When the child steps down, it doesn’t reach his calf.

"Will they be cold with their trouser legs rolled up so high?" Grandma Shen went to the fields with them today. Seeing Yu'er roll up his trouser legs to his thighs, she asked worriedly. It was still March, a late spring cold snap. These seven or eight-year-old children must be cold going into the water with their trouser legs rolled up!

"It's okay if it's cold. Let them learn their lesson from playing around all day!" Although he said it toughly, Yuger pulled the trouser leg in his hand down a little.

"Look, it has to be level and straight, and the distances up, down, left, and right have to be the same. If you plant it wrong, you have to redo it!" Yang Dachuan and Yu Ge'er each taught the children how to plant the seedlings, "It has to be planted just right, not too tight, and not too loose!"

"Just follow the instructions above." After teaching for a while, the two let go and let the children do it on their own.

"Hey, you are pounding chestnuts with your fist. How did I teach you to hold the seedlings just now?" Grandma Shen was worried about the two children and followed them to give them instructions.

Now I saw Zhuangzhuang holding the seedling tightly, clenching it into a small fist, and poking it into the soil with all his strength. An'an was not much better, first making a hole in the soil, then putting the seedling in, and then covering it with soil around it.

Yang Dachuan did not criticize them any more, but just taught them a few more times, saying with a smile: "Eat as many of the two kinds as you want. If you can't feed them all, you will have to eat sweet potatoes in the future, and there will be no white rice."

"You can't even eat sweet potatoes, how can you be so stupid!" Yu Ge'er splashed water on An An who was stomping around in the field and said, "Hurry up and work, or you won't get any dinner tonight!"

"Hey, okay, grandma!" An An responded with a playful smile, and bent down to plant rice in a serious manner. However, he didn't look serious for a while, and maybe he was tired of bending down, so he squatted in the paddy field.

"Look at your butt, is it itchy? Do you want me to use a stick to relieve the itch?" Yuger was so angry when he saw this. What a stupid guy. Grandma was worried that his trouser legs would get wet, but now when he squatted down, his butt was wet.

Hearing Yu Ge'er's scolding, An An stood up suddenly, his butt dripping with water. He was still in a daze, holding the seedlings in one hand and touching his butt with the other, as if he had no idea what was going on.

"Hahaha, An An peed his pants!" Zhuang Zhuang saw his brother's stupid behavior and danced with joy, shouting, "Oh oh oh, shame on you, you peed your pants at such a big age!"

It was difficult to move in the paddy field. Zhuangzhuang was too happy and lost his balance. He rolled into the field. Not only was he covered in mud, but several rows of seedlings were also crushed.

"Yang Zimo, Shen Zixiao!" Yu Ge'er was so angry that he picked up the wooden basin beside him and was about to hit them. Zhuang Zhuang and An An dared not hide when they saw it, and they rolled and crawled out with a loud noise.

Yang Dachuan shook his head helplessly. It had only been less than a quarter of an hour since he started working in the fields, and he had already ruined his clothes. If he really let these two naughty monkeys work in the fields all day, would there be any space left on the bamboo poles at home to dry the clothes?

"Oh, I don't know what you two were thinking. You had to call them here. After they finish the work, we have to do it all over again." Grandma Shen shook her head and pulled out all the damaged seedlings and replanted them.

The lively day passed just like this, and when I got home at night, I said, "Oh, Dad, I'm so tired, I can't even lift my hands, can you massage me?"

"Dad, my waist is about to break, wuwuwu, I don't want to go tomorrow!"

That day, after going through several sets of clothes, Yu Geer refused to let them go back until the family finished work in the evening. Then they could go home together. At this moment, the two brothers lay on the kang and cried out in pain.

"I didn't get any work done all day. I just cleaned your butts. You still have the nerve to complain about being tired!" Yu Ge'er put the bowl in his hand on the table and slapped An An on the butt: "You are so disrespectful. What a disgrace! Come down and help serve the rice!"

"Wuwuwu!" Zhuangzhuang and An'an covered their eyes with their hands and pretended to cry. When Yuger wasn't paying attention, they rushed to Yang Dachuan, clung to him with their hands and feet, hugged his neck and said coquettishly, "Dad, can we have a rest tomorrow?"

"Hehe!" Yang Dachuan hugged his two sons contentedly, but said firmly: "That won't work. Your grandma has the final say in the family!"

"But Daddy has the final say in Chunsheng's family and Daxing's family!" Zhuangzhuang was not convinced and shook Yang Dachuan's hand: "Dad, please help us talk to grandma!"

"Go tell your grandma about this!" Yang Dachuan laughed, he was not fooled. It seemed that these two little brats had really grown up and knew how to be clever. They would have to do more work in the future, so that they would not have their minds elsewhere.

"Alas!" After hearing their father's answer, the two brothers sighed maturely. The meat in the bowl no longer smelled good, and they murmured carefully, "No wonder other people say that our family is run by our grandmother!"

"What's the matter? Food can't stop you two from eating. If you don't want to eat, give it to Dahuang!" Yu Ge'er stood up and pretended to pour out the brothers' food.

Zhuangzhuang and Anan were so scared that they quickly shoveled their rice into their mouths and didn't dare to say another word.

"You're just torturing the children. If you don't want to eat, I'll give your rice to Da Huang!" Grandma Shen brought out the dishes and saw that the two children were so scared that they didn't dare to raise their heads. The man at home was still there, so what nonsense could he give? She slapped Yu Ge'er on the body and said, "You've been rolling in the water all day. If you catch a cold tomorrow, I'll see if you feel sorry for it!"

"Grandma!" Yuger felt quite embarrassed.

"Hehe, it's okay. These two kids are strong and will learn sooner or later anyway!" Yang Dachuan laughed and didn't care. "If they can't go to school, they can only learn farming from their family."

"That's right. No one taught me at that time!" Yu Ge'er muttered, "If I don't learn well now, I don't know how much trouble I will have to endure in the future!"

"You have to take your time. What can you learn in one day?" Shen's grandmother didn't object to him teaching the children, but today the two little kids just rolled around in the fields. They haven't settled down yet, so how can they learn anything? He continued, "I remember that when Dachuan first started planting, he was so tired that he couldn't even straighten his back. What's more, these two children, let's assign them some other work tomorrow!"

"Cough cough cough!" Now it was Yang Dachuan's turn to feel embarrassed.

Zhuangzhuang and An'an heard this and laughed secretly, thinking that their grandmother was really good. But the next day, when they knew what tasks their grandmother had assigned to them, they could no longer smile.

"One bucket for each of you. If you don't pick up enough today, you won't be able to go out for the next month!" Yu Ge'er handed the bucket to the two of them and said, "Your grandmother said that we can feed the ducks after we pick them up. If you want to eat duck legs during the New Year, it's up to you."

Now the fields are full of golden apple snails that eat the seedlings. They are big and numerous. If they are not cleaned up, the newly planted seedlings will be eaten up by them in a few days. There is no need to learn how to do this job, just lower your head and put the snails into the bucket. This is just right for these two brothers to temper their temper!

"Grandma, I want to go to the fields!" Zhuangzhuang stared at the girl who was as tall as his thigh.
