You groaned, rubbing your eyes as you began to stir from your slumber. The white sheets curled around your body as you began to sit up, opening your e/c eyes into the light. You ran a hand through your messy h/c hair, before spinning around to face your boyfriend.

Derek was still sound asleep, his dark hair ruffled and his toned chest revealed, due to the cover dipping down to his stomach. A smile formed on your face as you sat up slowly, straightening out the sleeves and legs of your pyjamas.

Mischief evident in your e/c orbs, you crawled up onto your hands and knees before launching your body onto Derek's. The wolf groaned, despite your relatively light weight, beginning to wake. Happily, you twisted yourself round so your chest was pressed against his and placed your lips next to his ear.

"Morning," you hushed, placing a small kiss behind Derek's earlobe, holding your weight onto the palms of your hands, positioned either side of his head, as his green eyes opened. A short grunt came from the wolf's mouth as he rolled the pair of you over, so you lay underneath him. "Morning, Y/N."

You let out a small laugh as Derek woke up fully, pushing the crumpled sheets off the bed. Then, he leaned down and placed a small kiss to your lips. In response, you groaned, hitting his bare chest gently.

"You haven't brushed your teeth!"

short, sweet, and pretty terrible. big oof. have a nice night x
