you and isaac broke up.
it was about a month agoβ€” but, in fairness, you both, aswell as the entire pack, saw it coming.
things hadn't really been the same since, but you and isaac didn't hate each other.
beforehand, you had been the power couple of beacon hillsβ€” y/n and isaac.
now, you barely spoke to him, and only saw him around school or at the few pack meets you went to.
you had given up on pack meets, with the tension and awkwardness being too much.
you didn't really need to go anyway.
you weren't supernatural, and were only in the pack because of isaac.

it was a tuesday evening, and it had been a pretty rough day for you.
your self confidence was at a low, you were ill and tired and hungry, and you had so much homework and no time at all.
and, word had come to you via scott and stiles, that isaac thought you hated him.
you couldn't stand the thought of isaac thinking that, so that night, you messaged him.

to isaac
i don't hate you

after the text sent, you laid back on your bed, not really expecting a reply.
when you received one, you were shocked.
hurriedly, you opened the message.

from isaac
that's good to know.

not eager for the conversation to end, you messaged him back.

to isaac
why did you think i did?

once again, a reply came through.

from isaac
idk tbh, we just never talk anymore.

you sighed as you typed back your next text.

to isaac
i wish we spoke more..

from isaac
well, let's start.

unsure of what to do or expect, you willingly made small talk with isaac.
you felt as though you were swimming in treacherous waters.
finally, you knew you were safe when isaac text you;

from isaac
how are you y/n?

you sighed. you still trusted isaac, of course you did.
but for some reason, you found yourself reluctant to tell him everything on your mind.
eventually, you typed back a reply.

to isaac
i'm fine, hbu?

the reply came back almost instantly.

from isaac
ik you're lying, y/n

you sighed.
isaac could always see right through you.
seeing no reason not to, you bled your heart out to isaac.
once you had told him everything, isaac took a moment to respond.

from isaac
you know i'm always here for you, y/n?

to isaac
yeah. and i'm always here for you.

from isaac
that's good to know.

to isaac
isn't it just.

from isaac
well, i better go

to isaac

from isaac
bye, y/n.

after talking to isaac, you felt so much better.
quickly, something dawned on you, so you texted isaac back quickly.

to isaac

he replied a minute later.

from isaac

to isaac
