You were stood on the lacrosse field.
Fog collected around your feet; it seemed to curl around your legs, obscuring your vision so you could only make out misty figures on the pitch.
The wind rippled through your hair, and you wrapped one arm around yourself in order to keep warm, the other one holding a lacrosse stick.
Looking down, you noticed you were wearing your brothers lacrosse jerseyβ€” but you weren't, because Liam was wearing his, you were wearing your own.
You were stood a couple of feet infront of the goal, your feet almost frozen to the grass beneath you.
You turned, seeing the keeper only a couple of paces away, but you couldn't make out his or her face.
Suddenly, you heard your brothers yell from the other side of the pitch.
Quicker than you could comprehend, the small white ball flew through the fog surrounding the pitch, straight towards you.
You tried to move, to react, to catch the ball, but your body remained stiff, almost as though you were paralysed.
Finally, you managed to pull yourself free from your transfixed state, but only enough to move yourself out of the balls line of fire.
So you didn't catch it; it simply flew past you and into the net.
Cheers erupted from the bleachers, all coming from fans of the opposite team.
You heard boos and complaints from Beacon Hills fans, all directed at you, but you weren't too fussed.
It was just one mistake.
Until the end of the game.
Liam was storming towards you, his cheeks red with pure fury.
"Hattie, what the hell was that?!"
Your brother yelled at you, and you flinched.
You knew all about your brothers anger management issues, but never, not once, had he taken his anger out on you.
You were his little sister; the only person who ever understood him truly.
"I-I'm sorry Liam, I don't know what happened, I-I couldn't move."
Your words were a rushed panic, because honestly, you were terrified.
You knew what your brother could do.
"What the hell, Hattie! I thought you were supposed to be good at lacrosse!"
You were beginning to become upset, your cheeks turning crimsonβ€” making you grateful for the darkness.
You could feelβ€” not only the floodlightsβ€” but all of the spectators eyes on you and your brother.
"It was one mistake, Liam."
Your voice was soft and calm, slowly cracking and breaking.
Tears threatened to spill, but you refused to let them whilst you were being watched.
You didn't usually mind attention, but you were embarrassed.
Liam was making a scene.
"One mistake! You ruined the whole game!"
"Liamβ€”" your voice cracked completely as your older brother yelled at you, completely shaming you in front of your team mates and school.
"No, Hattie, no. You've embarrassed yourself, you've embarrassed me, and you've shamed the Dunbar name. Are you even my sister?!"
The audience gasped as you yourself did; you couldn't believe the words spilling from your brothers mouth.
You didn't finish your words, as your brother stormed off.
Your head was spinning, all your fears had just been put into motion, and your chest had collapsed, crushing your heart.
Tears began to stream down your red cheeks, but you didn't notice due to your pounding headache.
Liam was embarrassed of you.
Liam was ashamed of you.
Liam hated you.
Liam didn't love you.
Liam didn't want you as his sister anymore.
Knees giving in, you collapsed to the floor of mud and grass.
Faces flickered, surrounding you, but you couldn't make out any of them.
Then, everything went black.
"Liam! Liam!"
Tears spilled over, making your cheeks sticky with salt water.
You cried out for your brother, your heart pounding in your chest.
Before you knew what was happening, Liam was there, his strong arms wrapped around you.
"Shhh, Hattie, I'm here."
You buried your face into Liam's chest, the scent of his soft shirt calming you instantly.
After a few minutes of Liam cradling you, you had stopped crying.
You pulled away, and he looked at you, his blue eyes full of concern.
"Did you have a bad dream?"
You nodded at your older brother, holding him tighter.
"What was it about?"
His voice was soft and caring, but still, you shook your head.
You did say one thing though.
"Liam, do you still want me as your sister?"
Liam's face was covered with concern.
"Of course I do, Hattie, why wouldn't I?"
Instead of replying, you just buried your face in Liam's shirt again.
He hugged you tighter, and you held on.
It was only a dream.

this one is incredibly long wow.
and i think i need help, this was legit a dream i had, except it wasn't on the lacrosse field, it was in my school hall?πŸ˜‚
but i love liam, he's such an overprotective precious baby.
okay i'm doneβ€”bye
