"Then you guys have to ask other people!" Yang Dachuan shook his head, not optimistic about them. If they demolished the old house to build the wall, wouldn't they have to build a new house to live in? Even if the bricks and tiles and labor were ready to build the wall, it would not be so easy outside. The wall could not be built in a short time. It would take at least ten days and half a month. It was hard to say what would happen in such a long time.

"Dachuan, we have asked everyone else. As long as you nod, everyone else will say yes!" Xu Lin also knew that his request was embarrassing, but his home in the village was a mess and he really couldn't stay there anymore. He could only risk his old face to find a place to go.

Yang Dachuan was in a dilemma. How did this ball fall on him? But seeing several men around him staring at him eagerly, it was difficult to refuse for a while!

"Well, I'll go back and think about it, and discuss it with other people!" Yang Dachuan regretted coming here to deliver the gifts today. The marriage between his two sons and Brother Yun hasn't even started yet, and now he's involved.

"Okay, give me a definite answer when the time comes whether it will work or not!" Xu Lin was already very satisfied with what had been said today, and he didn't expect Dachuan to agree right away.

"Dachuan, why did Xu Lin look for you? Is he asking you about his family moving out?" Before Yang Dachuan returned to his own field, Yang Dalin and several people from the village entrance came up to him.

"Has he looked for you?" Hey, Xu Lin is really skillful!

"Hehe! Dachuan, we have all agreed to it. If it's nothing, you should agree to it too!" Several people rubbed their hands embarrassedly and looked at Yang Dachuan with hope on their faces.

"Agreed? What did he promise you?" It's strange, they agreed so easily.

"What can we get? It's just a matter of land. When the time comes, they can enclose a bigger piece of land and give us some, then we won't suffer any loss!" Everyone knew how big each family's house was at the entrance of the village. They were not like Yang Dachuan who had an acre of backyard. The rice harvest at home was ok for a change of taste, but it was always difficult to have enough to eat. Besides, Xu Lin and his family moved in, so they didn't lose any land in their own yard.

"Then you have to ask other people in the courtyard. If more than half agree, then it'll be fine!" Although Yang Dachuan's family is on good terms with Xu Lin, they don't want to take the responsibility of this matter on themselves.

"Hey, that's it!"

I don't know what Xu Lin and the others said, but the people at the entrance of the village were really convinced by them. The next day they packed up their things and moved to the entrance of the village. They planned to build a new house on the old drying yard. That piece of land belonged to the village and it was a ready-made place, so they didn't need anyone to vacate the land for them.

Yao Ge'er and his wife were also strong-willed and did not want to trouble Yang Dachuan and his wife any more, so they packed up their belongings and moved into the old yard of the drying yard. The house in the old yard was in a very dilapidated state, and it was ok for adults to live there, but not for children. Yu Ge'er felt sorry for the children, so he took the two children from Yao Ge'er's family to his own home.

Yao Ge'er didn't bother to be polite with him: "Let's leave these two children at your house first. The old yard is a mess now and it's hard to place them. If the head of the family and I are too busy at night, let them rest here."

Yu Ge'er handed him a cup of tea and said, "Then you two might as well live in our house. Our house is not far from your new house. You don't have to go to the old yard in the middle of the night and make a fuss!"

Yao Ge'er smiled bitterly. It's fragrant when close by, but smelly when far away. He couldn't even get along with his own brother and sister-in-law, so how could he dare to squeeze close to Yu Ge'er? This was also the reason why the couple decided to build the house next to the old yard.

"How are those two old people doing now?" Xu Lin and his wife exchanged their houses and land in the village with other people. The old people in that family must be furious.

"Don't pay attention to them. We have all separated the family. No matter where we go, we all have our own grounds to stand on!" Yao Ge'er's face became angry. If they hadn't been making noise at home all day, his family would not have decided to move out.

Suddenly, there were two more children in the house. They ate a big meal at the lively table, digested the food, and then let Yu Ge'er coax them to sleep. The two children of Yao Ge'er's family also suffered. The house was a mess. Look at this little face, it's blue, unlike the two of our family, whose faces are chubby and rosy. However, the children still need to be more solid.

Yu Ge'er sat on the bed and thought for a while, then Yang Dachuan came back.

"What are the rules outside now? Do we have to fence off some land outside as well?"

"No, I just went to lend a hand!" Yang Dachuan shook off the mud on his body. Who doesn't want to enclose more land? But if they enclose more land, it will cost more materials and labor, and they have to pay for it themselves.

"What do the villagers say?" Xu Lin and his people moved out and enclosed some land. Wouldn't the villagers be jealous?

"What's there to say? Just enclose it if you can!" Yang Dachuan disagreed. There were many people clamoring to move out a few days ago. Now that some people have really moved out, they immediately become silent when they hear that they have to pay for the wall bricks and labor out of their own pockets. It's just that they don't want to leave the village, but want to occupy a piece of land outside. How greedy!

"The village has never thought about expanding outwards. What's the point of fighting for that tiny piece of land in the village all day long?" Yu Ge's people are really disappointed. There are enough people in the village. If they can be a little more united, no matter how much, just like Xu Lin and his friends, and expand outwards a little, the village will be much more relaxed. It won't be as bad as it is now, and even the planting of crops has been delayed!

"The village chief has decided to expand to the west, the land there is good." But some people are having a headache! Yang Dachuan shook his head. If the village opens a kiln to make bricks, they will probably have to go outside to help, so that they can get some bricks back. But if you open a kiln to make bricks yourself, not to mention the quality of the bricks, but you have to have someone to dig the yellow mud, cut the firewood in the mountains, and prepare the leftover stones. These are not easy jobs, and it will take more than one or two days, so it is difficult to arrange people!

But for those like Xu Lin who had to demolish their own houses to build the wall, not many people had the heart to do it. Didn't you see that only eight families have moved out now? Originally, not only the entire village, but at least half of the village came to his house to say good things and said they wanted to move out. But now when they heard that they were going to demolish their houses to build the wall, they didn't even dare to raise their heads when they saw Yang Dachuan!

"Then Xu Lin and his family are not doing well either!" Although they moved out to live in peace and quiet, their good home was torn to pieces, and they have to live in a shabby house with light coming through everywhere. The whole family has to suffer!

"You are still too stubborn. Why bother to fight for this!" Grandma Shen sighed. Although Yao Ge'er and his wife have the upper hand legally, they have fallen out with their parents and brothers. Who knows how the villagers and clansmen will look down on Xu Lin. Both sides will be unhappy. It is better to endure it for now.

"If you can endure it once, you will have to endure it again and again!" Yu Ge'er felt that Xu Lin and his wife were right. If it were him, he would not be able to endure it and would have to make a scene. He still wanted the land, which was really wishful thinking. He would have to be like Yao Ge'er and not leave them even a tile.

Yang Dachuan also felt that Xu Lin was a tough guy, but if it were him, he guessed that he would not be kicked out so easily. He couldn't touch his own parents, so there was nothing to be afraid of between brothers. If his parents made a fuss, he would catch his brother and beat him up to see who would give in first!

This time, Xu Lin and his family moved a total of eight families out.
