dedicated to RubyMcCarthy0
where stiles is lucas and scott is boing
never stop imagining

Ruby's eyes clamped shut as the whirring of the engine filled her ears.
The wheels began to rotate below them as the aeroplane rattled down the runway, each groan of metal setting the brunette on edge.
A large hand creeped over her own, which was gripping the arm rest tightly, and began to trace patterns over her knuckles.
"You okay?" the dark haired boy asked his girlfriend, brushing her hair from her face. Ruby nodded, flinching a little as the plane became airborne, causing Stiles to erupt with laughter. Ruby hit him jokingly, and he pouted unhappily.
"How you doing, Roobs?" The voice came from Ruby's best friend, who sat the seat in front with her boyfriend, Scott. Ruby threw Hattie a small, sickly smile. "I'm okay, Stiles is being annoying." The named boy pouted, pushing his fingers through his hair. A laugh came from Ruby as her own hands reached up to straighten his messy hair. Hattie cooed at the sight, before falling back to her seat beside Scott.

Stiles removed his headphones from his pocket, plugging them into the TV positioned before the couple. After pressing a few buttons, the screen flickered to life, and he handed one of the headphones to his girlfriend. The brunette placed it in her ear, smiling to the introduction scene of Shrek. Then, she rested her head against Stiles' shoulder, settling down comfortably and trying to ignore the disconcerting shudder of the plane. Stiles kissed her forehead warmly, wondering how on earth he got so lucky.


Hattie's forehead was pressed against the cool glass of the window as she watched the clouds envelop the wings of the plane. Her sandy, strawberry blonde hair stuck to the window in ringlets due to the condensation forming. Scott's eyes watched the girl, who was mesmerised by the view outside. A smile crept onto Hattie's face when she noticed him staring. Slowly, the girl turned to face her boyfriend, who's headphones dangled from his ears. She removed one, biting her lip as she always did, and placed it in her own hear, overjoyed to hear the first song Scott had ever sung for her coming through the wire. Yawning, Hattie's head rested against Scott's chest, and the brown eyed boy placed his arm around her. Within minutes she was asleep.

When Hattie slept, Scott noticed the curl of her slightly parted lips, and the way her strawberry blonde hair was splayed across her face. The corners of his mouth curled up at the sight; the boy was so distracted he didn't hear Ruby stand up behind him. The doe eyed boy took a heavy breath, mumbling to himself. "How the hell did I get so lucky?" The brunette girl's heart swelled with happiness. "You two are adorable." She stated, causing Scott to jump and Hattie to stir. Scott just smiled.


Midway through the long flight, both Ruby and Stiles drifted off to sleep. Shrek 2 buzzed in the background as the pair slept soundly. Stiles' head was nuzzled into the crook of Ruby's neck warmly, and her head rested atop his brown mop of hair. Slowly, so as to make sure Scott was still sleeping, Hattie tipped her head over the seat. She awed at the sight of the pair asleep, and was sure to keep her promise to Lydia about sending relationship updates. "I love you," Hattie caught Stiles murmur before drifting back to sleep.


When Hattie twisted back over to her seat, Scott's head had tilted towards her as he slept. The small girl ran her fingers through his short brown curls, smiling warmly at the boy. Feeling the contact, the boy's warm brown eyes fluttered open. "What are you doing?" His eyebrows knitted together as he sat up. "Nothing," the strawberry blonde laughed, her hand finding his amongst the darkness of the plane.

"We will soon be arriving in West Virginia Airport. Please fasten your seatbelts."
