It had been almost two weeks. Two weeks since Y/N Y/L/N had been taken. Two weeks since the dread doctors got hold of her.
No one had any clue as to where the girl was being held, or even why. She wasn't a genetic chimera, so there was nothing the doctors could do to turn her into a supernatural creature. She was just gone.
It was two weeks until Y/N Y/L/N was found. Scraped up, covered in blood stains, broken and abandoned in the tunnels. Sheriff Stilinski had found the girl and immediately called Scottβ€” the girl was like his sister. A frenzy of worry and fear mixed with relief was stirred up as Scott, Stiles, Kira, Malia and Lydia hurried into the hospital to room 403, the room where Y/N was being kept.
Hesitantly, Scott went to open the door, disheartened by the wary glance his mother had thrown. Light on their feet so as not to make a sound, the pack stepped inside the small white room, their small smiles dropping instantly.
Y/N was broken. Dried blood clung to her h/c hair which was dishevelled and messy, and her neck and face were dotted with small, bloody holes made by needles. Several of her bones were out of place or broken, and her breathing was shallow. The biggest issue was the mass of bandages trying to hold together the gaping hole in the girl's abdomen.
Scott let out a gasp, and Kira took his hand as he comprehended the sight before him. Stiles' eyes watered as Lydia placed a hand on his shoulder, her own lips quivering at the sight of her best friend. At the squeak of shoes, the pack spun around, to see Liam enter the room, his face eager and bright.
"Y/Nβ€”" his face dropped as his baby blue eyes brimmed with tears.
"Oh, my.." Kira gasped as Liam dove to Y/N's side, taking her cold hand in his own. The blonde boy spun found, his cheeks already damp with tears.
"What happened?"
"We don't know, Liam." Scott exhaled, placing a hand on his beta's shoulder softly. Liam shook it off.
"Is sheβ€”" he gulped, "is she..?"
"She's not dead." Malia stated.
"I can hear her heartbeat. It's faintβ€” but it's there."
Melissa walked into the room, ensuring the door shut behind her.
Her face was sad and pained as she surveyed the teenagers who were all like children to her, especially the one who lay comatose in a hospital bed.
"It's not looking good, guys." The nurse said softly, biting her lip.
"Her body is giving up..."
Her voice trailed off as Liam's blue eyes watered.
"Well I won't." His voice quavered as he spoke but he remained adamant.
"I won't give up."

And he didn't.

Over the next few weeks, Y/N continued to struggle to keep breathing as her injuries refused to heal. But without fail, every day, Liam would sit by Y/N, his hand clasped round hers. His blue eyes were bloodshot and red, his hair was dishevelled and his face was permanently stained with tears.
As much as either Melissa or Dr. Geyer pleaded with Liam, he refused to leave Y/N's side. He stayed with her, even on days where the girl's body just about gave up. Where her heart faltered or her blood ran thick.
One afternoon, Malia and Stiles watched over the beta as he sat with his girlfriend. Y/N's h/c hair was now brushed back and neat, and she lay still, so it simply looked as though she were sleeping; they knew different. Liam's own pale, grubby hand still held her smaller, cold one within.
"Liam, how the heck are you still here?" Stiles asked, taking a seat and holding his head in his hand. Stiles had just about given up, along with everyone else.
"Li, you're black and blue, please go home. Shower, sleep." Malia tried, her hand resting on his shoulder.
He simply shook his head.
"How can you leave her? How can you keep living like this isn't happening? I'm not going anywhere, no matter what you say. I'm staying right by her side, and whilst she's still fighting, I'm not giving up. Not ever."
Stiles licked his lips, comprehending the boy's words. He knew whatever happened next concerning Y/N would shatter the boy's innocent heart; it wasn't looking hopeful.
As the hours slipped away as they had for so many days, Stiles and Malia said their goodbyes to Liam. The brown haired boy sighed, taking in the sight of the girl he'd grown so close to, lying so still, so lifeless.
"Don't get your hopes up, okay, kid?" He said, messing up Liam's hair, his mind flashing back seven years to when he last sat at the death bed of someone he loved.
Malia nodded sadly. "Hope is for suckers."
"I have to keep trying." Liam swallowed, his blue eyes hot with a fresh wave of tears.
"Okay." Stiles shook his head. "Okay." And him and Malia made their way out the hospital.
Liam sat down on his chair with a sigh and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. His hand once again found its way to Y/N's, and he held it simply, as though he were waiting for something. But he had nothing to wait for, not really. The girl he loved was dying. Letting out a hopeless exhale, the boy went to remove his hand, until he felt five fingers interlock with his own. And then a groan, and a sigh, before a heavy breath. And a smile upon her face, that wasn't there before. There was no way he was giving up now.
