based off the song 'walk me home' by p!nk,

You wiped the tears from your eyes as you stormed through the desolate car park. Only a few cars were left dotted around, due to the late hour, so you thought no one would see you.
At the edge of a closed cafe, you took a seat on a bench. Images replayed in your mind of the last two hours, and how everything had been going so well. You had been with Stiles at the bowling alley, and everything was great.
Both you and Lydia were beaming, happy for the first time in so long. You were so glad your best friend was okay with you β€”almostβ€” being with Stiles, after everything that had happened. Scott, Malia and Kira were on the other lane, all enjoying themselves. It was great.
You saw Lydia talking to Stiles, and the boy had smiled warmly, shaking his head. After taking your shot, you went to sit beside Stiles, grinning at the boy happily. He returned the smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes, which were rested somewhere else. You followed his gaze, to where Malia's eyes were wide as she gaped at Kira.
"What?" The girl said loudly, confusion lacing her voice.
"You're dating Stiles?"
Kira nodded, a bright smile plastered on her face, until she saw you, and it fell.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Lydia touched your arm gently, but you pulled away, ignoring the hot tears that pricked your eyes.
Kira ran up to you, her brown eyes wide.
"Y/N, I'm sorry.."
You ignored her, instead walking up to your best friend and whispering in the red heads ear, despite your comment not being directed at her.
"Did all this mean nothing? Did I mean nothing?"
And then you stormed out the bowling alley, without Stiles saying a word.
And that's where you were now. Across the parking lot watching the luminescent sign of a bowling ball flicker about three hundred metres away. Sniffing, you wiped your e/c eyes with the back of your hand, and exhaled heavily.
Suddenly, a voice beside you startled you out of your misery.
"Brett?" You called back in answer as the tall boy emerged from the shadows.
You knew Brett, but only very vaguely from his association with Liam. You'd heard he could be an asshole, but he seemed sweet.
"You okay?" He asked, running a hand through his brown curls before shaking his head.
"Nevermind, dumb question."
You laughed lightly, wiping your eyes again.
"You seem like you have a lot on your mind."
The boy stated, and you nodded slowly.
"How could you tell?"
Brett shrugged.
"I just can."
"Hey," the tall boy threw you a lopsided smile before offering you his hand, which you took hesitantly.
"Let me walk you home."
You nodded slowly as you began walking, and a piece of your shattered heart reconnected back together, as he walked you home in the dead of night.
