dedicated to ellie :)
"Urghhhh," you groaned, rolling over to face your boyfriend, Stiles.
"I hate maths. Why can't it solve its own problems?"
You pouted, slapping your maths book for effect.
Stiles kissed your cheek sympathetically.
"What you stuck on, Ell?"
"Algebra." You sighed, bowing your head so that your hair fell in front of your face.
Stiles leaned over and tucked your hair behind your cheek gently, before pulling you into his chest.
"Stiles." You pestered,
"As much as I dislike it, I have to maths."
"In a bit." Stiles mumbled into your hair, his arm wrapped around you as you lay on his bed.
"I-i guess a nap wouldn't hurt."
You yawned as Stiles kissed your cheek once again and you slowly drifted off.
"Stiles. Stiles!"
You shook your boyfriend awake, surrounded by darkness.
He groaned, rolling over to face you.
"What time is it?"
"3am," you groaned into his chest.
Stiles kissed the top of your head tentatively.
"Well go back to sleep, baby."
"But what about my maths?"
Reluctantly, you sat back up, searching for your maths book which was now strewn across the floor.
Stiles pulled you back down, though, kissing you softly before pulling your head into his chest.
"Maths in the morning. Sleep now."
