You traipsed through the mess of twigs and leaves strewn across the woodland floor, one foot after the other. Regret, doubt, hurt, filled your mind, which was wandering and full with unlikely and awful possibilities you were convincing yourself were true.
Anger dwindled behind all these thoughts; anger at your brother, Stiles, for convincing yourself that this would be okay; anger at the pack, for what they did and what they might do; anger at yourself for being so stupid so as to believe this would actually be a happy ever after.
And anger at Allison, for being so beautifully Allison.
You wandered the woods for hours, lost in thought. In a couple of instances, tears pricked your eyes, but you brushed them away. You couldn't cry.
A part of you didn't regret what you did; it was necessary and it was trueβ€” that was who you were, and you weren't going to change that. All you wanted, was her.
In a way, you wanted to be the rebound. You wanted to be there for Allison when she was hurting from everything that happened with Scott. When she was aching from her moms death, and from everything going on. When she was struggling and suffering, you wanted to be there for her.
Sighing, you took a seat down beside a large oak tree, well rooted into the ground. You sat between some low branches, thinking.
You missed your best friend, who left Beacon Hills almost a year ago. You and Jackson had become friends when you joined high school through Lydia Martin. Despite the fact that your brother despised the boy, you and him were still as close as ever.
Of course, you knew what had happened to Jackson, and why he left, but still, you wished he were still here. Jackson was always there with you to discuss sensitive topics, especially since you had both been questioning your sexualities. You didn't know if he had made up his mind, but you had.
And this is why you were in the woods, sat at the foot of a tree, trying not to cry.
The rash laugh that had escaped your brother's lips when you told him, the small scowl etched into Scott's features.
They wouldn't approve. They didn't approve.
Suddenly, a sharp rustling came from your left, startling you out of your misery. You placed your hands on the tree trunk behind you and hauled yourself up, standing on guard.
Then, an abrupt whoosh passed your ear by a mere few inches, and a small, silver tipped arrow was planted at your feet, the wooden shaft scraping at your bare leg.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the missile.Β  Pricking up your ears, you caught the sound of elastic being pulled taught, somewhere off to your right this time.
"Don't shoot!"
You yelled, brandishing your hands infront of your face in an attempt of defence. No sound followed your shout, so you removed your hand to reveal Allison.
Red blush crept up your cheeks and your eyes began to burn. You looked away from the brunette girl, and fixed your gaze instead on the arrow embedded in the woodland floor.
"Oh! Uh, y/n, hey!"
Allison's chirpy voice filled the silence.
"Hey, Allison.."
The hunter only just caught the words you murmured.
"Y/n? Are you okay?"
Slowly, you looked up, frustrated and upset.
"You know I'm not okay, Allison. Why would you ask that?"
Allison looked taken aback. Her eyes widened at your words, and she looked almost.. hurt.
"Why would you not be okay?"
You were about to lose your temper. You were on the edge of tears, and Allison was acting all innocent.
Finally, after seeing a pout form on Allison's adorable face, you'd seen enough to make you lose it.
You snapped.
"Why would I not be okay? I just came out to you, to my friends, about liking you, and they told me I had no chance! You said I had no chance! So I'm not really okay, because I'm no longer accepted!"
You screamed at the brunette.
Your words echoed around the empty forest, and you watched with tears in your eyes as the girl before you furrowed her perfect eyebrows.
"So, no."
You repeated, quieter this time.
"I'm not okay."
Allison bit her lip before speaking.
"I never said that."
She said quietly, so quietly you almost didn't catch it.
"I never said that."
She repeated herself.
You asked, your voice shaky.
"I didn't say that you had no chance, y/n, and neither did Scott or Stiles or Lydia."
"But, I heard them. They laughed and kept saying 'no way, no way'!"
You protested, the salty droplets now trickling down your cheeks.
"Yeah. I know. Because no way in hell did you like me the same way I like you."
Slowly, your face softened.
You sniffled, wiping your tears away.
A smile tugged at the corners of Allison's lips.
"I like you, y/n."
She spoke.
"I-uh, I like you too."
You blurted out, not processing everything you were hearing properly.
Allison's brown eyes were warm and glowing as she stepped closer to you, her smile taking over most of her beautiful face.
"What are you waiting for?"
She finished before pressing her lips to yours.
