our boing and lucas

Life wasn't easy for Y/N, but when was it ever?
Chaos spurted round every corner, with exams and crumbling friendships and unwanted feelings. Time slipped through the girl's grasp as things seemed to mount up higher and higher, until the shadow overpowered her.
Revision and homework stress kept Y/N up to her neck in studying, and left little time for sleep, resulting in the girl sporting large bags under her eyes each day.
The joy of her friends bounced off her, having no effect to the point where Y/N was left out of their daily activities, in case her misery was contagious.
The girl's heart ached from being toyed with too many times, by unwanted feelings, or boys having a joke at her expense.
Y/N was aching and tired and fed up, but no one seemed to notice, no matter what she did.

All with the exception of Scott McCall.
Scott noticed the change in the girl's charisma. From bubbly and bright and happy to full of pain and hurt. Her friends became oblivious to her pleads for help, but it was obvious to Scott.
Each day the girl walked through the halls of Beacon Hills, Scott noticed how she could use a decent nights sleep. How she could use something to make the world seem just a little bit brighter. How she could use somebody to make it all better.
That's when Scott decided he would help her.
He would be somebody.

As the days continued, overlooking faces became painted and surreal, as though everything was on repeat. Y/N became desperate, grieving over something, someone, who wasn't there.
Because no one was there.
That was, until, one morning, sat alone at a library table.

Y/N just sat; many books were splayed out in front of her but she made no attempt to look at any of them. Scott McCall noticed the girl whilst seated at his own table, surrounded by his friends. The boy glanced over at the solemn girl, a frown falling upon his face.
"Hold up," he cuts Stiles off from his story before standing up and taking gentle steps towards Y/N. The h/c girl doesn't notice his presence until Scott places his hand on her shoulder gently; even the simplest of actions startled her. The girl rubbed her eyes gently, giving the brown haired boy an obviously fake smile.
"Scott, right?" She asked, pulling the sleeves of her jumper over her hands. Scott nodded, pulling at the chair and taking a seat next to the girl.
"Are you okay?" Scott questioned, before shaking his head.
"Stupid question." For the first time in days, a small, yet real smile, broke out on Y/N's face. Slowly, cautiously, Scott reached out for the girl's hands, placing them within his own.
"You look like you could use somebody to talk to." The girl nodded shyly, raising her gaze to look into Scott's hazel eyes. The boy spoke again, a small, welcoming smile on his face.
"Someone like me."
