Well, today, the rain has become a little lighter, and it doesn't hurt like it did a few days ago! Yang Dachuan packed up and went to his stepbrother's house.

"Dachuan, it's raining, why are you here?" Yang Dashan was sitting in the main room, sharpening a sickle for the summer harvest with a whetstone. The sickle was sharpened so thoroughly that no one knew how long it had been sharpened.

Yang Dachuan took off his straw raincoat, hung it at the door, and shook off the rain on his body. "Brother, I think we should start harvesting rice today. I would like to invite you and my third brother to come over and give me a hand." This summer, the three brothers had agreed to harvest rice together, but because of the delay caused by the rain, they had not discussed who should harvest first.

Yang Dashan glanced outside. Although the rain had lightened, it had not stopped yet and there was no sign of it stopping for the time being.

"Is there enough space at home?" Yang Dashan thought for a while and understood Yang Dachuan's approach. If the rain continued to get heavier, there would be no harvest in the fields!

"Spread it thicker and put it all over the house, that's enough!"

"Okay, tell the third brother!"

"Then I'll go to the third brother's house and tell him to come over for lunch with my sister-in-law, the eldest son and the second son at noon." Because Yang Dachuan's family had the most paddy fields and he was the only one working, he took the initiative to take on the task of cooking for his family. During the days of harvesting rice, we ate lunch and dinner at his house, no matter whose family was harvesting rice!

After saying hello to the third brother's house, Yang Dachuan walked towards the village again.

They thought it would rain and they couldn't do anything, so they asked their brothers Yang Qing, Yang Ping, and Xu Lin to come and help! They hadn't harvested yet, so they were surprised that Yang Dachuan decided to harvest rice now, but they were not confused. They still wanted to wait a little longer, maybe it would be sunny in two days.

Even if it rained, more people would always make the job faster. A few people were already well-done. It took 8 people 3 days to harvest all the 8 mu of paddy fields in Yang Dachuan's family. The harvested rice looked like it had been soaked in water. Except for the room where the two husbands and Shen's grandmother lived, the rest of the ground was covered with rice. Everyone ate in the main room covered with rice, eating with the fresh smell of rice.

The meals cooked by Grandma Shen were always delicious, and Yang Dachuan was generous, so there was meat for every meal these days. The family raised chickens, ducks, and geese, and they bought large grass carps raised at home a few days in advance, as well as fresh and plump pork belly and pickled bacon. Everyone was so happy that their mouths were drooling and they worked very hard.

Yang Dashan and Yang Dalu went to the fields, so naturally there was no one to cook at home. The three nephews also came to their second uncle's house. Yang Dachuan had a good idea. The house was now full of rice, and the nephews could stay at home to help rake the rice. Besides, his family not only had delicious meals, but also had snacks. The temptation to the nephews was still very strong.

After harvesting the rice from Yang Dachuan's family, Yang Dachuan gave red envelopes to Yang Qing, Yang Ping, and Xu Lin as a thank you for their help over the past few days. He did not mention it as wages. This has been a long-standing practice in the village, and everyone knew it, so no one refused.

Yang Dashan and Yang Dalu had just finished harvesting Yang Dachuan's rice. The rain was not stopping at all, let alone clearing up. They did not dare to delay any longer and had to harvest the rice in the rain.

After Yang Qing, Yang Ping and Xu Lin helped Yang Dachuan harvest rice, they returned home and went to the fields to harvest rice. When the villagers saw Yang Dachuan and his three brothers taking the lead in harvesting rice in the rain, some of them also put on their straw raincoats and went to the fields to harvest rice. However, some people wanted to wait for sunny days or because their homes were not big enough, they would harvest rice for one day and rest for another day, fearing that the rice would be spoiled if it was not exposed to the sun.

After all, only a minority of the villagers, less than half, were determined to harvest rice in the rain. Seeing that the rain not only did not stop, but also got heavier, when the three families harvested the last acre of Yang Dalu's field, the rain was so heavy that it hurt and they could not even open their eyes. It took two days to harvest the rice that could have been harvested in half a day!

The families in the village who had not harvested rice were now in a panic. The fields were filled with water and could not be drained out. The rice stalks were blown down by the strong wind and all lay flat in the water. It was ten times more difficult to harvest rice now than when Yang Dachuan harvested rice. If they did not harvest, then this crop would be in vain and there would be no harvest!

During the rice harvest, my family cooked a big pot of ginger soup and medicine prescribed by Dr. Zhou every day to prevent colds, for fear that people would fall down in the fields after being caught in the rain, and then get seriously ill. In the last few days of the harvest, my two sisters-in-law stopped going to the fields. There was no other way. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and someone was needed to look after the harvested rice.

Fortunately, Yang Dachuan was in good health now. After being caught in the rain for nearly ten days, he took two days of rest at home.

Yu Ge'er was sorting out the cloth that had been soaked in seawater at home today, and he said to Yang Dachuan, "The rice we harvested on the first day is almost dry now, and we don't have to worry about it getting damaged if we put it in bags. The floor at home is a little empty now, so we can make some space. Why don't we tell my brother and the others to put the rice that can't be spread out at our house to dry!"

"Then I'll go and tell them. I'm thinking of setting it up at my third brother's house. The rice he harvested later seemed to be soaked in water!" Yang Dachuan shook his head and sighed.

After talking to the two families, it turned out that the batch of rice that Yang Dalu's family harvested the next two days had indeed sprouted. After hearing that Yang Dachuan could move some rice over to him, he hurriedly brought the rice over and spread it out, and even lit a charcoal basin, ready to stay there to dry it!

Last year, Yang Dachuan didn't work hard, and he could only harvest about 320 kilograms per mu of paddy field. This year, he used enough fertilizer and took good care of the crops, but there was too much rain later, and the crops didn't grow well. I estimate that he could only harvest about 280 to 300 kilograms. Compared with other people in the village, Yang Dachuan was quite satisfied with himself.

The rest of the families in the village are now in a state of gloom. More than half of the families in the village could not get back 50% of the first crop of grain this year. Now the rice harvest is not harvesting, but going down to the fields to scoop up the rice. The rice ears that are scooped up are almost all broken apart by the rain, and some have already sprouted in the water.

The heavy rain lasted until mid-August before the sky cleared up. Now the fields are flooded and connected into one piece. It is impossible to tell which field belongs to which family!

Yang Dachuan had just walked back from the fields wearing a straw raincoat. The seedlings he had grown a few days ago had been flooded. He was going to the fields to replant today. He only planned to plant rice in the 5 acres in Pingshan Village. The paddy fields in Dayuan Village were still seriously waterlogged, so he would plant potatoes and corn after the water receded for a while.

The first harvest of Dawan Village this year was even lower than that of Pingshan Village. The village itself is located at a low altitude, right on the bank of the river. With the heavy rain this year, all the paddy fields in the village were flooded in a few days. When Yang Dachuan harvested rice, a few families followed suit, so the harvest was not too bad. Yang Dachuan estimated that the rest of the villagers could receive less than 40% of the grain in the granary.

Yang Dachuan thought, the north has been dry for the past two years, the harvest is not good, this year the flood in the south is more serious than in previous years, the weather in the second half of the year is still unknown, it is better to plant more easy to dig and eat, drought and flood guaranteed harvest. Water chestnuts and water chestnuts will be planted in the two acres of newly reclaimed mud field, if there is harvest, then harvest, if there is no harvest, it doesn't matter!

As for the tea oil seeds on the mountain, the overseas trade has basically stopped now, and it is unknown when it will return to normal. It is estimated that there may be less harvest or no harvest this year. Yang Dachuan did not know whether other people in the village knew the news. Anyway, he was not going to say anything. If he made a fuss, everyone would
