Please come over for a meal and bear witness.

The somewhat cold marriage caused the villagers to talk about it again, saying that Yang Dachuan was a pretty face, except for his good looks, but he was actually poor! Fortunately, my daughter didn't marry him, otherwise she would have to suffer so much. Shen Yu was also unlucky. She had been a hard worker before she went out, and she didn't know how much hardship she would have to endure after marrying Yang Dachuan.

On the wedding day, Yang Dachuan was still a little scared, but as soon as he blew out the lights at night, he followed his feeling and left.

Chapter 4 After Marriage

The next morning, Shen Yu woke up early. The unfamiliar feeling of being a newcomer and the uncertainty about his future life made him sleep very uneasily. He knew his own weight very well. He was not good-looking, his temper was not gentle, his figure was not slim enough, and he could not speak sweet little words. If he was not diligent and capable, God would not know how to help him.

Being able to marry Yang Dachuan was already the best choice. How he could live in the future would depend on his own ability. Of course, he also believed in himself. It was impossible for him to manage the family by himself before the contract, and now the two of them could not manage the family well.

It was spring when Yang Dachuan first came here, and now the autumn harvest is over and winter is about to set in. After arranging the affairs of the Shen family, Grandma Shen came to live with Yang Dachuan, giving the young couple some time to spend together alone.

Yang Dachuan will be responsible for Grandma Shen's retirement in the future, which was agreed upon at the beginning. Although it would be a bit uncomfortable to have two more people in the family, he thought about it and realized that he had made a profit. Not only was Shen'er capable, but Grandma Shen was only less than 40 years old this year. Although her health was not very good, she was a good cook. Before his father-in-law passed away, people in the surrounding villages often invited her to preside over the big stove. After his father-in-law passed away, he was too sad and his health deteriorated. Gradually, there were rumors that he was unlucky, childless, and unlucky. After hearing so many rumors, everyone was a little taboo, and gradually no one invited her anymore. The family lost its pillar, and he lost his energy and spirit. If it weren't for the little brother of the Shen family who needed to be taken care of, he would probably not live long. But the heavy responsibility of the family fell on the little brother who was only 14 years old, and gradually cultivated his personality of being right.

When Yang Dachuan woke up in the morning, he opened his eyes and didn't find Shen Yu by his side. When he went out of the room, he found that Shen Yu had cleaned up the house neatly. The house was a mess after the banquet yesterday, and there was no time to clean it up. Now Shen Yu has cleaned and put them in order.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I can clean it up. Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Shen Yu saw Yang Dachuan coming out of the room, and hurriedly stood up and said, "Nothing, I just couldn't sleep. I get up at this time at home, too. I'm used to it!"

Yang Dachuan guessed that Shen Yu was still a little unaccustomed to the new home. He took a quick look around and found that the house was tidy and clean, so he didn't have to get involved.

Yang Dachuan was happy. Although he was not willing to marry a young man at first, after spending the past two months together and yesterday's contact, he really felt that it was a good thing for him to marry a young man.

The two of them cleaned up the leftovers from last night and had a simple meal. Then Yang Dachuan took Shen Yu for a stroll around the village and introduced him to the locals.

The two of them packed up some incense, candles, and paper money, and went to the grave of Yang Dachuan's parents to burn incense and paper first. The next day they had to go back to Dawan Village to burn paper for Shen A'die.

After coming down the mountain, the two men carried a few bags of snacks and went straight to Yang Dashan and Yang Dalu's home.

The two brothers Yang Dashan and Yang Dalu also came to help yesterday. Knowing that Yang Dachuan would bring his wife over to meet the family today, the couple stayed at home and did not go out.

Yang Dashan and Yang Dalu's homes live in the same yard, which is now separated by a wall. One can see that they are newly built earthen brick and tile houses. The yard is much smaller than their own. After all, there are many people here and less residential land. What's more, the two brothers live in the same yard, which makes it even smaller.

People in the countryside don't pay much attention to etiquette. They brought Yu Ge'er over to greet each other and have a cup of tea with his sister-in-law and sister-in-law. The three brothers chatted for a while and then went back to work in the fields.

Then, Yang Dachuan took him to the homes of the village chief and several elders of the Yang family, to introduce themselves to the people and greet them, and then took him for a stroll in the village to get to know their faces. From then on, he became a member of Pingshan Village.

After returning home, Yang Dachuan took Yu Ge'er to the yard and explained the family's financial situation to him. In fact, there was not much to say, as the yard was so small that everything could be seen at a glance.

The house was a newly renovated mud house, and it was very clean. The walls of the hall, the room where he and his wife lived, and the room where Grandma Shen was going to live were all covered with bamboo strips, which made it look clean and unique. There were newly made tables, chairs and benches in the hall. In their room, the bed and quilt were all newly bought, with a bright red wedding quilt. When lying on it, you could still smell the resin smell of the new paint on the bed. The room on the right where Grandma lived was also tidy and clean.

Yang Dachuan told him, "This bedding is still too thin, just enough. When the weather gets cold, we'll need two thick quilts to get through the winter, otherwise we'll freeze. We also need to buy cotton-padded clothes and shoes. Well... this is all the money our family has now," Yang Dachuan said. Then he handed over to Brother Yu the savings he had accumulated from his hard work in the mountains for the past two months and the more than one tael of silver left after getting married. He felt a little embarrassed. Once the new wife came, he would have to worry about the housework. He really had to work hard to make money.

Then he pulled him into the kitchen: "I used to eat by myself and just ate whatever I wanted. The oil, salt, sauce and vinegar were all in these jars. The grain just harvested in autumn is in the storage room next door. Well... I haven't paid taxes this year. The vegetables are in the vegetable garden in the backyard. There are also corn and sweet potatoes planted on the dry land that have not been harvested, but not much, and they are not growing well. The firewood is piled in the corner of the yard. In a few days, I will go up the mountain to cut some big branches and dry them for the winter."

Shen Yu followed Yang Dachuan to look around the house and gradually had an idea of the family's situation. The family's current situation was indeed not good. If they did not work hard to earn money, they would not be able to survive this winter. She secretly calculated how much money she should give to buy things for the family.

The family situation is indeed not good now. After thinking about it, Yang Dachuan decided to explain it to Shen Yu to save him from worrying: "Brother Yu, I have thought about it before. After harvesting our crops, I will go into the mountains to pick oil tea fruits, dry them, press oil and sell them. I will show you our home so that you can have an idea. In the future, we will live together, and I will definitely tell you about the situation at home."

When he went to the city to sell wild animals before, Yang Dachuan found that the oil people eat now is generally animal oil, and the vegetable oil is mainly rapeseed oil and soybean oil. The vegetable oil is mainly brought from the north by merchants. It is expensive and is mostly enjoyed by wealthy families.

Camellia oil was not sold in the market, and the merchants I asked had not heard of anyone eating camellia oil. In their area, there were many wild camellia trees in the mountains, and many camellia fruits were produced, but the fruits were still small and not ready to be picked. Now the time was right, so they picked the camellia fruits, squeezed the oil themselves using some traditional methods, and took them to the county town to try.

If he couldn't make money from selling camellia oil, he would go to the mountains to burn charcoal. The land here was not too cold, and no one had a kang. In winter, people mostly burned firewood to keep warm. Those who had spare money at home were also willing to burn charcoal. There was still a market for charcoal here. Yang Dachuan had gone into the mountains with others to burn charcoal before he crossed over. Charcoal burning was a hard job. He would stay in the mountains for ten days or half a month, like a savage. He didn't want to do the job of burning charcoal unless it was absolutely necessary.

Shen Yu thought
