sequel to 'don't give up on me', hope you enjoy @creative_writer_1998 x

Two weeks. It had been two weeks. Two weeks since Liam had last sat beside the hospital bed of the girl he loved, her hand clasped within his. It had been two weeks since Scott had rested his hand upon his beta's shoulder, telling him it was time to leave. It had been two weeks since Y/N Y/L/N's body had given up, and Liam had been left all alone.
The blue eyed boy straighted our his black tie with a sigh, causing Scott to rest a hand on his shoulder.
"You ready, Li?" The alpha asked, his own brown eyes glassy with tears.
"Are you ever ready to go to the funeral of the person you love?" He answered, wiping his eyes. Scott let out a humourless laugh.
"Don't I know."
As Liam let himself slump back against a pillar, his mind raced with the thought of Y/N. The thought of the two months he had spent happy with her as his girlfriend. He thought of her contagious smile, which shone whenever she was happy; of her sparkling e/c eyes, so full of life. Liam thought about the two weeks he'd spent in despair, searching for the girl he loved after she was taken from him. He thought of the hundreds of wounds that had covered Y/N's body when she was finally brought into the hospital. His last image of the girl he loved was her beaten, bloody frame after the dread doctors had got hold of her.
Y/N's body had held out for a week. Whrn her bruised lungs finally gave out, Liam had been beside her. And he cried. His blue eyes bled oceans until there was nothing left for Liam to do. He was numb.
Liam's thoughts were interrupted when Kira, Stiles, Lydia and Malia walked into the room, solemn looks on each of their faces.
"It's time." Stiles said, patting Liam on the back gently. Lydia wiped her eyes, smiling smally at the blonde haired boy.
"She'd want you to get there first. To spend more time with her."
"That's all it was." Liam spat, his blue eyes filling with water. "Borrowed time."
Kira gave the heartbroken boy a sympathetic glance. "Well, it wasn't a waste. She's still here with you."
"This isn't goodbye." Scott added. "More like 'see you later'."
Liam sighed, straightening his shirt and tie, before glancing at the slick black coffin.
"See you later, my angel."
