You hated car journeys.
You couldn't sit still for long; you became agitated and fidgety, and it hurt your back.
"How long left?"
You moaned at Derek say in the drivers seat, lolling your head back and closing your eyes.
Derek didn't answer; he just sighed.
Scott sat in the passengers seat next to Derek, and you, Stiles, and your boyfriend, Liam, sat in the back, Liam squashed in the middle.
You sighed, frustrated, and leant your head into Liam's shoulder.
He flinched at the sudden contact, but his hand then found his way to yours, and he intertwined your fingers.
You smiled, beginning to calm down.
Uncomfortable, you shifted yourself so you were facing Liam, your head against his chest.
He wrapped his arms around you, tracing circles along your back.
Sighing, you smiled.
Maybe car journeys weren't as bad as you thought.
