.
she kept walking, trying to prevent her best friend from turning round til the two boys were close.
y/b/f/n looked over at the two, seeing scott mccall wink.
she saw stiles flustered, his cheeks pink and him fiddling with her fingers.
gently, she elbowed y/n's side.
she whined, turning around before stopping abruptly.
y/n stared down the two boys before her, silent.
scott coughed, sensing the tension between y/n and stiles, and stiles scratched the back of his head.
stiles hummed lightly.
"hi, uhβ€” y/n."
the flustered girl smiled politely, attempting to hide her racing heartbeat.
"hi, stiles."
the nervous boy was hasty to speak again, his nerves getting the best of him.
"iβ€”i waswonderingifyouwantedtogoonadatewithmefridaynight?"
a smile tugged at the girls lips.
seeing that smile he kept falling in love with boosted the boy's confidence, and he spoke again.
"i was wondering, if you wanted to go on a date with me. friday?"
y/n blushed, and for a minute, stiles was scared she was going to say no.
then, she smiled.
"i'd love to, stiles."
stiles couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.
"i'll pick you up at seven?"
as y/n walked away, scott turned to his best friend, pride welling in his chest.
"so, you do like her?"
stiles scoffed before smirking.
"eh, she's cute."
a laugh came from scott's mouth as his best friend walked away.
"you're such a bad liar."
