"Village Chief Xu, Clan Chief Lu, and Great Uncle, you all know that my family lives far away. There are old and young people in my family. If anything happens, the village will be unable to help!" Yang Dachuan pointed at the two brothers lying on the ground pretending to be dead and continued, "These two brothers are tall and strong, and they are holding sticks. They don't just want to steal, they are preparing to rob!"

"What kind of year it is now, don't they know? If they beat me up or kill me, how will my family survive? They come to my house not only to steal my money, but also to kill me!" Yang Dachuan was terrified when he thought of the possible consequences, and he wished he could tear the two brothers apart.

Seeing that his son was about to be charged with murder for money, Xu Laizi's father became anxious, "Dachuan, Dachuan, it won't be that serious. They were just confused for a moment. Please forgive them for the sake of us being from the same village!"

“When these two brothers came to Dachuan’s house with sticks, they didn’t think about the fact that we were from the same village. What do you think now?” As the eldest brother of the hometown, Yang Dashan can’t just watch his brothers being bullied!

"Cut off the claws of these two brothers. It will not only relieve our family's anger, but also relieve the villagers' anger!" At the critical moment, Yang Dalu and his brothers stood together to fight against the outside world!

"No! No! I don't dare to do it again! I won't dare to do it again in the future!" Xu Laizi and his brother were beaten up by Yang Dachuan all night last night. They had lost their courage a long time ago. Now when they heard that the three brothers of the Yang family were going to chop off their hands, they were scared half to death!

"No, no, you can't chop off their hands, my sons! They haven't even found wives yet. How can we live if you chop off their hands?" Xu Laizi's mother was so frightened that she burst into tears and howled, "You guys are trying to kill my family!"

"I think we just need to drive them out of the village," Chief Lu also added!

In this year, whether they chop off their hands or drive them out of the village, the two brothers will not have a good ending. Village Chief Xu looked grim. Yang Dachuan's family was clearly not going to give up. He could no longer fool around like before. "Dachuan, what do you think? Do you really want to drive them out of the village?"

When Grandpa Yang heard this, he became unhappy and said, "Xu Er, you got it wrong. It's not us, the Yang family, who want to drive them out. If the two brothers Xu Laizi don't make any mistakes, no one in the village can drive them out!" Don't even think about putting the blame on the Yang family.

"I'm not that unkind. For the sake of Village Chief Xu, I'll just drive them out of the village! These two brothers have to work for my family for a month." So many things happened before Yang Dachuan had even watered all the crops at home last time. Now he dares not leave his home. These two brothers have been in his hands for a month, and he has plenty of ways to deal with them.

"Didn't the Xu Laizi brothers bring disaster to many families in the village? Pay them back! Pay as much as you can!" He even had to do a favor for the village.

Village Chief Xu's expression eased. This Yang Dachuan still had some sense and didn't do anything too extreme! "Then let it be!" Village Chief Xu didn't want to ask Xu Laizi's family anymore. If they didn't agree, he wouldn't care!

"Village chief, our family is in a difficult situation. How can we make up for it..." Xu Laizi's mother was about to open her mouth to cry about being poor, but Xu Laizi's father quickly stepped forward and covered her mouth with his hands. "Okay, okay, it's OK, Village chief!" Xu Laizi's father could see that Village Chief Xu was getting impatient. If something happened again at this critical juncture, and even the Xu family was unwilling to protect him, he would really be unwelcome in the village in the future!

"Are there any problems with you two boys?"

"No, no, no!" The Xu Laizi brothers had long been frightened by Yang Dachuan's discipline. Moreover, they were only working for one month, so they didn't dare to show any reluctance in their hearts. As for compensating the villagers, don't they still have their parents?

"Then let's go!" Grandpa Yang walked out first. This result was what he and Yang Dachuan had discussed. There was nothing surprising about it!

"Okay, disperse, disperse. Anyone who has lost something should go to Xu Laizi's house. If you don't come back, go to the village chief." Clan leader Lu was a man who loved to watch the fun and no matter how big the event, he instigated the villagers to settle the score with Xu Laizi.

Chapter 41 Cats and Dogs

When the villagers heard this and heard this good thing, they all rushed forward and would blame the Xu Laizi and his brother for any missing needle.

Village Chief Xu glared at him, not wanting to get involved anymore, and walked out.

"The entrance to the village is too far away. It's hard to help if something happens!" The three brothers fell behind, and Yang Dashan suggested to Yang Dachuan, "Dachuan, why don't you move back home? We can still have room if we squeeze in!"

"Brother is right, let's move back." On the surface, Yang Dalu also knew what was good for him.

Yang Dachuan was also hesitant, "Let's wait and see." In the village, the two brothers didn't have enough space to live in, and it wouldn't be comfortable if Yang Dachuan's family squeezed in! Besides, the houses in the village were not as comfortable as the new house. "Brother, have you heard anything about the watchdog I asked you to find a few days ago?"

"There are two puppies, but they won't be able to do anything for a while." Yang Dashan shook his head. "Big dogs can't be tamed, so it's useless for you to take them."

Yang Dachuan is also tired. It takes at least half a year to find a home for a puppy. Alas!

"What's wrong with brother Xu Laizi's face? Was it scratched by your cat? It looks like it's just as good as a dog at guarding the house. Why don't you use it more?" Yang Dalu also suggested.

Yang Dachuan's eyes lit up. Yes, why didn't he think of that!

When he got home, Yang Dachuan looked at the two big cats following Grandma Shen in and out. He had never thought about this problem. Although he joked that he could treat the two cats like dogs when he first brought them home, he didn't really care. But how should he teach these two cats to guard the house? He had never even raised a dog before.

"Meow meow meow, Dahua, Erhua, come here!" Grandma Shen gave the cats the names Dahua and Erhua, saying that all cats in the house should meow like this. Yang Dachuan held a piece of meat in his hand and imitated the cat's meow, trying to attract the cat with food.

…… ……

Awkward silence! Not to mention, the other two didn't even glance at Yang Dachuan, they just lay on the wall of the yard calmly, one of them was wagging its tail leisurely, squinting its eyes and sticking to the wall comfortably.

Yang Dachuan looked around and luckily, Yu Ge'er and Shen A-ma were not there. He walked closer and was about to put the meat to Dahua's mouth, "Come on, Dahua, eat meat!"

Before Yang Dachuan got close, Dahua jumped from the top of the wall to the pomegranate tree in the middle of the yard and climbed up to the top branch of the tree nimbly. Erhua did not fall behind either, and in two or three jumps along the wall she reached the roof!

Oh, how angry! Yang Dachuan is also a petty person. He thought that if I hadn't brought you back, you would have died a long time ago. You still dare to be so rude to me. I don't believe that I can't cure you.

He looked around, grabbed the bamboo pole used to hang clothes, and angrily said to the mountain cat cub standing on the tree and looking down at him, "If you don't come down, I'll beat you."

He turned around, waved a bamboo pole at Erhua, who was lying on the roof and wagging his tail leisurely, and threatened, "Erhua, you too, get down here!"

"Dachuan, what are you doing with a bamboo pole?
