There was no way Y/n could say she was happy with Stiles Stilinski honestly.
It was just the way she felt.
Y/n knew you couldn't push feelings aside; that's not how they work. When you felt something, it was there until you did something about it.
It was the summer holidays; Y/n tried to blame it on that. She hadn't seen Stiles in two weeks, maybe it was down to that. There had to be a rational reason as to why the girl tried to push all thoughts of her boyfriend out of her mind.
Y/n tried to find reason in her mind. She was just feeling out of it. She would regret it she broke up with him, and she'd hurt him. Y/n didn't want to lose one of her best friends because of a stupid thought in the back of her mind.
But it wasn't just a stupid thought in the back of her mind. It was the only thought on Y/n's mind.
Eventually, Y/n gave up trying to reason with herself and began trying to find a reason.
In the past few days, Y/n had told herself many things.
She told herself that she didn't want a relationship; it wasn't to do with Stiles.
Then why did she find herself reading more and more romance books?
She told herself she was just missing the boy, and this was her way of dealing with it.
If so, why was Y/n ignoring each one of the boy's text messages?
Y/n told herself that it was because she was growing up; her world was changing and so was she, so maybe it was simply a phase.
But Y/n knew that if you loved someone as she supposedly loved Stiles, you didn't outgrow them.

Or perhaps, it was because of the text Y/n had received not long ago from Scott McCall, claiming he had a crush on her.
Or the almost identical one from Isaac.

It was Isaac's text that really played on her mind. Since Scott's text received just over a month ago, he had moved on from his little crush and was now happy with Allison. But Isaac; Isaac's had come only yesterday, and it was the only thing on Y/n's mind.
Eventually, Y/n came to the conclusion that it could only be this making her feel this way. It could only be Isaac.
Y/n had been feeling funny about her feelings towards Stiles for over a month now. But Isaac; this issue had been occurring much longer. In fact, since her and Stiles took about a two month break from their relationship.
Y/n thought back to the break that had only ceased a month ago. The girl had herβ€” very validβ€” reasons for the split, but why she went back to him was unknown to the girl.
A sorrowful rush one night when she was feeling alone.
In all honestly, Y/n regretted getting back with the brown haired boy. She had loved him, but she had changed. There was something different about Y/n that had stirred in this past year.

Sat alone, Y/n realised she was too lost in her own thoughts. Bearing in mind she was seeing neither of the boys anytime soon, she tried to push the thoughts from her mind like she always did. For now, she would simply drown out her problems with her music loud and a Tom Holland or Nick Robinson fan fiction open on her phone.
But deep down, Y/n knew she couldn't stay like this forever.
So she sent out her plea for help.

plea for help here ugh ^^
sorry to all my readers who read this stuff for the actual cute relationship stuff, i just have a lot on my mind rn with my own stiles and isaac
