requested by @creative_writer_1998
sorry for such a long wait, hope you enjoy!

A knock on the door in the middle of the night. Then a second. Y/N was ripped from her slumber, sitting up to the pounding of rain on the windows, and the constant knocking on the door. With great caution, the girl pushed the covers from her legs and landed her feet on the cool floor. Painfully slow steps took her to the door, which she grasped, exhaling heavily.

"It's okay, Y/N. It's only me." Stiles' voice came from behind the door.

The girl's fists clenched by her side. She silenced her breathing, in hope that the spirit possessing her boyfriend that was banging at her door, would go away. He didn't.

"I can hear you Y/N, no matter how quiet you breathe."

Y/N's fingernails dug into her palms as her feet gently pitter-pattered closer towards the door which shielded her from what once was Stiles. But even the thick slat of wood, held by the lock Y/N's hand rested on, couldn't protect her from what was inside Stiles.

"Y/N," For the first time in weeks, Stiles' voice sounded soft, instead of sharp and harsh and cold.

"Let me in, please. I promise it's me." The girl's breath caught in her throat as she recognised the familiar gentle voice of Stiles, her Stiles.

Reluctantly, Y/N's hand met the cool metal of the bolt drawn across the door, which rattled as she shook nervously.

"That's it, Y/N." Stiles coaxed from outside. "Slide the bolt across. Let me in."

The voice sounded so much like the Stiles he was before Scott and Allison had released the nogitsune from it's jail deep within the roots of the Nemeton. The Stiles Y/N used to love.

She remembered their first date together. After years of heart eyes across classrooms and painted pink cheeks after every slight interaction, the boy finally picked up the courage to ask Y/N out on a date.

She remembered their first date, when he'd taken her to a little cafe on the corner. The pair had shared a muffin before Stiles' eyes had widened, and he made a rash escape, mumbling about how Scott needed him to deal with his rogue lizard, thus leaving a very confused and hurt Y/N.

Y/N remembered the day Stiles had told her about the supernatural, hidden in the locker room in school as they were chased by something called a kanima? She remembered how her pupils had darkened in fear and how he had held her hand and kissed her forehead, promising Y/N he would protect her.

Slowly, Y/N unbolted the door.

Instantly, Stiles was in her room, the oni by his side, their steel blades pointed at her.

"Oh, Y/N." The nogitsune gloated. "NaΓ―ve little Y/N, thinking her precious boyfriend Stiles could ever overpower me. Stiles is weak." As he spat the last sentence, the oni positioned their swords a little closer, so one was hovering under the girl's chin.

"What do you want?" Y/N whimpered helplessly, tears stinging her eyes. The oni pushed the sword a little further, so the y/h/c let out a choking cough.

"Simple." The nogitsune pondered; the dark rings under his eyes seemed to seep further into his face. "I want the others to belive like you did. I want them to think it really is skinny, defencless Stiles, back again with a plan to save the day." He mocked.

"Whyβ€”" the girl tried. "Why would I let you hurt them?" The dark kitsune licked his lips in deep thought. "Now, I never said I wanted them hurt. Just fooled."

"Promise me." Y/N demanded, her eyes watering under the sharp edge of the blade at her throat. "Promise me you won't hurt them."

"I promise." He said, and Y/N could've sworn she saw a flicker of warm brown in those shadow-filled eyes.

In a cloud of black smoke, the nogitsune vanished, taking the oni with him, leaning Y/N to crumple to the floor in tears.


The next day as she wandered into school, Y/N winced as she felt a cool, rough hand clamp around her own. The beast in Stiles' body smiled, before pressing a kiss to her cheek. Before he pulled away, he whispered, "you remember the plan don't you? Play along and no one gets hurt."

Her lips parted, but no words came out, and instead, she nodded briskly, following the boy through the corridors of the school.

Scott, Kira, Allison and Lydia watched with wide eyes as Y/N and the boy they used to call Stiles meander down the hallway, hand in hand.

"Y/N!" Lydia hissed, marching up to her best friend with a scowl. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Stiles," Scott muttered, unsure of what to do. "What are you doing here?"

"Scott," Stiles hid his smirk behind a large smile. "It's me, buddy. I'm back.
I promise."

The grip the void held around Y/N's wrist tightened painfully so the girl was forced to nod. "It is him. It really is. I promise."

Y/N promised just as the Nogitsune had that previous night. She promised it was truly him, just as he had promised that he would not hurt the ones she loved.

He promised, Y/N thought as she clawed at the metallic gate, aching to get through. Scott appeared beside her and tore it down, before rushing to the side
of Allison Argent, who lay stained red and dying on the cool floor.

Y/N wouldn't dare move any closer, and instead collapsed to the floor as the scene unfolded. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks, as her best friend lay dying, because of her.

Because of a broken promise.

Because that's all they were. Broken promises.
