here's a nice, long, sad one about the current events of my life. in this one, malia represents ValkyrieO17 .
y/n/n is your nickname.
your voice broke a little as you spoke.
"i don't think this is working.."
theo turned to you hurt.
"y/n, what?"
"theo, do you think this is working?"
y/n asked, honestly.
theo shrugged.
"i don't know."
there was something new in theo raeken's eyes; something y/n hadn't seen before.
"but, y/n, i thought you were happy. i thought you loved me."
"i-i'm not happy, theo."
theo asked, his temper growing.
"because. this-this isn't right. it doesn't feel right."
your voice rose a pitch.
"it feels right for me! i love you!"
theo's eyes turned a blazing yellow, and you winced back, terrified.
theo didn't notice, and he grabbed your wrist.
"don't you feel that way i feel about you?"
you couldn't look at theo, you couldn't meet his eyes, so you looked at the ground.
"i-i don't feel anything anymore, theo. i'm sorry."
theo flipped out, letting go of your wrist when his arm was swinging, so you flew across the room.
you landed on your back, crying out in pain.
"you don't love me! you don't love me!"
theo screamed, his eyes blazing golden once again.
"it's not that simple!"
you tried, fighting back the tears.
"i don't wanna be with someone who doesn't love me! you're a bitch, y/n!"
"no, theo, i'm just not happy!"
you yelled back, finally letting the tears flow.
finally, theo stopped yelling, but you were just getting started.
"do you want me to still be in this relationship if i'm not happy?"
theo's voice was soft so you lowered your own.
you repeated your question.
"do you want me to still be in this relationship if i'm not happy?"
"i don't know. i.. i think so."
you looked at theo, confused, and then you completely flipped out.
"you don't want me to be happy!? why don't you want me to be happy?! if you don't want me to be happy, why did i even bother in the first place?!"
"i want to be happy!"
theo screamed so hard, you fell back, flat to the floor.
"i want to be happy, y/n!"
his voice broke slowly.
"you will be. please theo."
y/n pleaded, but theo wouldn't see reason.
"no i won't! not without you!"
"i'm sorry, theo."
with that, theo lost it.
his nails extended into claws; his canines extending into fangs whilst he screamed.
"you know, i'm better off without you! it's your fault scott doesn't want me in his pack! it's your fault i'm treated like shit!"
"no it's not, theo, you know it's not! it's for what you did, with the dread doctors!"
theo still didn't listen, even though he knew that what you said was true.
"you're such a bitch, y/n! everyone thinks so! liam! scott! everyone!"
"no, theo, no they don't!"
but despite what you said, you were unsure of yourself.
maybe what theo said was true.
"you're the bitch, theo. you-you don't say that to someone you supposedly love!"
"i don't love you anymore! how am i supposed to love someone who doesn't love me back?!"
you were taken aback.
"love doesn't fade that fast, theo. it's been like five minutes. if it's gone that quick, was it ever real at all?"
theo just simply snarled, baring his fangs.
after a minute of silence, he scoffed.
"you're nice, aren't you?"
"a whole lot nicer than you."
you snapped back, roughly wiping your tears away.
theo's golden eyes flickered.
"this conversation is over. get out."
"i don't need you to tell me what to do."
you deadpanned, picking yourself up, and leaving, slamming the door behind you.
as soon as you left, your balanced wavered and you almost collapsed.
the tears began to flood down your cheeks, making them sticky.
the wind dried them as you walked.
you were full of guilt, but also hatred and anger.
you needed help, so you went to the only place you knew you could find it.
lucky for you, lydia was there too.
you collapsed into malia's arms, a sobbing mess.
lydia took your arm and lead you to her bed, where the three of you sat down.
malia rubbed your back as you told them everything, your voice quivering.
you sniffed quietly when you were done, and fell into malia's grasp.
"y/n/n, he isn't worth it."
lydia said soothingly.
"what an arse."
malia added.
you chuckled slightly at malia's outright attitude.
"don't worry, we're all in the same boat now."
lydia smiled.
you turned to malia, looking at her quizzically.
"what happened to you and stiles?"
malia shook her head.
"how did you break up with him? was it as harsh as what i did?"
"what you did wasn't harsh."
lydia said.
"not compared to what malia did."
you sniffed.
"what did you do?"
malia chuckled.
"you know the song, 'single ladies'?"
you groaned.
"i may or may not have sent stiles a video of that song with my hand."
malia shrugged as you hit her shoulder.
the three of you laughed a little.
"trust me though."
lydia said.
"you're better off without him."
after a while of talking and reading, lydia turned to you.
you had stopped crying, and were feeling a whole lot better, but something was still bugging you.
"how are you feeling?"
lydia asked, closing the book and messing with your hair a bit.
"i just feel incredibly sad."
lydia's expression changed to one of concern, but you continued.
"but i don't know if it's because of theo, or the fact that leo valdez isn't real."
