based off the 'girl meets ski lodge' scene from gmw

With a sigh, Y/N sat down in the alcove by the window, tugging her bare feet up under her. She ran a hand through her h/c hair, biting her lip as the buzz of conversation from the other room became audible to her ears.
Y/N heard Stiles' sigh of exhasperation as he sat down beside Lydia, but nothing more. Being only human, she was unable to depict the shards of conversation shared between Scott and Malia at her expense. Instead, she held her breath, fighting back the tears that pricked in her e/c eyes.
Then, slowly, a crack of light entered as the wooden door across the room was forced ajar, and Stiles Stilinski entered. The boy ran a hand through his messy brown hair before licking his lips nervously, and taking a seat next to Y/N in the alcove. His hands fiddled with themselvesβ€” something the boy often did when he was on edgeβ€” and the thought made the girl's heart clench painfully.
Stiles started, but he was quickly interrupted by the h/c haired girl.
"What did Lydia say? Is she okay with you being here?"
"Lydia sent me to you, actually."
Stiles answered with the bite of his lower lip. Then, the doe eyed boy reached into the back pocket, and pulled out a small black box. He ran a hand through his hair one last time before beginning to speak.
"Y/N, this is for you."
Stiles spoke opening the box and revealing a blue, plastic ring, with a dinosaur on the front. Y/N stifled a laugh as the hyperactive boy continued.
"You remember it, don't you? The time we went to the beach with the rest of the pack?"
The h/c haired girl nodded tentatively.
"And we spent so much money, on just one game. That's when I knew."
Y/N's e/c eyed widened.
"That's when I knew that it's you. It's always been you. Because, Y/N Y/L/N, I choose you. I'll always choose you, and I hope you'll choose me."
Y/N blinked slowly, before taking the blue ring from the box, and placing it on her finger gently.
"I do. I choose you."
The girl answered with a small smile, wrapping her arms around the dark haired boy with a smile. When the pair pulled back, Y/N pushed her h/c out of her eyes with a small sigh.
"What about Lydia? Will she be okay?"
Stiles pursed his lips before taking the girl's hand and rubbing his thumb against it softly.
"She'll be okay. It may take some time, but I know Lydia."
With the flick of his hand, Stiles pushed a strand of Y/N's hair behind her ear.
"But today, Y/N, I choose you. I chose you, and you chose me. And someday, someone is going to choose Lydia."
