I'm afraid I can't save my dignity and will follow others' advice.

"Hey, I'm not stupid!" He has good food and drink at home and lives a comfortable life. Does he look like someone who would seek trouble for himself?

"You two take care of the children. I'm going to Aunt Zhou's house to exchange some sweet potato flour." After feeding the child, Grandma Shen sent the child out and said something to her husband and wife.

The harvest was not good this year. Even the sweet potatoes, which were usually high-yielding, did not yield a few kilograms. Last year, some people made sweet potato flour, but this year it is almost gone. Aunt Zhou’s family barely used the sweet potato flour they made last year, so they thought about exchanging it with the village for other things they needed.

"Are we not making sweet potato noodles at home anymore?" It can be served as both a meal and a dish. Add some chili peppers, pickled cabbage and minced meat. It is slippery and refreshing. Yang Dachuan can eat several big bowls every time.

"Let's see how much grandma can exchange. If it's not much, we can make it ourselves!" The sweet potatoes, corn and other vegetables in the family are mixed with white rice. They don't consume as much as other families, so there is still enough material for making sweet potatoes.

"Hey, Dachuan, is that a snake? Hurry up, there's a snake in the house!" Yuger picked up the child and ran into the house.

When Yang Dachuan heard Yu Ge'er say that a snake had entered the house, he was also shocked. He quickly picked up the carrying pole beside him and rushed over. Hey! It turned out to be a piece of hemp rope mixed together. From a distance, it really looked like a curled-up snake.

"Brother Yu, it's okay, it's just a hemp rope, there's no snake!" Sulfur was sprinkled everywhere in their house, so even if a snake came in, it would become soft. Besides, Dahua and Erhua at home were under the training of Grandma Shen, and I don't know if they understood it, but they didn't move things into the house anyway.

Yuger opened the door and took a look. Seeing that it was a hemp rope, he breathed a sigh of relief and complained, "The last time a snake broke into my house, I was really scared. I still haven't recovered from it." It looks like anything, especially after hearing that there were children in the village who were bitten by poisonous snakes. He couldn't sleep well.

"Hey, why don't we catch two to make up for it? Maybe you won't be afraid if you eat more!" The villagers have always had the habit of eating snake meat, and everyone is more interested in eating snake meat than rat meat. Although they dare not catch them, they can make a few cages and traps, or go outside and pick up two sea rats that have been bitten to death to eat.

Now, in addition to the small fragrant pork, the farmers' plates also have this little dragon meat. However, their family has never eaten any of the meat except the big flower and the second flower. Yu Ge'er and Grandma Shen feel disgusted by it and refuse to cook it. Even though Yang Dachuan is greedy, he has to hold back his saliva.

"We don't like eating that in our family, so you'd better give up the idea." When Yu Ge'er thought of the snake's long body and red tongue, his whole body went numb and it was impossible for him to eat it.

"Aren't you afraid of something bad happening after eating it!" Grandma Shen had just returned home when she heard the two of them talking about eating snake meat in the village. If everyone brought the snakes home dead, Grandma Shen wouldn't have such a big objection. But there were those who were not afraid of the sky or the earth and always brought back live snakes. If one of them ran away without being watched, the unlucky ones would be their own villagers.

"Didn't the village chief forbid it?" Yang Dachuan also heard about this. Who is so bold as to joke about the lives of the entire village? It's really like an old man hanging himself - he must be too old.

"Hmph! If you can't do it openly, who knows what they are doing secretly?" Anyway, Grandma Shen now has a bad impression of the courtyards in the village. They are messy and people's hearts are full of mixed feelings.

"Grandma, how much sweet potato flour did you exchange? It doesn't look like much." Yu Ge'er took the basket from Grandma, checked it, and saw that it was less than ten pounds. It would be eaten up by the family in a few meals.

"There's not much left at their house, so we've only exchanged this much. If it's not enough, we can make it ourselves. I'll wash the sweet potatoes right away. Dachuan, don't put away the stone mill later. After grinding the cornmeal, continue to grind the sweet potatoes." He didn't expect that there wasn't much sweet potato flour left at Aunt Zhou's house. When he heard her say that, he thought there was a lot. But when he went there, he saw that there was less than ten pounds. But since he had already gone there, it would be bad to come back empty-handed.

If other families had used ten kilograms of sweet potato flour, it would have lasted for a while at least, but their family has always been generous with food, so these ten kilograms would be enough for several meals.

"It's still quite cold today. Drink some soy milk to warm your stomach. Make some tofu and freeze it. You can also keep it for later consumption!" Well, after Yuger said this, Yang Dachuan knew that he would have to spend the whole day at this stone mill.

"Is there anything else to work on? It's just a good chance that we can finish it all today." Yang Dachuan continued to ask without hope.

"Grind some glutinous rice flour and make some Yuanxiao for the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. These two children haven't eaten it yet!" suggested Yu Ge'er.

"Then the stuffings and other ingredients also need to be ground," Grandma Shen quickly added, "Sesame seeds and peanuts need to be ground into powder. But this can just be pounded with a pestle. Dachuan, remember this later!"

"It's almost the New Year, so the livestock shed at home needs to be cleaned out."

"You have to pick up the tiles on the roof too."

"We have to dig in the well, too."

"Okay!" It doesn't matter what you do. I don't take care of myself at home, so if I do more, it will save trouble for Yuge'er and the others.

"Dachuan, is Dalu's wife about to give birth?" There is no elderly person in the family, so Shen's grandmother pays more attention to these things at home. On the way back just now, I met someone in the village who gave red eggs, and I thought of Dalu's wife.

"Not so soon, estimated to be two months, in the early spring!" The three brothers gathered together during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Yang Dalu came to tell Yang Dachuan the good news. He had a boy in the second year after he got married to his wife. He didn't have parents to give birth to a second child, and there was no good news in the past few years. He thought he was the only child in this life, but he didn't expect his wife to be pregnant again, which made him very happy.

"There is still some lotus root powder at home. You can send some over when you get the chance." Yu Ge'er wiped the water stains on his hands and found the remaining lotus root powder at home.

Although the parents of the three Yang Dachuan brothers were not around, the third brother's wife's family was in the village, and the eldest sister-in-law lived next door, so there was no shortage of people to take care of them on weekdays. They lived outside and couldn't help, and as the elder brother and sister-in-law, they could only send more food in.

"I wonder if the third brother's wife will give birth to a girl or a son?" Yang Dachuan's family had more boys than girls for three generations. Girls and boys were rare in the family. Now the three brothers all gave birth to sons. He glanced at Yu Ge'er's belly. If there was another child in the family, he didn't want a boy. It would be best if it was a girl. The boy in Xu Lin's family was also very good, calling him daddy softly. Whenever he thought of this, Yang Dachuan would laugh out loud.

"Why are you laughing so foolishly? There is no corn in here." Yu Ge'er quickly added a ladle of corn kernels into the pot.

"Alas, it will be difficult for our son to find a wife in the future!" Yang Dachuan put away the silly smile on his face and said with a sad face, "There are mostly boys in the village nowadays, and there are not many girls and boys who are about the same age as our son." Alas, does it mean that both sons will be bachelors in the future!

"Bah! Nonsense!" Upon hearing this, Grandma Shen became unhappy and immediately hit Yang Dachuan. In her opinion, her two children were perfect and worthy of being matched with fairies in heaven, but now their father said they were single. Wouldn't she be angry?

“There is none in our village, Dawan
