After crying for a while, he turned his back with his butt sticking out, and refused to talk to his grandma, and even didn't want to go out to play.

Grandma Shen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She poked Yu'er with a finger and said, "Look at what you did! Zhuangzhuang, An'an, Grandma will make you something delicious today!"

This year, we planted a lot of pumpkins in every corner. This thing is easy to grow. The pumpkins of all sizes are piled up in almost half of the house. Dachuan doesn't like to eat pumpkin, and we don't cook it often at home. We usually feed it to the livestock at home.

A few days ago, Grandma Shen was cleaning the cellar at home and saw a few bags of wheat that had not yet husked. They were packed tightly and pressed in a large vat. She asked Dachuan to pick out a bag and grind it into flour. Today, she made some pumpkin steamed cakes for the two children to sweeten their stomachs.

These pumpkin steamed cakes are simple snacks. Peel the pumpkin flesh, steam it, mash it and mix it with white flour. Add sugar and old dough to make dough. Cover with a lid and let it ferment until it is twice as large. Add a few red dates to the dough, add water and steam it for fifteen minutes. It's done.

The finished pumpkin steamed cake was colorful, tender, refreshing and sweet. The two brothers ate it with smiles on their faces. After a while, they resumed their activities and ran around in and out of the house.

Yu Ge'er scolded with a smile, "You should have just stayed still. The noise is causing a headache!" But when he saw that the two children's faces were smiling again, he did not scold them any more.

Yang Dachuan also ate a few pieces of the pumpkin steamed cake. Normally, he felt uncomfortable when he saw a cooked pumpkin, but he would not even look at it. Unexpectedly, it was made into a snack and tasted quite good. The whole family enjoyed the pumpkin steamed cake with gusto.

"A wolf has entered the village! A wolf has entered the village!" Just as Yang Dachuan was teasing his son with a piece of steamed cake, a loud shout was heard outside.

"How did a wolf get in? Isn't there a wall around it?" Grandma Shen panicked and quickly stood up.

"I'll go out and take a look! You guys stay home and close the door, don't come out." Yang Dachuan picked up two sticks and ran out of the house, closing the door behind him. The wall of their house was high, so they had nothing to fear as long as they closed the door.

Yuger wanted to hold his master back from going out, but he grumbled a few words and finally gave up.

"Where is the wolf?" Many men went out after hearing the loud shouting, and they all went out with their weapons in hand, some of them even without time to put on their clothes properly.

"Outside the courtyard wall, the guys who went up the mountain to chop firewood are being surrounded!"

"Damn it, how did that group of people get involved with wolves? Were they going to chop wood or hunt?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at first, as long as they didn't enter the yard. However, when they saw the few people outside who were surrounded by a group of seven or eight wolves and whose legs and feet were trembling and their bodies were shaking, they couldn't help cursing. They were all people from the village inside, and they ran to the entrance of the village outside. What were they trying to do? They were trying to divert trouble away.

But seeing that several of them had been bitten, and one had even been lying motionless for a while, the people outside had no choice but to rescue them.

"Looks like these wolves are in the same group. We have to keep them all, otherwise we won't have a peaceful life in the future!" Wolves have a strong sense of revenge. If they are not wiped out this time, they will never be able to go out to work in the future.

"Call out all the men who can move in the yard!" Seven or eight wolves may not seem like a lot, but if they were to keep them all, there wouldn't be enough of them.

"Uncle Laoshan and his men have also brought people out!"

The people in the yard at the entrance of the village felt a little relieved. It was okay. It didn't need to be a case of the people outside fighting to the death while the villagers just sat there and pretended not to know.

Chapter 64: Encountering a Wolf

Uncle Shan brought about twenty strong men with him, and they also had about ten people on their side. They formed a circle and slowly forced the group of wolves into an open space. The group of people who had been surrounded just now also got a chance to move around, and they quickly carried the people back to the village for treatment.

I don't know how the group of people who went up the mountain to chop wood provoked these wolves. They didn't look like they were hungry and came down the mountain to look for food. They were all very difficult to deal with. Especially the wolf, which was cunning and vicious. It bit several people in the village. Yang Dachuan didn't pay attention and his arm was bitten. However, he was wearing thick clothes in winter, so the bones were not injured. It was estimated that the skin was broken and bleeding.

"You guys take half of it outside. The wolf meat and wolf skin are both good. Bring me the skins that can't be tanned!" Uncle Shan panted and ordered. Everyone who came out was tired, but they couldn't take all the wolf meat back. However, the wolf skins were smashed to pieces by them, and there was nothing good to tannery.

Under the command of Uncle Shan, more than thirty men fought with the wolves for more than an hour before they killed them all. Now they were gasping for breath, and some of them even began to feel scared, with their hands and feet shaking.

"What are you doing? How did you provoke those wolves?" After catching your breath, everyone asked those people in a bad tone. This was not just chopping wood, it was like stirring up a hornet's nest. If it is not handled properly, everyone in the village will suffer in the future.

"Well, we saw a few wild rabbits on the mountain, so we just picked them up. Who would have thought that they were meat in the mouths of these wolves?"

The group of people who went up the mountain were chopping wood honestly at first, but who would have thought that a few rabbits would suddenly jump out. The snow on the mountain was thick, and the rabbits didn't run fast. The group of people saw them and didn't let them go. They caught the rabbits in a few seconds.

They didn't know if it was the sight of blood that attracted a wolf. They didn't take it seriously at first. There were four or five of them on the mountain today, all with axes and sticks, so they were not afraid at all. They just wanted to scare it, but they didn't expect that seven or eight fierce and strong wolves would jump out at once, so they could only run down the mountain.

"You are a bunch of troublesome people. Don't go out to the mountains these days, and don't be alone!" The old uncle scolded.

Although this group of wolves are left in the village today, there is no guarantee that there will be other wolf packs. If anyone goes out and provokes one like today, not only will he hurt his own life, but the village will never have peace in the future. A thief can only be a thief for a thousand days; how can one be on guard against thieves all the time?

"Alas! I don't have much firewood left at home, and I don't know when this cold weather will end!"

"That's right. Now I'm almost removing the legs of the stools at home and burning them to keep warm."

"Damn it, those unfortunate guys, couldn't they just collect firewood quietly? They had to hunt rabbits. Now they've been blinded by an eagle!"

"Hey, if a rabbit jumps in front of you, can you hold it in?"

After dealing with the wolves, everyone was in the mood to gossip again. They talked about their own affairs, such as running out of firewood, vomiting sweet potatoes at home, and someone's family had a new harvest. For a while, they were in good spirits.

"Everyone, disperse. If your injuries are not serious, go back and wash your wounds and take good care of yourself. If you are worried, come back to the village with me to check!" After Uncle Shan arranged the rest of the matters, he sent everyone home.

I don't know if they smelled the wolf outside, but the two big dogs at home kept barking. When Yang Dachuan came home carrying a sack of wolf butt meat, Dahuang and Erhuang were about to pounce on him.

Yu Ge'er heard the noise and ran out. He saw blood on Yang Dachuan's arm and was staring at him without moving. Then Grandma Shen, who came after him, quickly shouted, "Da Huang and Er Huang, come back. What are you yelling for?
