Right, in this one, I've given your friendship group names. If one of them has the same name as you, unlikely, then you can change it to something else if you like. It probably won't affect you though.

Her h/c hair was striped with bright red, matching her cherry red lips. Other than that, there was nothing added to her face or complexion, other than a few cuts and bruises. No makeup, nothing.

Her black jeans were torn; not the kind you buy, pre-ripped, but the kind that have endeavoured the tears and rips first hand. The bright red t-shirt that clung to her body was topped by a smooth, leather jacket. The black leather was pattered with stains, some of which, Scott didn't want to know the origin of; the rust colour standing out like a sore thumb on the dark folds of fabric.

Lydia Martin scowled as the entire pack watched her from across the hall. The girl slammed her locker shut dramatically before making her way down the hall, her dirty trainers squeaking against the floor. Her gaggle of friends followed behind her. That was something Scott never understood; y/n was nothing like her friends. First, there was Hattie; five foot tall was extremely short for a junior, but she pulled it off, being extremely tough. Her red hair was cut to her jaw and curled under her chin and around her small ears. Her eyes were a piercing blue.

Next, there was Charlotte. Long brown hair and warm greeney blue eyes, Charlotte was the polar opposite of Hattie. She was the same height as y/n, and was always cracking jokes. A smile never left her place.

Then, there was Lauren. She had dirty blonde hair and cool blue eyes. A football player, Lauren was strong, and, as Scott new, she terrified Liam, a werewolf.

Ruby was next; the sight of Ruby made Scott feel nostalgic for Kira; the pair were incredibly similar. Shoulder length brown hair and warm brown eyes, Ruby was sweet and joyful.

Ollie was next. A soccer player with curly, light brown hair, Ollie had a similar likeness to Isaac, Scott thought. Scott new Ollie and Mason had had something a while back, but not anymore.

Ollie's best friend was John. John was the class clown, so Scott had heard. John, along with another boy in the group, were both on the lacrosse team.

Penultimately, there was Caden. Dark hair, blue eyes, Caden was one of the chimeras that had sided with Theo. He was a little bit shady, but other than that, Scott held no grudges against him. Other than the fact that him and y/n used to date.

Finally, there was Josh. The youngest yet tallest of the group, Josh was on the lacrosse team, and was cousins with the one and only banshee of Beacon Hills High.

"I don't know who she thinks she is." Lydia hissed as the posse wandered past. Stiles let out a laugh. "She's the most popular girl in school." He said, "she can be anyone she wants." Lydia glared at her boyfriend, and Malia let out a laugh. Scott blinked. "She's certainly something." Suddenly, the bell rang, signalling the pack to wander to lesson. Lydia closed her locker. "I have no idea why Josh hangs round with her." She huffed. "She's nothing but trouble."


The whistle blew through the night air, making the hair on Scott's arms stand up straight. His lacrosse jersey did nothing to keep him warm against the cold winds. "Come on! Quit slacking!" Coach yelled at his team as they took their positions on the field. Him and Liam were upfront with one other player, number twenty two; Josh. The alpha looked over at his team mates. "Liam, go round the left flank. Get free. Josh.." Josh nodded. "I'll charge forward."

Scott had to pretend he didn't see his eyes flash gold.

That wasn't the first time he saw something weird occur in the friendship group.


The wendigos attacked the high school one day. There was a freshman mock being held in the gym when the chaos broke out. Three wild wendigos launched themselves through the glass windows at the students, biting and thrashing with their fangs. Scott received a call from Sheriff Stilinski, and raced his way down to the school, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Liam and Theo in tow. But, as they rocked up, Scott had to hold his pack back when he saw Ruby with a pair of large, black wings protruding from her back, and a white wolf he could've sworn turned back into Lauren.


The final, and most recent occasion, was the fight against the hunters. Each and every supernatural holed up inside the Sheriff's station. Everyone but Scott was surprised to see y/n and her friends sat in a cell, relaxing. Y/N was in her normal leather jacket, slouched against the wall, beside Hattie and Josh. When he saw them, Scott's suspicions were confirmed. Stiles, on the other hand, almost choked, and Lydia almost punched someone.

"Josh! You're supernatural?" Josh smirked. "Maybe." Caden let out a sharp laugh. "You didn't know?" "No!" She breathed. Y/N laughed. "Some banshee." A scowl formed on the redheads face. "And what are you?" "Trouble, apparently." Y/N tapped her ear. "What are you all? How did you stay hidden?" Scott stepped up, interrupting the brewing argument. Ollie began talking. "Well, me and John are werewolves." John nodded. "So am I," Lauren raised her eyebrows. "I'm a dark fairy." Ruby smiled sweetly. Stiles scoffed at the irony. Caden raised a hand slowly, flicking his dark hair out of his eyes. A small smirk played on his lips, before he opened his mouth to reveal glistening white fangs. "Vampire." He smirked, making Scott shiver. Charlotte clicked her fingers. "Banshee." Josh winked at Lydia. "Werecoyote here, cuz." He smiled. All eyes turned to Hattie. The redhead bit her lip before offering up her hand, before it combusted, and smouldered purple flames. "Witch girl.." Stiles whispered, and Hattie smirked.

"So, I'm assuming you're a pack. Who's you alpha?" y/n stood up from her position slumped against the cell wall and stepped closer to Scott. "That's me," she smiled, the red streaks in her hair standing out in the darkness. "Can we talk?" Scott gestured to the door. The girl nodded and proceeded out the door, Scott trailing behind her.

"So." Scott said, closing the door to the Sheriff's office behind y/n. "So." She replied. It was then Scott realised how pretty she was, with her h/c hair and her e/c eyes. "You're the alpha, huh?" S Y/n nodded smoothly. "You're a lousy alpha." She responded. Scott pretended to be hurt. "I bet I could still take you." He answered cockily. Y/n's eyebrows raised. "Where you taking me, McCall, on a date?" The girl smirked. Scott blushed, taken aback at her confidence, but played it off. "Sure. Whenever this mess is over--" he gestured to the people out the windows. "I'll pick you up at eight."

Y/n took a step closer to Scott. "You sure?" Her lips curled up into a smile. "I'm trouble." Scott almost laughed.

"I can handle trouble."

Dedicated to my g @JusioSusia , I love you bro, and you're an idiot. xx
