There were people adding fuel to the fire, trying to mediate the fight, and standing aside to watch the fun. Yang Dachuan took a quick look and thought that everyone living in the entire courtyard at the entrance of the village should have come.

"What's going on?" Yang Dachuan pursed his lips and greeted Yang Dalin who was standing aside.

"Hehe, it's all about fighting over land!" Yang Dalin also took his wife and children out for some fresh air today. When he talked to Yang Dachuan, he let the children play. "It's hard to tend to the fields outside now. Sea rats come ashore every few days. If you don't pay attention, the harvest will be gone. But now we can eat meat and we don't lack food. Look, this side of our village is spacious. If we plant one or two plots of land in front of and behind the house, we will have enough food, right?"

"Isn't this a good thing? What's there to argue about?" Yang Dachuan looked confused.

"It's a good thing, but it's not easy to divide. Everyone wants to take more, it's not clear!" Now there are more than ten or twenty households living outside, and the elders who have a say in the village are all in the village. No one is willing to submit to anyone else, so they started fighting!

"Tsk, tsk, you're really angry!" Yang Dachuan shook his head. "What should we do now? Invite the village chief over?"

"Hey, the village chief has been busy these days and has no time to come to our place! The village is now more lively than our place outside," Yang Dalin squatted on the wall of the drying yard with a smile and whispered to him, "We have a lot of space outside, and the only thing we are fighting for is whose land is bigger. People live so crowded in the village, and if you want to plant some vegetables in front of or behind your house, you have to fight. The village is like a barrel, and it will explode at any time!"

"What should we do now?" There were mostly people watching the fight, and only one or two people tried to stop it.

"Don't worry about it, it won't kill anyone anyway!" Yang Dalin curled his lips indifferently. Hearing what Aunt Lu said today, he felt uncomfortable. Their family also came back from the city. What's wrong with the new movers? Aren't they villagers? They occupied the land and had to use this as an excuse. Fortunately, they were not quarreling with his family, otherwise he would have to slap Lu Fang twice. If he couldn't beat his mother, could he not beat his son?

Yang Dachuan looked at Yang Dalin in surprise. How could he be so upset in such a short while? He was fine just now. But he didn't say much. The family walked around the compound twice, and then went home when they felt bored.

"Mine, mine! Pah! Pah! Pah!"

"Oh my, wow..."


Not long after returning home, Yang Dachuan didn't notice that the two brothers Zhuangzhuang and Anan started fighting over a small doll. They hit each other with their fists and slaps, and the house was about to collapse.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Dachuan, couldn't you stop them?" Yu Ge'er was hanging clothes in the backyard. When he heard his son crying, he put down his work and hurried over to separate the two children, muttering, "In just a moment, couldn't you take a closer look at the children? Look at what they've done!"

The two kids were quite hard on the slaps, their foreheads and noses were all red, their eyes and noses were wrinkled together, they were crying, and now that they were separated, they still stretched their arms and legs and gestured.

Yang Dachuan frowned, and he and Yu Geer hugged each other and comforted them, "What's wrong with Zhuangzhuang and An'an? I always feel that they are very noisy these two days." Although the house is not quiet usually, the two children don't look like petty people. They jump around and run around everywhere in the house, but they don't hit people at every turn like they did these two days. They were also dishonest when eating just now. They were in a bad mood and refused to eat. They raised their hands and knocked over the dishes on the table.

Yuger also felt that the two children were very irritable recently and would lose their temper if he was not careful. "I don't know if it's because the season has changed. The weather is so dry and they are very irritable. I'll make a pot of cold tea for them later!" They can't sleep well at night and have to get up several times a night. They are more difficult to take care of than when they were a few months old.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? I heard our Zhuangzhuang and An'an crying before I even entered the house?" Grandma Shen looked anxious. She heard the children crying from a distance before she even stepped into the house. Looking at the two children's red faces, she said distressedly, "Can't you two pay more attention at home? Look at how they got beaten!"

"Grandma, do you still have the herbal tea leaves you made last time? I'll boil a pot later. These two kids are so hot!"

"I think our child is frightened. I'll go outside to pick some poplar branches and boil some hot water for the child to soak in. He will sleep soundly after soaking!" The children are in front of her all day long, and Grandma Shen also knows that these two children are difficult to take care of recently.

Soaking in poplar branches is a common way to prevent children from making trouble. Pick fresh poplar branches and put two clean cloth towels in a large pot and boil until it boils, then pour it into a large basin to cool, but do not add cold water, let the boiling water cool slowly.

When the water is cool enough for adults to use, pick up the cloth and wring out the water to wipe the child's body. It should not be too hot or too cold at this time. When the water temperature in the basin is suitable for children, put the child in and soak slowly.

"Will this work?" Yang Dachuan saw the two children being scalded by the hot water in the basin like boiled red shrimps. He didn't know whether this method was reliable or not. It would be better to let the village uncle Yang take a look. Although uncle Yang was not a real doctor, the children in the village would go to him for treatment when they had a headache or fever.

"You can ask Uncle Yang for the same method. There is no doctor or medicine now. Our child doesn't have a fever or cough. Just treat him like this. He will be fine after sweating!" Yuger held down the restless eldest child in the basin and explained while wiping his body.

"I just went to the Lu family to get some blue medicine. You can wrap them around the children when they go to sleep at night!" Grandma Shen had heard two days ago that Aunt Lu's grandson was making a fuss. Seeing that Aunt Lu's family was quiet at night, she hurried over and brought back two patches of blue medicine.

"Dachuan, crush them first!" Grandma Shen handed a few leaves to Yang Dachuan.

Yang Dachuan knew that there was also such a saying in his hometown. Crush the indigo leaves and wrap them around the child's heels. The child would be well in two days. Similar methods include pricking fingers, catching pine trees, and calling back the child's soul.

"What happened to Aunt Lu and Aunt Zhou? Who won?" Although Yang Dachuan looked quite boring from outside just now, it did not stop him from being curious about the result.

Grandma Shen glanced at him unhappily and said, "Who is going to win this? They are just a bunch of old ladies quarreling and talking nonsense. How can they fight to the death?"

"It's hard to say! Even brothers won't let go." Yu Ge'er just came back from Yao Ge'er today. The village is in chaos now. Yesterday, the three brothers Xu and Lin were arguing over the two acres of private land in front of their house. Even brothers can start fighting, let alone neighbors in the village.

"No one told us this!" Yang Dachuan's family also occupies a large area of land. They originally lived at the edge of the village. Even though some people moved to the entrance of the village later, there was still a lot of vacant land around them. A few days ago, Yang Dachuan simply planted vegetables on all the vacant land around them. The fields outside were all left to follow the trend of the village. They worked as much as they could and harvested as much as they could. They didn't pay as much attention as before.

"I haven't heard of that!" The two children in the family are growing up, and Yu Ge'er and Grandma Shen take the children out whenever they have time, but they have never heard anyone say this!

"Then don't worry!" If someone really came to the door, Yang Dachuan would not know what to do.
